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101301 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101302 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101303 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101304 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101305 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101306 Munger Cemetery. SHUTS, Sally (I22410)
101307 Municipal History of Essex County in Massachusetts - Page 104
by Benjamin F. Arrington, Lewis Publishing Company, Lewis PublishingCompany - Essex County (M ass.) - 1922 - 1432 pages

HERBERT W. MANAHAN, M. D., for the past twenty-eight years a prominentphysician of Lawrence , Massachusetts, has attained a leading position inthe medical profession of Essex county.
Dr. Manaban was born in Lawrence, on February 11, 1868, and is a son ofMark and Emily Manahan . Mark Manaban was born in Deering, NewHampshire, and lived there until he was about twent y years of age. He wasreared on a farm, but later engaged in the grocery business on his owna ccount in Lawrence, being thus engaged from 1866 until he retired in1884. He died May 31, 192 1, aged eighty-six years. In his earlier yearshe took an active interest in politics; he wa s a Republican, and servedin the City Council in 1869 and 1870.
His wife, Emily Manaban, now (1922) resides in South Lawrence.

Beginning his education in the public schools of his native city, Dr.Manahan later entered Ha rvard University Medical School, from which hewas graduated in the class of 1893. He began th e general practice ofmedicine in the same year at his present address, and has practicedconti nuously there since, with excellent success, now holding' aprominent position in the professi on, as well as
enjoying the confidence of the people. Dr. Manahan is a member ofPhoenician Lodge, Free an d Accepted Masons, and of the MassachusettsMedical Society, and the Lawrence Medical Club. H e is senior visitingsurgeon at the Lawrence General Hospital.

Dr. Manahan finds his greatest relaxation in music. For three years afterleaving high schoo l he studied the organ and related subjects at the NewEngland Conservatory of Music at Boston . He has been church organistfor more than thirty- four years, now serving the South Congre gationalChurch of South Lawrence in that capacity. He is the author of "FourSacred Songs." Du ring the World War Dr. Manahan served on the Draft Boardin District No. 1.

On September 18, 1893, Dr. Manahan married Wilhelmina Hanson, daughter ofJacob Hanson, o©U Wol fboro, New Hampshire, and they have one son and onedaughter: Ralph, who is a student at the M useum of Fine Arts in Boston;and Emily, now a high school student in Lawrence.

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World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Ralph Hanson Manahan
City: Lawrence
County: Essex
State: Massachusetts
Birth Date: 1 Aug 1900
Race: White
Roll: 1674345
DraftBoard: 1
Nearest Relative:
Color of Eyes/Hair:
Social Security Death Index
Name: Ralph Manahan
SSN: 022-09-0475
Last Residence: 33599 Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, United States ofAmerica
Born: 1 Aug 1900
Died: Jan 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: Massachusetts (Before 1951 )
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
Name: Ralph H Manahan
Death Date: 20 Jan 1978
County of Death: Hillsborough
State of Death: Florida
Age at Death: 77
Race: White
Birth Date: 1 Aug 1900

Last Name First Name Town Years Volume Page Type
Manahan Ralph H. Lawrence 1900 496 490 Birth 
MANAHAN, Ralph Hanson (I101865)
101308 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101309 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101310 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101311 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101312 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101313 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101314 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101315 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101316 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101317 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101318 Murdered after being kidnapped while driving for the Erie Cab Co. STAFFORD, Donald Mortimer (I109219)
101319 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101320 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101321 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101322 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101323 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101324 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101325 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101326 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101327 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101328 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101329 Murdered by bushwackers near Verona, MO. FLY, Martin Van Buren (I93141)
101330 Murdered by gun shot.
Listed as Disie G. Stafford, a married actress, in the home of her widowed mother Minnie L. Miller. Also listed is her brother Jack S. Miller. 
Miller, Dicie G. (Disie) (I034)
101331 Murdered by gun shot. Miller, Dicie G. (Disie) (I73825)
101332 Murdered by Sir John Holand between York and Bishopsthorpe (half-brother of King Richard II.. STAFFORD, Lord Ralph (I17661)
101333 Murdered over a dispute in a card game. STAFFORD, William (I40092)
101334 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101335 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101336 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101337 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101338 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101339 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101340 Murdered. STAFFORD, Atha Lou (I73179)
101341 Murphy, age 1 yr. & eleven months, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John T. Stafford.

Murphy, age 11, is listed as son on the 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of J. T. Stafford. 
STAFFORD, Murphy (I120334)
101342 Muskingum County Death Records, Volume I

buried Arch 5, Greenwood Cemetery

FROM MUSKINGUM COUNTY FOOTPRINTS, VOLUME 8, Greenwood Cememtery before 1895: Inscriptions and Other records"
Stafford, Anne, B. Sept. 27, 1791; D. Oct 9, 1862. Arch 5.
County death records say she died Oct 11 1869, age 78. 
WALKER, Mary Ann (I33797)
101343 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101344 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101345 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101346 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101347 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101348 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101349 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)
101350 Mustered into Company D. 6th Michiga Cavalry on 11 Feb 1864. Wounded 28 May 1864. Buried at Arlington National Cem., Section 27-463. STAFFORD, Ananias (I33868)

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