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Matches 100,901 to 100,950 of 122,413

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
100901 Moved to Huron Co. in 1853. JACKSON, John (I29289)
100902 Moved to Huron Co. in 1853. JACKSON, Abraham (I29290)
100903 Moved to Indiana. Family F5369
100904 Moved to Jasper Co. MO between 1866 and 1870. STAFFORD, Charles S. (I27969)
100905 Moved to Joplin, MO. Family F10966
100906 Moved to Kansas. STAFFORD, Hazel (I64186)
100907 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100908 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100909 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100910 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100911 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100912 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100913 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100914 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100915 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100916 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100917 Moved to Manitoba in 1906. MONTGOMERY, Robert Alfred (I24645)
100918 Moved to Montgomery County, Virginia and lived on Sinking Creek.

He was a member of the Luthern Church for 72 years and was the superintendant of Sunday School for 60 years. 
SMITH, Jacob Samuel (I79703)
100919 Moved to Montgomery County, Virginia and lived on Sinking Creek.

He was a member of the Luthern Church for 72 years and was the superintendant of Sunday School for 60 years. 
SMITH, Jacob Samuel (I79703)
100920 Moved to Montgomery County, Virginia and lived on Sinking Creek.

He was a member of the Luthern Church for 72 years and was the superintendant of Sunday School for 60 years. 
SMITH, Jacob Samuel (I79703)
100921 Moved to Montgomery County, Virginia and lived on Sinking Creek.

He was a member of the Luthern Church for 72 years and was the superintendant of Sunday School for 60 years. 
SMITH, Jacob Samuel (I79703)
100922 Moved to Montgomery County, Virginia and lived on Sinking Creek.

He was a member of the Luthern Church for 72 years and was the superintendant of Sunday School for 60 years. 
SMITH, Jacob Samuel (I79703)
100923 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100924 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100925 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100926 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100927 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100928 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100929 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100930 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100931 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100932 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100933 Moved to NJ. PERRY, Oliver H. (I26086)
100934 Moved to Ohio about 1845.

Washington Stafford was born 05 September 1820 in Hampshire County, Virginia. This is information from his biography in the 1887 History of Livingston County, Illinois, as well as from his tombstone and other sources. This is also supported by his information in the census from 1850-1900.
Research in the records of Hampshire County, Virginia, led us to the conclusion that Washington's parents were Joseph S. Stafford and Elizabeth Myer. This was finally confirmed when I was given a copy of the page from t
he Livingston County History, in which he states he was one of eight children of Joseph and Elizabeth Meyer Stafford.
Elizabeth's maiden name was spelled Myer on the marriage record; Meyer in the history.
In the aforementioned history (text below), Washington gave his siblings as Lizzie Jane Wiley, John, Sarah Long, Susan Brace, Mary Ridgeley, William and James. Our research had already confirmed Lizzie, John, Susan, M
ary, and James, and I suspected William. This is the confirmation.
Washington Stafford to Elizabeth Licklighter, 29 Nov 1842
His biography in the Livingston County HIstory says they had eight children, and he names them--James, John, Joseph, George, Louisa, Matilda, Lyldia and Mazy.
Elizabeth told the 1900 census she had given birth to 10 children, and 7 were still alive. The 3 dead are Joseph, who disappeared "out west"; an infant born about 1859; and Isabella Hanna Stafford, said to have died 17 Mar 1893 and is buried in the Payne Cemetery. However, Isabell appears on no census records with her parents. I wonder if the date is correct.
1850, OH, Coshocton Countypage 60/72/72
1860, IL, Livingston Countypage 898/1453/1445
1870, IL, Livingston Countypage x/85/85
1880, IL, Livingston Countypage 21/4/4
1900, IL, McLean Countypage 4A/75/75/81
A map showing land ownership in Livingston County, Illinois, shows Washing
ton Stafford owning two tracts of land, both about a mile southeast of Ocoya, a small community located on the Chicago and Alton Railroad. There are also several Myer/Myers and Umphenour families.
28 May 1909: "Chenoa Notes: Washington Stafford is seriously ill at t
he home of his daughter Mrs. J.S. McNeil in this city. Mr. Stafford is qu
ite an old man and but little hopes are entertained for his recovery."
TOMBSTONE, Payne Cemetery, Livingston County, Illinois
Born: Sept 5, 1820
Died: May 28, 1909
8; page 953
WASHINGTON STAFFORD. This gentleman for the past thirty-five years has been the interested observer o the many and great changes which have taken place in Central Illinois since his first arrival here in 1852. He was then a young man thirty-two years of age and had come to the West to build up for himself a permanent home. He possessed very little means and b
eing dependent upon his own resources at once began to exercise those habits of industry and economy to which he had been trained, and which had become his second nature. These were qualities quite common among the early pioneers and were the only basis upon which they could hope to build successfully in their efforts to secure their own comfort and well-being and that of their children.
Our subject is pleasantly located on section 21, Eppard's Point Township where he owns eighty acres of valuable land which he has brought to a g
ood state of cultivation and provided with substantial buildings. He has carried on general farming and on into years has made a specialty of stock raising in which he has been successful. He has just passed the sixty
-seventh year of his age and with his estimable wife, is still in good health, which is the usual result of correct and temperate living. 
STAFFORD, Washington (I36698)
100935 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100936 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100937 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100938 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100939 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100940 Moved to Oklahoma.
STAFFORD, Lucy A. (I31983)
100941 Moved to Oklahoma. HAYES, Robert Mackland "Mack" (I60580)
100942 Moved to Okmulgee, OK. STAFFORD, Cassie Ann (I4321)
100943 Moved to Okmulgee, OK. STAFFORD, Cassie Ann (I4321)
100944 Moved to Okmulgee, OK. STAFFORD, Cassie Ann (I4321)
100945 Moved to Oregon in 1848 and had more children. Family F21813
100946 Moved to Pecos, TX. STAFFORD, John E. (I29506)
100947 Moved to Port Elgin, Ontario in 1852 and gave property that town was built
on. Moved to Scotland, South Dakota in 1872 and gave property to the town for the new railroad. e belonged to the United Brethren Church of Ontario. In
Scotland he ran the general store, was the first postmaster and first mayor.

JOHN STAFFORD, Postmaster, was born near St. Catherines, Ont., in 1810, and lived there for sixty-three years engaged in mercantile business and other pursuits. In 1872 he came to the Territory of Dakota, bringing a stock of goods with him. He located 160 acres of land in Bon Homme County. The country was very new and it was seventy-four miles to a railroad point. Mr. Stafford put up a small building and opened the first stock of goods for sale in this part of the county. He soon after was appointed Postmaster, and managed to do quite a business in selling goods, farming, etc. In 1879, the railroad was built through the county and Mr. Stafford donated ninety acres to the Railroad Company to build a town, which has been named Scotland. He has since platted several additions to the town and has been one of the leading men in building it up. He has been liberal to those who come to the place to settle, and has donated several tracts of land to different enterprises which would benefit the place. He has also made many improvements in the town and on his land which add to their beauty. In 1839, he was married to Miss Rebecca Shoope, of Youngstown, N. Y., and has raised seven children - Adam, George, Abel, John, Mary, Emily and Rebecca. 
Stafford, John (I2393)
100948 Moved to Porter Co., IN. WRIGHT, Anne Jane (I95596)
100949 Moved to Porter Co., IN. WRIGHT, Anne Jane (I95596)
100950 Moved to Porter Co., IN. WRIGHT, Anne Jane (I95596)

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