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 #   Notes   Linked to 
101751 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101752 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101753 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101754 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101755 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101756 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101757 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101758 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101759 Name: Nelson Franklin CARR
Sex: M
Birth: 2 SEP 1844 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Death: 3 NOV 1925 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"As eventful and colorful a story as can be found in this history of a family is the story of the life and adventures of Nelson F Carr.
Mr Frank M Carr has written a sketch of the life of his father. This is much too lengthy for such a work as this but to it I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for the information given here.
Left fatherless at four years of age Nelson's start was indeed the hard way. Not much time for education, none at all for play when at nine years old he began to shoulder the family responsibility. At fifteen he was the main support of his mother and two sisters.
It was when he was fifteen (April of 1859) that the family decided to seek better fortune in the exciting new west. By rail as far as it then went and beyond by ox team they journeyed until after four months of travel they settled near Ft Scott, Kan. Here they took up 320 acres of homestead land and began life anew.
Realizing his lack of education Nelson returned to Saratoga Springs in 1860 for a year in school. This year he must have used to tremendous advantage as he returned to a book keeping position in Ft Scott.
During the Civil War he served with distinction in Co B of the 6th Kansas Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
The fifteen years of his life after the war was a period of adventure and frontier fortune making such as we expect to find only in fiction.
Love and marriage, the raising of a fine family, fur trading, founding towns, traversing game filled, primitive country, building grist mills, building and supporting a school, lumbering and farming were among the adventures.
His marriage was interesting and fortunate. Meeting the lovely daughter of his friend, the highly honored Cherokee scout Hilliard Rogers, he promptly fell in love as did she. Their marriage soon took place. For nearly sixty years they lived and worked together.
Oswego, Kansas was founded by Nelson Carr. He founded its first business (a trading post) and served as its first postmaster. Bartlesville, Okla is another city which owes its beginnings largely to Nelson Carr. The family removed from Oswego, Kan to Bartlesville, Okla in Sept of 1867.
After 1875 he gave most of his time to agriculture. At one time he owned about 5000 acres of excellent grazing and cropping land near Bartlesville, Okla.
In ____________ oil was discovered on the Carr farm and a fortune for him and his family resulted.
Nelson F Carr was a member of Old Parker Lodge F & A M of Coffeyville, Kan and later of a lodge in Bartlesville, Okla.
Both Nelson and his wife died in Bartlesville where since 1909 they had maintained a fine home. They are both buried in a Mausoleum in White Rose Cemetery."
Source: The Carr Book, by Arthur Carr, pp 449-450, plus photo opposite pg 449.


Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998


Vol. 3, p. 1191-1192
Book has photo of family
It is with the title of "The Pioneer of Big Caney" that Nelson F. Carr has long been known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington County. He was the first white settler of any real importance along that river, and nearly fifty years have elapsed since he and Mrs. Carr, his noble wife, began housekeeping in the wilderness which has since been transformed by civilization and is now one of the richest sections in the Southwest, with its great oil and grain fields and with the great development of railroads, cities and general industrialism.

He was born in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (CLANCY) Carr. His father was born in New York State and his mother in Vermont. The father died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one, and of him Nelson F. Carr has only a faint recollection. In 1859 the widowed mother brought her son and two daughters to the western frontier. Mr. Carr was fifteen years of age at the time and was born only sixteen years after the first railroad was put in operation in the United States. When the family came out to Fort Scott, Kansas, in the year 1859, they rode a railroad train only as far as Pleasant Hill, Missouri, then the terminus of the Missouri Pacific. From there they journeyed by stage as far as the present Kansas City and Mr. Carr's active lifetime covers the entire period of railroad development in the country west of Missouri. Mr. Carr's mother remained a widow for sixty years, and died at the age of eighty-nine in California. Her two daughters were: Anna BRIDMAN, now deceased; and Jennie BENT, of Colorado, who has two sons and one daughter.

Nelson F. Carr grew up on a farm with his mother at Fort Scott, Kansas, and both of them entered a quarter section of land there. Nelson F., according to the land laws, entered his quarter section as the head of a family, although only fifteen years of age. He was only sixteen when he enlisted for service at Fort Scott in July, 1861, in Company B of the Sixth Kansas Regiment. In March, 1862, the regiment became the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, under Col. W. R. Judson. He is one of the last survivors of this noted Kansas regiment.

After his active military service he was employed in store at Fort Scott, and in 1865, he returned to Kansas schools. In September, 1865, he returned to Kansas and was employed in a store at Fort Scott until February, 1866. He then became one of the first settler of Oswego, Kansas, and built the first log house in the town and put in a stock of goods. He owned a half interest in this trading post, and he still has a copy of the document signed by the postmaster general which records his appointment on October 4, 1866, as postmaster of Oswego. He was the first to have charge of the postoffice in that town. One year later he resigned the office, which had paid him only a nominal salary.

The Carr store was the social center of the town and the surrounding country, and among those who came to trade there was a Cherokee Indian named Rogers, who lived at Timber Hill, eight miles south of Chetopah and about seventy miles from the present City of Bartlesville. Hillard Rogers was a native of Georgia, a quarter-blood Cherokee, a well educated man, and a descendant of one of the greatest Cherokee chieftains. Hillard Rogers died near Bartlesville at the age of fifty years in September, 1870, and his wife passed away on January 18, 1870, at the age of forty-two. She was a native of Tennessee, and was sixteen years of age when she married Mr. Rogers. At the age of seventeen Hillard Rogers acted as Indian interpreter for Generals Scott and Taylor in Florida during the Seminole Indian war. He was one of the prominent members of the tribe, and a man of fine character.

Between this Cherokee and the Indian trader Mr. Carr, there grew up a friendship, and in the course of time Mr. Carr came to hear much of Annie ROGERS, the daughter of the Timber Hill resident. She had many unusual accomplishments even for an Indian girl, and in September, 1866, when Mr. Carr first visited the Rogers home he fell in love with the young woman, and on the following 25th of August they were married. Soon after their marriage they removed from Oswego to the Big Caney. They were almost the first people after the war to locate in that section, and for almost forty years Mr. and Mrs. Carr had their home on a farm three miles north of the present City of Bartlesville. In the early days Mr. Carr traded supplies to the Indians for furs and buffalo robes and sold the latter at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was frequently away from home, and Mrs. Carr was left with her own children and with her young orphan brother William Rogers, who now lives in Dewey. At one time they remained in the lonely cabin eight days while Mr. Carr was away on one of his trips, and in the many dangers and discomforts of pioneer life Mrs. Carr was a participant as well as her husband.

A year or so ago an interesting little story was told and published in a monthly magazine, the subject of which was Mrs. Carr and her experience as a pioneer on the Big Caney. It contains a well deserved tribute to this splendid pioneer woman of Oklahoma, and a portion of the article, beginning with her experiences when she came as a bride to her new home, is quoted herewith: "The young bride took possession of the home prepared for her with as happy a laugh as if the rude logs had been blocks of stone and the dirt floor a carpet of plush. All the hardships endured in the little cabin did not conquer the laugh that bubbled forth from the brave spirit of the Indian maid. One-fourth of the blood in her veins came from a race keen in intellect as well as strong in body. From her Cherokee father she brought to the lonely plains a spirit of never failing courage and cheerfulness. Her own father, descended from the great chief FOYAL, who invested a wonderful Indian alphabet of eighty-six letter, was prominent man of his tribe and had been United States interpreter for General Harvey. The life of the pioneer is ever lonely, but to have been the first in a country so rich in natural resources and in future possibilities is recompense for many hardships. Mr. Carr's trading post drew other white people to settle in the vicinity, and the homes that soon dotted the river bank made life seem almost gay to the young trader and his wife. Thus it was that Mrs. Carr was instrumental in the foundation of one of Oklahoma's industrial centers. His business prospered too and more comforts crept into the little cabin. Lumber for a floor was brought from the Spadmore hills east of Grand River and later a new home was built. For almost forty years the devoted woman lived on the site of the log trading station and reared her splendid family. Hardships gradually became but a memory to her and so broad and noble her nature that they are a pleasant memory. About 1907 Mr. Carr built a comfortable home in Bartlesville and the ideal home life begun in the rude cabin shed a broader influence. Still more recently a handsomer home was purchased. There Mrs. Carr, still strong in all her faculties, with her happy vivacious personality permeating her household, surrounded by noble sons, beautiful daughters, and lovely grandchildren, occupies a position that queens might envy, her throne a home on the spot that she watched grow from a lonely plain into a thriving county seat, with magnificent business blocks, churches, schools and homes. The achievements of a woman of Mrs. Carr's nature cannot be measured in material things. She was placed in a hard situation and her strength was sufficient to meet it and to make of the hardships a joy. To be able to make a home in a cabin as well as in a mansion, to fill it with laughter, to rear children to honor the humble home and her who made this is the greatest work of woman's life."

In 1868 during a raid from the Arapahos Mr. Carr's store was robbed, and after that he gave most of his attention to farming. In addition to his own claim he bought other lands which gave his a ranch of 1,200 acres under fence, and in time he bought 800 acres of this under cultivation. In 1868 he paid $2.50 for a bushel of seed Indian corn, and his own energetic example was an important factor in promoting the general agricultural industry. About that time Mr. Carr built the first grist mill on the Caney just across the river from the present site of Bartlesville. He dug a tunnel across a neck of land around which the river flowed and thus secured a fall of eight feet, which was sufficient to turn his mill wheel. Later he sold this mill to J. H. BARTLES, who replaced it with a modern flour mill. After that Mr. Carr gave his entire attention to farming and stock raising until 1907, when he removed to the City of Bartlesville. He still owns more than 200 acres three miles northwest of Bartlesville, including the land on which he first settled when he came to what is now Washington County.

Mr. Carr is a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and has been a Mason since 1866, having affiliation with Keystone Lodge, No. 102, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Coffeyville, Kansas.

He and his wife take pardonable pride in their fine family of children. Their son, Edward R., the first born, died at the age of nine years. Ida J. is the wife of John JOHNSON, now living on the old Carr farm near Bartlesville. Grace Maude died at the age of seventeen. William A. lives in Mound Valley, Kansas. Frank Marvin is a resident of Washington County. Sarah Louise is the wife of William KEELER of Washington County. Josie May married L. J. BROWER, of Washington County. Beulah Mabel is the wife of S. C. BRADY, of Bartlesville. They are also twelve grandchildren. Since Mr. Carr married prior to 1874, he was placed on the roll as an Indian, and he and his family have received the usual allotments of land and money with other members of the Cherokee tribe.

Mr. Carr has witnessed every improvement made in the hands of civilized man in the vicinity of Bartlesville. In many ways he has helped in this development, and his own example has been a potent factor to increasing the complete utilization of the splendid resources found in the soil and climate of Northern Oklahoma. Both he and his wife have traveled extensively, but with all their observations of other countries and states they remain extremely loyal to Oklahoma, which represents to them the greatest as well as the fairest portion of the Globe, and in all the "beautiful land" the spot most sacred to them is the site of the rude log cabin as it stood half century ago and in which the joys of young married life were sweetened and accentuated by the hardships and adversities of frontier existence.

Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 24, 1998

Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 310, 449 (photo opposite pg 449)
Title: The Carr Book, by Arthur A Carr
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: 449

Father: William Henry CARR b: 11 MAR 1818 in Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Mother: Sarah Mable CLANCY b: 6 DEC 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont

Marriage 1 Sarah Ann ROGERS\RODGERS b: 3 NOV 1848 in Honey Creek, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Josie May CARR b: 22 DEC 1884
Edward Rogers\Rodgers CARR b: 30 AUG 1868
Ida Jane CARR b: 31 DEC 1869
Grace Maud CARR b: 18 NOV 1871
William Arthur CARR b: 4 DEC 1873
Frank Marvin CARR b: 20 MAY 1878
Lula B CARR b: 22 NOV 1881
Beulah Mable CARR b: 11 JUL 1892

Copyright © 1998-2010, Inc.
CARR, Nelson Franklin (I112379)
101760 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101761 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101762 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101763 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101764 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101765 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101766 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101767 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101768 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101769 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101770 Name: Pianna Stowell
Age in 1860: 50
Birth Year: abt 1810
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1860: Virgil, Cortland, New York
Gender: Female
Post Office: East Virgil
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Jhiel W Stowell 60
Pianna Stowell 50
Olive Stowell 22
Susan Stowell 19
Maryetta Stowell 17
James B Stowell 15
Abram Stowell 13
Viola Stowell 3
Myron M Goodell 2

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Virgil, Cortland, New York; Roll M653_739; Page: 253; Image: 254.

Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. 
STOWELL, Jeheil (I20783)
101771 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101772 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101773 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101774 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101775 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101776 NAME: Ridley Mitchell Stafford
DATE OF BIRTH: 11 Jan 1922
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jackson County
DATE OF DEATH: 22 Mar 1945
FATHER'S NAME: Robert Stafford
MOTHER'S NAME: Lizzie Vanhooser
SOURCE: Certificate No. 7582, Year 1945, Jackson County, Tennessee 
STAFFORD, Ridley Mitchell (I119318)
101777 Name: Ruly Fay Ball Death Date: 4 Apr 1933 Death Location: Pike Residence Location: Pike Age: 4 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Dec 1928 Father's Name: Fred Ball Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Dorra Scott Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

(Research):My grandfather once told me that she died because she ate some poison berries and that they buried her in a pine box and that she was buried on the side of a mountain. 
BALL, Ruby Faye (I103916)
101778 Name: Ruly Fay Ball Death Date: 4 Apr 1933 Death Location: Pike Residence Location: Pike Age: 4 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Dec 1928 Father's Name: Fred Ball Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Dorra Scott Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

(Research):My grandfather once told me that she died because she ate some poison berries and that they buried her in a pine box and that she was buried on the side of a mountain. 
BALL, Ruby Faye (I103916)
101779 Name: Ruly Fay Ball Death Date: 4 Apr 1933 Death Location: Pike Residence Location: Pike Age: 4 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Dec 1928 Father's Name: Fred Ball Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Dorra Scott Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

(Research):My grandfather once told me that she died because she ate some poison berries and that they buried her in a pine box and that she was buried on the side of a mountain. 
BALL, Ruby Faye (I103916)
101780 Name: Ruly Fay Ball Death Date: 4 Apr 1933 Death Location: Pike Residence Location: Pike Age: 4 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Dec 1928 Father's Name: Fred Ball Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Dorra Scott Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

(Research):My grandfather once told me that she died because she ate some poison berries and that they buried her in a pine box and that she was buried on the side of a mountain. 
BALL, Ruby Faye (I103916)
101781 Name: Ruly Fay Ball Death Date: 4 Apr 1933 Death Location: Pike Residence Location: Pike Age: 4 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Dec 1928 Father's Name: Fred Ball Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's Name: Dorra Scott Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

(Research):My grandfather once told me that she died because she ate some poison berries and that they buried her in a pine box and that she was buried on the side of a mountain. 
BALL, Ruby Faye (I103916)
101782 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101783 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101784 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101785 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101786 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101787 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101788 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101789 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101790 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101791 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101792 Name: Samuel Fowler Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler
Surname: Cook
Sex: M
Born and baptized in Pawlet in 1795, he left there in 1814 for Williamson, Ontario Co., NY with the rest of his family. He left there for Sheriden, NY in 1819 to marry Anna Baldwin. They evidently lived on property that his father-in-law had purchased from the Holland Land Company. The homestead was in Portland, Chautauqua Co.,NY with James Conner's family. The leading crop of the area was the Concord grape as well as apples, peaches, etc, and they must have been involved in this agriculture. He was a member of the Universalist Society of Portland formed Sept. 21, 1821 by fourteen persons at the house of his brother-in-law Simon Burton. Have not found his religious affiliation in NW Pennsylvania.

By 1857 he had left Portland to live in Pennsylvania. The 1860 census enumeratess him with his son Daniel, his wife Corneila (Todd),grandsons Alpha, Ira, Orville, and another son Joseph.

Samuel F. Cook is listed in the 1859-60 Erie County Directory as a resident of Greene Township. According to records, by this time he owned property in both Crawford Co., and Erie Co., although it is not clear where he had a permanent residence.
The Conner family moved to Athens Township, Crawford Co., PA also and according to the census were neighbors of Samuel Fowler Cook by 1856.
Birth: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Death: 12 JUN 1862 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
CHRA: 22 SEP 1795 Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Occupation: Farmer BET 1820 AND 1860
PROP: a lake-front farm in co-ownership with James Connor BET 1840 AND 1850 Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
PROP: a farm 1859 Greene Township, Erie Co., PA

Father: Joseph Cook b: 11 NOV 1760 in Douglas, Worcester Co., MA
Mother: Sarah Beal b: ABT 1761 in Conway, Franklin Co., MA

Marriage 1 Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT
Married: 3 OCT 1819 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook b: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Daniel Baldwin Cook b: 21 JUN 1824 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Joseph E. Cook b: 8 APR 1835 in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., NY

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler (I39849)
101793 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101794 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101795 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101796 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101797 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101798 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101799 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)
101800 Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr. Cook
Given Name: Samuel Fowler, Jr.
Surname: Cook
Sex: M

Moved to Athens, Crawford County, PA in 1847 and lived with his family on the Burton Homestead.
Moved to Green, Erie County, PA in 1852.
Moved to Belle Valley in 1885.
Ran for Erie County Commissioner in 1872; but lost the election because of his association with Horace Greeley who ran for USPresident that year.

Birth: 6 SEP 1820 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Note: Relationship to parents based on secondary evidence including family bible and other records, published book on Portland, NY, and censusrecords]
Death: 25 AUG 1895 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Burial: SEP 1895 Lowville, Cemetery, Wattsburg, Erie Co., PA
Occupation: farmer BET 1855 AND 1890 Erie County, PA

Father: Samuel Fowler Cook b: 16 JUN 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland Co., VT
Mother: Anna Baldwin b: 19 JUN 1795 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT

Marriage 1 Elizabeth J. Cook b: 1824 in Macedon, Wayne Co., NY
Married: 1878 in Alden, Erie Co., NY

Marriage 2 Lydia Stafford Stark b: 22 SEP 1815 in Colraine, Franklin Co., MA
Married: 5 MAY 1844 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Francis Marion Cook b: 11 MAR 1849 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Lydia Anna Cook b: 1845 in Portland, Chautauqua Co., NY
Harriet Maria Cook b: 23 AUG 1847 in Athens Twp, Crawford Co., PA
Mary Alice Cook b: ABT 1851 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA
Frank Samuel Cook b: ABT 1856 in Greene Township, Erie Co., PA 
COOK, Samuel Fowler Jr. (I113235)

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