Matches 103,801 to 103,850 of 122,413
# | Notes | Linked to |
103801 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103802 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103803 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103804 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103805 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103806 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103807 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103808 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103809 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103810 | Noted as a member of the Church of England. He settled Lot 13, Con. 12, Lanark twp presently known as Jamesville. He was a good fiddler and played for dances all over the country. | JAMES, John (I24371)
103811 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103812 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103813 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103814 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103815 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103816 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103817 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103818 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103819 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103820 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103821 | Noted as a singer and violin player. | JAMES, William Hill (I24362)
103822 | Noted as a son of Joseph V. Stafford. His Biography is in the "Progressive Men of the State of Montana". Page 1819. "Joseph Z Stafford, a son of Capt. Joseph V. Stafford .....was born at Canyon Ferry on June 4, 1870. He spent his early years at the place of his nativity, being educated at home by his capable mother, an accomplished lady. In 1879 he removed with his parents to Avalanche and while there attended a public schoot at White Sulphur Springs for a few years. After leaving school he engaged in ranching with his father, and when the the latter and his wife went to Alaska they left the ranch in his charge. From the spring of 1898 until the fall of 1900, "Brick" Stafford as he is commonly called conducted the large and profitable business of this ranch with eminent success. He was chiefly engaged in cattleraising during this time, introducing thoroughbred stock and breeding them with gratifying results in which line he is still occupied. He was married on Dec 24, 1894, with Miss Maud L.Rotzs, of Canton, MO, a daughter of Azariah L. and Missouri (Filson) Rotz, the former a native of Reading PA, and the latter of MO. They moved to Montana in the early days and settled near Canton, where they engaged in ranching. Mr. Stafford is a Democrat in politics, but has not sought prominence in the councils of the party or official station. His fitness for public service was so manifest, however, that he was selected as census enumerator in 1900. In fraternal relations he is allied with the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the United Workmen and the Woodmen of the World. In addition to his father's rance, Mr. Stafford has a homestead aned a desert clain of his own in Broadwater County. He is an active, energetic and hight esteemed young ranchman with a future full of promise." | STAFFORD, Joseph Z. (I73605)
103823 | Noted as the father of Thomas Stafford (16704) who married Ann Handley. Need proof that this John Stafford ever lived or had children. | STAFFORD, John (I16690)
103824 | Noted events Zachariah Hitchcock's life were: 1. Property; After 1882, Douglas County, Missouri. Land and custody transfer of Celia Haines Nance Coats Hitchcock's twominor children, Andrew J. Coats and Emmaline Coats. This is recorded in Douglas County, Missouri. General Notes: Zachariah Hitchcock moved from White County, Tennessee toDouglas County, Missouri probably in the late 1860"s. He owned a great deal of land in Wright andDouglas Counties, Missouri. He is listed on the 1880 census with Martha, his son Jessie Hitchcock,age 27, and a grandson John A. Wiseback, age 7. | HITCHCOCK, Zachariah (I95199)
103825 | Noted events Zachariah Hitchcock's life were: 1. Property; After 1882, Douglas County, Missouri. Land and custody transfer of Celia Haines Nance Coats Hitchcock's twominor children, Andrew J. Coats and Emmaline Coats. This is recorded in Douglas County, Missouri. General Notes: Zachariah Hitchcock moved from White County, Tennessee toDouglas County, Missouri probably in the late 1860"s. He owned a great deal of land in Wright andDouglas Counties, Missouri. He is listed on the 1880 census with Martha, his son Jessie Hitchcock,age 27, and a grandson John A. Wiseback, age 7. | HITCHCOCK, Zachariah (I95199)
103826 | Noted events Zachariah Hitchcock's life were: 1. Property; After 1882, Douglas County, Missouri. Land and custody transfer of Celia Haines Nance Coats Hitchcock's twominor children, Andrew J. Coats and Emmaline Coats. This is recorded in Douglas County, Missouri. General Notes: Zachariah Hitchcock moved from White County, Tennessee toDouglas County, Missouri probably in the late 1860"s. He owned a great deal of land in Wright andDouglas Counties, Missouri. He is listed on the 1880 census with Martha, his son Jessie Hitchcock,age 27, and a grandson John A. Wiseback, age 7. | HITCHCOCK, Zachariah (I95199)
103827 | Noted events Zachariah Hitchcock's life were: 1. Property; After 1882, Douglas County, Missouri. Land and custody transfer of Celia Haines Nance Coats Hitchcock's twominor children, Andrew J. Coats and Emmaline Coats. This is recorded in Douglas County, Missouri. General Notes: Zachariah Hitchcock moved from White County, Tennessee toDouglas County, Missouri probably in the late 1860"s. He owned a great deal of land in Wright andDouglas Counties, Missouri. He is listed on the 1880 census with Martha, his son Jessie Hitchcock,age 27, and a grandson John A. Wiseback, age 7. | HITCHCOCK, Zachariah (I95199)
103828 | Noted events Zachariah Hitchcock's life were: 1. Property; After 1882, Douglas County, Missouri. Land and custody transfer of Celia Haines Nance Coats Hitchcock's twominor children, Andrew J. Coats and Emmaline Coats. This is recorded in Douglas County, Missouri. General Notes: Zachariah Hitchcock moved from White County, Tennessee toDouglas County, Missouri probably in the late 1860"s. He owned a great deal of land in Wright andDouglas Counties, Missouri. He is listed on the 1880 census with Martha, his son Jessie Hitchcock,age 27, and a grandson John A. Wiseback, age 7. | HITCHCOCK, Zachariah (I95199)
103829 | Noted Friends Pastor. Noted Friends Pastor. Henry County Indiana B.F. Bowen 1920 Surnames in this biography are: Stafford, Pritchard, Albertson, Newby, Parker, Stratton, REV.SETH STAFFORD America is pre-eminently a land of self made men for here abound opportunities for achieving success such as no other country affords. The man of energy and correct training may here readily rise to positions of usefulness, if not distinction, provided he is well grounded in the principles of rectitude and integrity. Not only is this the case in the present day, but to some extent conditions have with long existed whereby the individual with a proper conception of the dignity of his mission might rise superior to environment and win for himself positions of honor and trust in the community. The life of the widely known and eminently popular subject of this sketch affords a striking example of what a man plentifully endowed with good common sense, supplemented by sound mental discipline, accomplished in days gone by, when opportunities were not so numerous as at the present time and many discouraging circumstances had to be surmounted and obstacles removed from his pathway of success. The life of Seth Stafford has had a farther-reaching effect and perhaps a greater influence for good than the majority of men of his day and generation in eastern and central Indiana. Many youths who formerly sat at his feet received instruction in the mysteries of books and in the greater and more important matter of how to live up to their highest ideals of manhood are found today filling important stations in the world, blessings to society and true helps to humanity. A benefactor of his kind and long a prominent factor in moulding the character and controlling opinion in his community, this veteran educator and honored citizen still remains to make the World brighter and better and from the topmost round of the ladder of success now looks back over a well spent life,seeing therein little to regret and much to commend. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Stafford came from Scotland in a very early day and settled in North Carolina. Many years ago there was born in Randolph county, that state, one Eli Stafford, who when a young man married a neighbor girl by the name of Elizabeth Pritchard. They were poor people, but, blessed with exuberant spirits and abundantly endowed with that admirable quality known as self-reliance, resolutely faced the future and carefully formulated their plans for the years to come. Realizing that but little could be accomplished in their native state in the way of acquiring a competence and having favorable reports of the new and fertile Indiana country, they loaded their few household effects on a one-horse cart and started for the wilds of what is now Henry county. Mrs. Stafford and her sister-in-law rode, while the husband walked, carefully selecting the most favorable routes over hills and through swamps, and in this manner after a long and tedious journey, attended with many hardships and not a few dangers, the couple finally reached their destination.This was as early as the year 1818 and for some time after his arrival Mr.Stafford worked on a lease, which he took to clear a certain amount of land within the present limits of Wayne County. After laboring hard for two years he sold the lease and improvements for one hundred dollars and with this sum of money entered eighty acres in Greensboro township from which in due time he cleared a very respectable farm. About the year 1834 he built a mill on his place of forty acres, the first enterprise of the kind in that part of the country and subsequently purchased another eighty-acre tract on which he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the advanced age of eighty years. Eli Stafford and wife were zealous members of the Society of Friends and are remembered as among the first of that religious body to settle in the county of Henry. They were kind-hearted and true, lived lives of usefulness, filling up the measure of their days with good deeds and always exerted a wholesome influence in the community where they resided. Eight children wereborn to this excellent old couple, namely: John. Cynthia, Phineas, Abigail, Achsah, Seth, Elizabeth and Sarah. Seth Stafford, the direct subject of this review, was born on the original family homestead in section 24, Greensboro Township, Henry County, November 5, 1830. The story of his youth is similar in many respects to the early life of many of our best public men. In summer he worked beside his father and brothers on the farm, laying up stores of health and strength for the trying demands of his subsequent professional career. Here was formed the intimate acquaintance with the affairs of daily life, its difficulties and needs which was to keep him ever after in warm sympathy with those who toil. In his home life tinder its firm but kindly parental government was acquired that habit of industry and those principles of integrity, independence and love of right, which have been such marked characteristics of the man. In the wintertime he attended the subscription schools and made substantial progress,meantime developing a taste for books and a fondness for learning which awakened a desire for greater scholastic training than the means at hand afforded. Actuated by this desire,young Stafford finally entered Antioch College at Yellow Springs. Ohio, when that institution was under the management of that noted educator and celebrated American, Horace Mann. While there he studied with great assiduity with the object in view of preparing himself for teaching and on leaving college took charge of his first school in his home township and from the beginning demonstrated peculiar abilities and fitness as an instructor. He began his pedagogical work in Henry Township, receiving the magnificent salary of ten dollars a month, boarding himself. Mr. Stafford's experience in the educational field took a wide range and extended over many years filled to completion with toilsome duty faithfully and conscientiously performed. His methods did not,like many of the more modern schools, tend to dull uniformity; they gave to the ambitious youth opportunities to acquire a training that tended to individual development and that personal independence and self-reliance which peculiarly fit the pupil to grapple with the various questions relating to American industrial and political life. Being far in advance of the majority of teachers in intellectual ability and professional training, his services were eagerly sought by the more intelligent communities and he never experienced any difficulty in securing schools, although his salary at first was very meager. As years went by men of his abilities began to command much more liberal remuneration, accordingly his salary was gradually increased until he received larger wages than were paid to any other teacher in the county. Mr. Stafford never permitted him self to fall behind the time,but by spending his vacations attending normal schools and other institutions always kept in touch with the general trend of educational thought. He was always a high-grade teacher and as such introduced many reforms, which had a far-reaching effect upon the educational system of Henry County and in other counties where he was employed.His standing as the most scholarly as well as the most successful teacher of his day in this part of the state was universally conceded by school met: and never questioned by the public. He threw all of his powerful personality into the work, which he pursued with the interest of a born enthusiast and to his indefatigable labors are many of the leading men of this country and elsewhere indebted for the instruction and gentle but firm admonition which led to the success which they have since obtained. Mr. Stafford taught and attended school continuously from 1848 to 1878, during which period he led to the pathway of knowledge hundreds of boys and girls who have since become the moral bone and sinew of the country. He appears to have been born for the high office, which he so long and so faithfully filled and retired there from only when he thoughtit his imperative duty so to do. Mr. Stafford was married on the 8th day of March, 1860, to Miss Rebekkah J. Albertson, of Wayne County, this state, a union resulting in four children, Julia, Charles, Milton and William M. Julia was born September 20, 1862, graduated from Spiceland Academy and is now the wife of Clinton Newby; Charles, whose birth occurred on the 21st day of November,1867, married Virgie Parker and lives on a farm adjoining his father's place; Milton was born September 9,1873, married Miss Minnie Stratton and is one of the highly esteemed citizens of the community in which he lives; William M., who was born July 28, 1877, is an alumnus of Spiceland Academy, also attended Earlham College and has taught in the public schools of this County. Since the year 1874 Mr. Stafford had lived in section 24, Greensboro Township, on a farm, which he purchased of his father for one hundred dollars per acre. He has a beautiful and attractiveplace, well improved, his large and imposing brick dwelling of eleven rooms being one of the most desirable as well as one of the most valuable rural homes in the county of Henry. The place and everything thereon bear evidence of thrift and prosperity, directed and controlled by good taste, the orchards,graceful shade trees and well-kept lawns bespeaking a home where genuine hospitality and true refinement reign supreme. Mr. Stafford is a birth-right member of the society of Friends, in which he has held various official positions, amongothers those of clerk and correspondent. In the year 1878 he was acknowledged as a minister and since then has devoted part of the time preaching for his home congregation and as an evangelist at other places where his services are requested. As a minister he has been instrumenital in accomplishing much good wherever he has exercised the duties of his holy office, being a good speaker a clear, logical reasoner with a sufficiency of pathos in his sermons to make them interesting and very reflective to his auditors. Mrs. Stafford has also been very active in religious work, for a number of years holding the position of elder in the church, in which capacity she has done much to strengthen and build up her own an dother local societies. Not only as an educator and leading churchworker is Mr. Stafford known, but as an enterprising, public-spirited citizen,interested in the material development of his township and county, his position has long been duly recognized. He is a Republican in politics and keeps himself well informed relative to all great national and international questions,always taking an active interest in the issues, which divide parties and affect legislation. At different times he has served on United States juries and as a leading member of the Henry County Historical Society has done much to collect and put in permanent form many interesting facts concerning the early history and development of this particular part of the state. His life has been a very active one and the amount of good he has accomplished will only be known in the great day when the Books are opened and every man rewarded according to the deeds done in the body. The retrospect of a long and useful career is his and the future awaits him with bountiful rewards. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford have in their possession two old parchment deeds, one executed October 15, 1835, and bearing the signature of President Andrew Jackson, or Old Hickory, and the other bearing date March 15. 1837,the year of the great panic, and the signature of President Martin Van Buren. | STAFFORD, Rev. Seth (I27216)
103830 | Noted in 1880 Census as Erastus's Step Daughter. | STAFFORD, Martha Pearl (I31809)
103831 | Noted in 1880 Census as Erastus's Step Daughter. | STAFFORD, Martha Pearl (I31809)
103832 | Noted in 1880 Census as Erastus's Step Daughter. | STAFFORD, Martha Pearl (I31809)
103833 | Noted in 1880 Census as Erastus's Step Daughter. | STAFFORD, Martha Pearl (I31809)
103834 | Noted in 1880 Census as Erastus's Step Daughter. | STAFFORD, Martha Pearl (I31809)
103835 | NOTES 03-2006 I'm not entirely sure where I got the information that Arthur Clyde Huffm an was the son of Jessie Stafford Huffman; the only record I can find of h im in the census is the 1930, when he is living with his wife in the ho me of her father. | HUFFMAN, Arthur Clyde (I108706)
103836 | NOTES 03-2006 There was a Sarah Thompson who married both Marion Wafford and Elmer Calvin; whether or not she is our Sarah Thompson, daughter of Samuel & Sarah Stafford Thompson, is uncertain. She is the right age, and in the right place...Her age in 1850 was 2, in 1860 13. Sarah Wafford's age is given as 24 in 1870. Sarah Calvin's age was 35 in 1880, 55 in 1900, with her birth recorded as May 1845, and she was 65 in 1910. This gives us a range of 1845-1848...not unusual for the census. However, Samuel Thompson was born in Pennsylvania, Sarah Stafford in Ohio; Sarah Thompson Wafford Calvin always states that both her parents were born in Ohio...again, not surprising for the census. PS. A little more research shows that there was a Sarah Thompson, born 1845, daughter of Abraham & Elizabeth Thompson, in Bartholomew County, at the same time as ours. She also had a brother George, born 1857, with whom we find Frank Wafford living in 1930. Neither is our Sarah the same as Ellen Thompson who married Lewis Macke.. .Ellen Rue Thompson was the daughter of Wesley & Christina Thompson of Virginia. | THOMPSON, Sarah Ellen (I36761)
103837 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103838 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103839 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103840 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103841 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103842 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103843 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103844 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103845 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103846 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103847 | Notes from Shirley Hornbeck. Margreit was christened Oct 22, 1658 or 1659 in New Amsterdam, Ulster Co., NY and died after 1710 probably in New York. "Ten Eyck" means in, near, or by (ten) an oak (Eyck). "Dent Kruis" is the description of where they were from, i.e. "Mathys ten Eyck Dent Kruis. Margreit and Warnaar married about 1690-92 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY. Her name appears on the baptism records of her children as: Grietje Tyson - Grietje Tysse - Grietje Thysse - and Grietje Dent Kruis. Using the standard system of Dutch naming, it would indicate that she was the daughter of one Mathys "Thys" Dent Kruis. Some researchers state she was a daughter of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Janneken Roosa. An examination of the records reveal that this Mathys was baptized Mar 20, 1658. Clearly Mathys cannot be the father of Margreit who married Warnaar Hornbeck. Mathys and Janneken married in 1679 and they did have a daughter named Greitjen Ten Eyck who was baptized Feb 10, 1689, however she was too young to have been the mother of Mathys Hornbeck baptized 1693. I refer you to Baptism Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (1639-1730 )for baptisms from 1639-1730. It lists only one child of Mathys ten Eyck and his wife Jannetie Roos (Janneken Roosa); a son named Allard was baptized Oct 23, 1680. Witnesses were Conraed ten Eyck and Aefje Boelen. There were two Conraed ten Eycks, a Sr. and a Jr., although the record don't always contain the Sr./Jr. designation, so it is not known which one was the witness. The grandchildren of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Maria Boele were baptized from 1676-1686 making most, if not all of them, too young to bear children in 1693. In any event, none of the grandchildren were named Margriet. I did not find a baptism for Mathys ten Eyck in the cited web site however I don't doubt that he is the son of Conraed ten Eyck, Sr. and Marie Boele, given the family names at the Oct 13, 1680 baptism of the son Allard. I did not see a baptism for any other children of Mathys ten Eyck. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 18, Number 1, p125, Jan 1987, claims that the birthplace of Conraed ten Eyck was Moers, Germany - based on baptism records of the Moers Reformed Church. Conraed was baptized Mar 3, 1617, son of Wilheim an gen Eyck and Michel Puiitzen, married Jun 1614 in Moers Reformed Church. Maria Boele was a daughter of Tobias Boeleand Margrieta van Apperlo There is a Dutch Marriage Intention for Conraed ten Eyck and Maria Boele dated May 12, 1645 identifying Conraed as a shoemaker from Meurs (Moers), age 27 (in fair agreement with 1617 baptism). The marriage intention shows that Conraed had lived in Amsterdam for 11 years. The marriage took place Jun 4, 1645 in Amstelveen, about 5 mi south of Amsterdam. Three children were baptized in Holland: Marija, Apr 6, 1646; Jacob, Aug 8 1647; Deryck, Oct 27, 1648. These children accompanied Conraed and Maria to New Amsterdam about 1651, probably earlier, since a daughter, Margreit was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam on Aug 20, 1651. Conraed ten Eyck and Marie Boele had a second daughter named Margreit and she was baptized Oct 22, 1659. Could the second Margriet be the wife of Warnaar? One thing to consider is that since Margreit did not name a child Conraed, that may be a strong argument that she was not his daughter. Whether Warnaar's wife was a daughter of Conraed ten Eyck, or not, is not known but the baptism records confirm that she is the mother of the children given to her here and in my book, except for Cartrina listed as a "possible child". | TYSSEN, Margreit (Grietje) Ten Eyck (Dent Kruis) (I23566)
103848 | Nothing else is known about her | GARRETT, Martha Lindsay (I111301)
103849 | Nothing else is known about her | GARRETT, Martha Lindsay (I111301)
103850 | Nothing else is known about her | GARRETT, Martha Lindsay (I111301)
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