| Thumb |
Description |
Cemetery |
Status |
Linked to |
1 |
 | Albion G. Stafford 1862-1925 Headstone of Albion G. Stafford - Prairie View Cemetery, Wisconsin
| Prairie View Cemetery WI | Located |
2 |
 | Alvin P. Stafford Headstone at Tinmouth Cemetery, Tinmouth Rutland County, Vermont.
| Tinmouth Cemetery, VT | Located |
3 |
 | Amaranth Ames
Headstone at Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | Located |
4 |
 | Atterson Bronough- 1823-1850- lst husband of Nancy Jane Stafford - located at Stafford Cemetery, Stafford Ridge Road, Carroll County, Kentucky
| Stafford Cemetery, KY | Located |
5 |
 | Austin Headstone Crary Mills Cemetary
| | Located |
6 |
 | B. F. Stafford
Co. B.
4th Ga. Cav.
May 12, 1914
Aged 68 yrs.
No Headstone Photograph Available
Headstone Text
B. F. Stafford
Co. B.
4th Ga. Cav.
May 12, 1914
Aged 68 yrs.
| | Located |
7 |
 | Balaam Stafford Headstone
Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery Listing
6364 Snow Camp Road
Graham, NC 27253
(336) 376-9798
| | Located |
8 |
 | Benjamin F. and Jessie B. Stafford
| Caney Fork Cemetery, KY | Not yet located |
9 |
 | Burial Caney Fork Cemetery, Casey County, Kentucky
| Caney Fork Cemetery, KY | Not yet located |
10 |
 | Carrie Austin & Slyvanus Barrigar
Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | |
11 |
 | Carroll A. Auistin
Headstone at Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | |
12 |
 | Evaline A. Elliot wife of Albion K. Stafford
| Prairie View Cemetery WI | |
13 |
 | Family Headstone for Andrew C. Stafford 1829-1908
Rebecca Douboise 1833-1829 his wife.
Edward C. Stafford 1868-1909 their son.
| Youngs Cemetery, MI | Located |
14 |
 | Family headstone of Stutely Stafford 1799-1872 and his wife
Francis Flower 1789-1869.
| Riverside Cemetery, MI | Located |
15 |
 | Frances M. 1838-1899 and Mary Gardner Stafford 1837-1919, buried at Stafford Cemetery, Stafford Ridge Road, Carrollton, Kentucky
| | Not yet located |
16 |
 | Francis Flower Stafford 09 Aug 1799 - 16 Sep 1869 Headstone of Francis Flower Stafford
| | Located |
17 |
 | Gerald Ames & wife Ruth Briggs
Headstone at Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | |
18 |
 | Grave of Joseph Stafford Randwick N. S. W. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~maadonovan/gallery/Stafford/Edward%2520%26%2520Ellen%2520Stafford%25201915.jpg&imgrefurl=http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~maadonovan/gallery_stafford.htm&h=645&w=427&sz=63&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=JEenvF7qCIPWkM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=91&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstafford%2Bphoto%2Bgallery%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DDKUS,DKUS:2006-42,DKUS:en%26sa%3DN
| | Located |
19 |
 | Gravestone of Campbell Norwood Stafford and Julia Smith Stafford Burial:
Freeland Cemetery
Knox County
Indiana, USA
| | |
20 |
 | Gravestone of Robert Ural Stafford Highland Park Cemetery, Kansas city, Wyandotte Co., Kansas
| | Located |
21 |
 | Group Stafford Headstone in Oakwood Cemetery, Waukegan, Lake Co., Illinois
| | Located |
22 |
 | Harold A. Austin & Florence Enslow
Headstone at Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | |
23 |
 | Headstone at Crary Mills Cemetary
| Crary Mills Cemetery, NY | |
24 |
 | Headstone at Crary Mills for Carrie E. Austin & Sylvanus Barrigar
| | Located |
25 |
 | Headstone at Crary Mills for Harold A. Austin & Florence G. Enslow
| | Located |
26 |
 | Headstone at South Russell Cemetary
| South Russell Cemetery, NY | Located |
27 |
 | Headstone at South Russell Cemetary, South Russell, St Lawrence County, New York
| | Located |
28 |
 | Headstone at South Russell Cemetary, South Russell, St Lawrence County, New York On left side of entrance over the vault.
| | Located |
29 |
 | Headstone at South Russell Cemetary, South Russell, St Lawrence County, New York To left of road over vault.
| | Located |
30 |
 | Headstone at South Russell Cemetary, South Russell, St Lawrence County, New York
| South Russell Cemetery, NY | Located |
31 |
 | Headstone Crary Mills for John C. Austin & Alma E. Flynn
| | Located |
32 |
 | Headstone for Alvin Perry Thurston
| | Located |
33 |
 | Headstone for Arnetta June Newton Stafford and M. Art Newton NEWTON
DEC 22, 1927
JAN 20 1998
MAR 27 1927
JAN 7 1994
| | Located |
34 |
 | Headstone for Bert Linus Stafford 1877-1941.
| Evergreen Cemetery VT | Located |
35 |
 | Headstone for Clarence Ray Stafford (Casey Jr.)
Clerence Ray
July 6, 2932
Dec. 5, 1973
| | Located |
36 |
 | Headstone for Claude Alvin Stafford
| | |
37 |
 | Headstone for Dexter W. Dalrymple and Della F.Stafford Taken in SADAWGA Cemetary near Whitingham, Windham County, Vermont
| | Located |
38 |
 | Headstone for Emerson Stafford
| Village Cemetery, VT | Located |
39 |
 | Headstone for Esther Ann Smith Headstone in Crary Mills Cemetary
| | Located |
40 |
 | Headstone for Esther Stearns Headstone for Esther Stearns wife of John Ross Jr. taken in Village Cemetary, Readsboro, Bennington County, Vermont.
| | Located |
41 |
 | Headstone for George Stafford Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery Listing
6364 Snow Camp Road
Graham, NC 27253
(336) 376-9798
| | Located |
42 |
 | Headstone for Gilbert John Ross Headstone for Gilbert John Ross taken in Village Cemetary, Readsboro, Bennington, Vermont
| | Located |
43 |
 | Headstone for Gratia Stafford wife of John Ross Jr.
| Village Cemetery, VT | Located |
44 |
 | Headstone for Henry Clarence Stafford and Clara M. Varner Stafford STAFFORD
Apr. 4, 1906 Aug. 12 1903
Nov. 2, 1987 SEP. 3 1973
| | Located |
45 |
 | Headstone for James and Roxana Stafford in Oswego Cemetery, Kendall Co., Illinois Location: Oswego Cemetery, Kendall County, Illinois.
James Stafford born abt 1797 in New Hampshire died 23 January 1863 Oswego Illinois
wife Roxana (Mentor) born abt 1806 in New York died 10 January 1866 Oswego Illinois
| | Located |
46 |
 | Headstone for James Homer Hamilton and his wife Rosetta Fanny Shumway and son Oscar Nelson Hamilton
| | Located |
47 |
 | Headstone for James W. Stafford
| | Located |
48 |
 | Headstone for Jason Stafford and Ella Blaisdell Headstone taken in SADAWGA Cemetary near Whitingham, Windham County, Vermont.
| | Located |
49 |
 | Headstone for John Franklin Stafford buried at Mount Hope Cemetery Headstone fro John Franklin Stafford buried at Mount Hope Cemetery, Turtle Lake, Polk Co., Wisconsin
| | Located |
50 |
 | Headstone for John Ross Jr. Headstone for John Ross Jr. taken in Village Cemetary, Readsboro, Vermont
| | Located |
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