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Matches 102,651 to 102,700 of 122,413

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
102651 Never married. Made her home with her sister Eliza's daughter, Elvira Waggoner. Elvira died when her daughter, Arizona, was 7 years old. STAFFORD, Margaret (I13315)
102652 Never married. Resided in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio. STAFFORD, Annette J. (I31265)
102653 Never married. Resided in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio. STAFFORD, Annette J. (I31265)
102654 Never married. She died of tuberculosis. HUFF, Daisy Dell (I1256)
102655 Never married. She was the 1910-20 rectory housekeeper for John J. O'Donnell - A priest STAFFORD, Lorreta Marie (I2565)
102656 never married; no issue
1910 OH Coshocton County, Lafayette Township,page 115, 48/48: Lewis Maxw
ell, servant in the household of David & Elizabeth Wiggins
1920 OH Coshocton County, Lafayette Township, ED 29, sheet 8a, 174/176: L
ewis Maxwell, on a farm
1930 OH Coshocton County, Lafayette Township,ED 16-14, sheet 8a, page 2
0, 192/193: Lewis M. Maxwell 
MAXWELL, Lewis Montgomery (I105062)
102657 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102658 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102659 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102660 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102661 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102662 Neville, age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor. MINER, Neville (I119742)
102663 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102664 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102665 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102666 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102667 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102668 Nevin, age 6, is listed as son on the 1910 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Sid H. Minor.

Nevina, age 16, is listed as son on the 1920 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widowed Georgia M. Minor. 
MINER, Nevin (I119744)
102669 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102670 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102671 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102672 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102673 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102674 New Salem Cemetery, Jackson Co., Tenn.
Jeams T. Jones
Birth: Feb. 14, 1912
Death: Feb. 22, 1912 
JONES, James T. (I121723)
102675 Newberry Monthly Meeting
1907, 2, 2 Cora Spencer relrq.
Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol I, by William Wade Hinshaw
Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, Page 1154 
SPENCER, Cora Bell (I88846)
102676 Newberry Monthly Meeting
1907, 2, 2 Cora Spencer relrq.
Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol I, by William Wade Hinshaw
Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, Page 1154 
SPENCER, Cora Bell (I88846)
102677 Newberry Monthly Meeting
1910, 1, 1 Carlie and Minnie recrq.
Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol I, by William Wade Hinshaw
Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, Page 1161 
SPENCER, Minnie (I88831)
102678 Newberry Monthly Meeting
1910, 1, 1 Carlie and Minnie recrq.
Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol I, by William Wade Hinshaw
Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, Page 1161 
SPENCER, Minnie (I88831)
102679 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102680 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102681 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102682 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102683 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102684 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102685 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102686 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102687 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102688 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102689 Newspaper Article
Major, the Reverend W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., formerly vicar of Napanee, is expected home this w eek, having sailed on the Metagami on August 8th. Major Kidd enlisted in October, 1914, an d went overseas with the 21st battalion in May, 1915. He was several times in action and wa s awarded the Military Cross at the Somme, 1916. he was senior chaplain to the 4th divisio n 1916-17 and senior chaplain at Rhyl 1918-19.
Rev. W.E. Kidd, M.A., M.C.
Honorary Rank of Maj. C.E.F.
Chaplain of the 21st Batt (Kingston) throughout the war 1914-1918.
Several times in action. Awarded the M.C.

Given Military Cross
The Rev. W.E. Kidd, Anglican Minister
has received the military cross. He
brought in four wounded soldiers
under heavy fire. He helped dig
graves and bury one hundred and
fifty of the brave boys. Mr. Kidd is
a ranking captain. He is a son of
Mr. T.A. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids
who, many years ago, clerked in
Carleton Place for the late Wm. Carley.

Two brothers who have served Ontario diocese well: loeft, Canon W.E. Kidd, who has been ordai ned 58 years; right, Lt.-Col. T.A.Kidd, hon. lay secretary of synod. They come from Burritt s Rapids in the north-east corner of the diocese.

"Burrett's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
William, served in WW1 as army chaplain, winning a M.C. He moved to southern Ontario and a l ong career in the Church, where he became Canon.

Kidd, Lt. Col. Canon William Ennis, D.D., M.C., - At Galt, Ont., on Sunday, April 5, 1970, Lt . Col. Canon William Ennis Kidd, D.D., M.C., beloved husband of the late Margaret Dealtry Woo dcock, survived by his 2 sons, Edward Kidd of Euhurst, Surrey, England and W.H. Kidd of Galt ; a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, of Kingston and 2 brothers, J. Harold Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids , Ont., and the Honourable T. Ashmore Kidd, of Kingston. Funeral service will be held in St . George's Cathedral, Kingston, on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. For further information p lease contact the Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home, Kingston. Telephone 1-548-7973. 
KIDD, Canon William Ennis (I29831)
102690 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102691 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102692 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102693 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102694 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102695 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102696 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102697 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102698 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102699 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)
102700 Newspaper Article:
Grand Master
Lt. Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, Kingston, named Grand Master and Sovereign at the 110th annual conv ention of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

"Burritt's Rapids 1793-1993 A Scrapbook"
Tom managed the Oxford Mills store before going to war, where he obtained the rank of Lt. Col onel. He then moved to Kingston where he distinguished himself in business and politics, rep resenting his home in the Provincial Legislature, of which he became Speaker.

Col. Kidd Dies At 84
One of Kingston's prominent military, business and political figures died Wednesday at Kingst on General Hospital.
Lt. Col. the Hon. Thomas Ashmore Kidd was 84, the son of Thomas Albert Kidd, who was for man y years warden and active in the political life of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville , and Esther Ennis idd.
The lieutenant-colonel was predeceased by his wife, the late Eva Richardson in 1950, and is s urvived by a brother, Harold J. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids, and a sister, Bessie E. Kidd, King ston.
The funeral service will be held at St. George's Cathedral Friaay, 2 p.m. with interment in C ataraqui Cemetery.
Visitors will be received at 100 Stuart street, Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Col. Kidd was engaged in business as a wholesale merchandise broker, representing various Can adian manufacturers.
He served as a city alderman from 1922 to 1926 and was first elected to the Legislative Assem bly of Ontario in the 1926 general election.
He was re-elected in 1929, 1934 and 1937, and was speaker of the legislature for five session s, 1930 to 1934. He was chief whip of the Ontario Conservative Party, 1937-1940, and was a f ederal member in the Ottawa House of Commons, 1945 to 1949. He attended the coronation of He r Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Col. Kidd served as an officer during the First World War, first as a captain and then an adj utant with the 56th Grenville Lisgar Regiment. He went overseas with the First Contingent i n 1914.
He was seriously...cut off.

Former Speaker top Orangeman
Kingston (CP) - Lt.-Col. James (error-should have been Thomas) Ashmore Kidd, a former membe r of Parliament and Speaker of the Legislature, died Wednesday at 84.

After service in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded at Ypres, he began hi s political career as a city alderman, was elected to the Legislature in 1926 and returned t o office in 1929, 1934 and 1937.
An active member of the Orange Order, Co. Kidd was the only Canadian ever to serve as Imperia l Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
He was Speaker of the Legislature from 1929 to 1934 and chief whip fr the Conservatives fro m 1937 to 1940.
In 1945, he was elected to the House of Commons. He served until 1949, when he was defeated.

Whit-Standard, p 6 Editorial 22 Dec 19--
One of the truly remarkable men whose names are indelibly inscribed in Kingston's history i s the late Lt. Col. the Honourable Thomas Ashmore Kidd who died Wednesday in Kingston Genera l Hospital at the age of 84.
Prominent in military, church, political and business spheres, the marks of this man's life a re everywhere visible.
Having served as a city alderman here from 1922 to 1926, he moved directly into provincial pl itics. Elected first to the Assembly of Ontario in 1926, Col. Kidd soon commanded the highes t respect in the Government. Re-elected to office three times thereafter he finished out hi s final term in the Legislature as the vibrant chief Whip of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive Party. From 1930 to 1934 he served as speaker of the Legislature. And in 1937 he move d on into federal politics serving a three-year term in the federal House of Commons.
As an active member of the Orange Order, Col. Kidd became the only Canadian to ever hold th e title of the Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of the World.
Locally, Col. Kidd's accomplishments were no less remarkable: president of the Kingston YWCA ; president of the Kingston Hockey Association; and a long standing member of the Kingston an d District Chamber of Commerce.
It is said that a man should die where his heart lies, and being so, it is certainly fittin g that Thomas Ashmore Kidd shoud have passed away in Kingston General Hospital, an institutio n which perhaps owes more to this one man than any other in its history......cut off

Newspaper Article
Picture: The Kidd residence beside General Hospital
Col. Kidd left $2 million
the late Lt.-Col. T. Ashmore Kidd, 84, who died here in mid-December, left an estate worth sl ightly more than $2 million.
Principal benefactors are his immediate family; a sister, Bessie, of Kingston, and a brother , J. Harold Kidd of Burritt's Rapids.
Col. Kidd, the only Canadian to become Imperial Grand Master of the Grand Orange Council of t he World, was predeceased in 1950 by his wife, the former Eva Richardson. Col. Kidd was a Ki ngston wholesale merchandise broker.
His will, probated here last month, stipulates that his residence at 100 Stuart street is t o become the property of Kingston General Hospital.
The imposing Kidd residence, one of Kingston's showplaces, is adjacent to the hospital.
No restrictions were set by Col. Kidd as to the use of his residence, bu rather, in his wil , he stipluated that the dwelling will be "for such purposes as Kingston General Hospital's c ommittee of management shall decide".
Executors of the estate are his secretary, Doris M. Thomson, 18 Drayton avenue, and his lawye r, Richard C. Oaks, 119 Earl street.
Total assets shown at the time the will was probated were $1,595, 484.13. Yet to be reporte d are mortgages, life insurances and the appraisal of his jewellery.
Col. Kidd had more than $1 1/2 million in bonds, securities, stocks and debentures plus an ad ditional $50,896.63 in cash.
In addition to his Stuart street residence, two properties were owned by Col. Kidd - a cottag e at 13 Island Lake and his former offices at 16A Market street.
He stipulated in his will that should there be any real or leasehold property, forming part o f his estate, that should remain unsold at the time of his death, the trustees "shall be at l iberty to let or lease the same from month to month, year to year, or for any terms of years" . The trustees were also empowered to expend money in repairs and improvements and to manag e the properties.
Col. Kidd also authorized the trustees "to hold and keep invested the residue of my estate an d pay the income, derived therefrom, to or for the benefit of my sister, Bessie, and my broth er, J. Harold Kidd, equally, or the survivor of them during their lifetimes".
He made two bequests: $5,000. to the Incorporated Diocese of Ontario for transfer to the ward ens of The Cathedral Church of St. George to be used in a manner they decide, and $1,000 to t he Salvation Army in Kingston. 
KIDD, Thomas Ashmore (I29833)

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