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106051 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106052 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106053 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106054 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106055 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106056 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106057 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106058 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106059 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106060 Otterville Cemetery. HARRIS, John Wesley (I64964)
106061 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106062 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106063 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106064 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106065 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106066 Ottis F., age 4, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Fred A. Kelly, Sr. KELLEY, Ottis F. (I119821)
106067 Ottis, age 5, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of James Lawson, Sr.

Ottis, age 17, is listed as son on the 1930 Davidson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of James Lawson. 
LAWSON, Ottis (I121775)
106068 Ottumwa (Iowa)Courier, March 4, 1897, page 7, col.5

"Swap Wives and Husbands
Case in Mahaska County That Breaks the Record
Oskaloosa - Feb 27, Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stafford and Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes, farmers living near Carbondale, came to town and by default in district court procured divorces on the grounds of adultry. They came in the same wagon and are apparently friends. Before leaving town Mr. Barnes and the divorced Mrs. Stafford procured a license to marry, Mr. Stafford swearing to the affidavit. It is understood that Mr. Stafford and Mrs. Barnes are also to be married and that the whole procedure has been by mutual agreement all around. This caps the climax of all the various divorce business for which Mahaska county is already famous."
Family F18102
106069 Ottumwa (Iowa)Courier, March 4, 1897, page 7, col.5

"Swap Wives and Husbands
Case in Mahaska County That Breaks the Record
Oskaloosa - Feb 27, Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stafford and Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes, farmers living near Carbondale, came to town and by default in district court procured divorces on the grounds of adultry. They came in the same wagon and are apparently friends. Before leaving town Mr. Barnes and the divorced Mrs. Stafford procured a license to marry, Mr. Stafford swearing to the affidavit. It is understood that Mr. Stafford and Mrs. Barnes are also to be married and that the whole procedure has been by mutual agreement all around. This caps the climax of all the various divorce business for which Mahaska county is already famous."
Family F18100
106070 Our angel

Medical: Born with Tetralogy of Fallot, surgery at age 19 months

Sergio Alexis McPherson
Born Tuesday, May 11, 1976
Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Presbyterian Hospital


California Death Index, 1940-1997
Social Security #:
Birth Date: 11 May 1976
Birthplace: New Mexico
Death Date: 23 Aug 1986
Death Place: KERN
Mother's Maiden Name: TUNE


August 23, 1986
3601 Rancho Sierra Street
Bakersfield, California 93306

Serg was playing outside with his brother Alan and some neighborhoodfriends when he suddenly collapsed. CPR attempts by his parents, aneighbor physician, and Hall's Ambulance Paramedics were made at thescene. Serg was taken to San Joaquin Hospital ER and after 2-3 hours ofcare and all attempts to resuscitate, he passed away. Cardiac failureresulting from the inability of his heart to kick back into normal rhythmafter fibrillation(due to excessive scar tissue in the heart) wasdetermined to be the cause of death. Serg was born with a congenitalanomaly called Tetralogy of Fallot, a condition involving multipleproblems of the heart. He had open heart surgery at Cedars SinaiHospital at nineteen months of age and his symptoms rapidly improved. Helived a happy life, left us with so many sweet memories and sleeps now,safe in Jesus's arms until the day we rise together.

Mcpherson surname
Scottish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Phearsain ‘son of the parson’(see Parsons). This is the surname of various ecclesiastical families inAberdeenshire and Argyll; it is also established in northern Ireland.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4

‘son of the parson’ (see Parsons
Parsons surname
English: occupational name for the servant of a parish priest or parson,or a patronymic denoting the child of a parson, from the possessive caseof Middle English persone, parsoun (see Parson).
English: many early examples are found with prepositions (e.g. Ralph delPersones 1323); these are habitational names, with the omission of house,hence in effect occupational names for servants employed at the parson’shouse.
Irish: usually of English origin (see above), but sometimes a reducedAnglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Phearsain, which is of Highland Scottishorigin (see McPherson).
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4

French form of Sergei, brought into use at the beginning of the 20thcentury. There is no connection with the type of material called serge(Old French sarge, from Latin sericum silk).
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

Russian: from the old Roman family name Sergius, which is of uncertain,though probably Etruscan, origin. (It was borne, for example, by theconspirator denounced by Cicero, Lucius Sergius Catilina.) St Sergius ofRadonezh (c.1314-92) is one of the most famous of all Russian saints,hence the great popularity of the name. Pet form: Seryozha.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

English and German: variant (or female derivative) of Alexius. It wasoriginally a male name, but is now more commonly given to girls.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

Latin spelling of Greek Alexios, derived from a short form of variouscompound personal names with the first element alexein to defend. StAlexius was a 5th-century saint of Edessa, venerated particularly in theOrthodox Church as a “man of God”. In Eastern European languages therehas been some confusion between derivatives of this name and pet forms ofAlexander. Variant: Alexis.

Derivatives: Italian: Alessio. Spanish: Alejo. Catalan: Aleix.Portuguese: Aleixo. Polish: Aleksy. Czech: Alexej. Russian: Aleksei.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507 
MCPHERSON, Sergio Alexis (I88534)
106071 Our angel

Medical: Born with Tetralogy of Fallot, surgery at age 19 months

Sergio Alexis McPherson
Born Tuesday, May 11, 1976
Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Presbyterian Hospital


California Death Index, 1940-1997
Social Security #:
Birth Date: 11 May 1976
Birthplace: New Mexico
Death Date: 23 Aug 1986
Death Place: KERN
Mother's Maiden Name: TUNE


August 23, 1986
3601 Rancho Sierra Street
Bakersfield, California 93306

Serg was playing outside with his brother Alan and some neighborhoodfriends when he suddenly collapsed. CPR attempts by his parents, aneighbor physician, and Hall's Ambulance Paramedics were made at thescene. Serg was taken to San Joaquin Hospital ER and after 2-3 hours ofcare and all attempts to resuscitate, he passed away. Cardiac failureresulting from the inability of his heart to kick back into normal rhythmafter fibrillation(due to excessive scar tissue in the heart) wasdetermined to be the cause of death. Serg was born with a congenitalanomaly called Tetralogy of Fallot, a condition involving multipleproblems of the heart. He had open heart surgery at Cedars SinaiHospital at nineteen months of age and his symptoms rapidly improved. Helived a happy life, left us with so many sweet memories and sleeps now,safe in Jesus's arms until the day we rise together.

Mcpherson surname
Scottish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Phearsain ‘son of the parson’(see Parsons). This is the surname of various ecclesiastical families inAberdeenshire and Argyll; it is also established in northern Ireland.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4

‘son of the parson’ (see Parsons
Parsons surname
English: occupational name for the servant of a parish priest or parson,or a patronymic denoting the child of a parson, from the possessive caseof Middle English persone, parsoun (see Parson).
English: many early examples are found with prepositions (e.g. Ralph delPersones 1323); these are habitational names, with the omission of house,hence in effect occupational names for servants employed at the parson’shouse.
Irish: usually of English origin (see above), but sometimes a reducedAnglicized form of Gaelic Mac an Phearsain, which is of Highland Scottishorigin (see McPherson).
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4

French form of Sergei, brought into use at the beginning of the 20thcentury. There is no connection with the type of material called serge(Old French sarge, from Latin sericum silk).
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

Russian: from the old Roman family name Sergius, which is of uncertain,though probably Etruscan, origin. (It was borne, for example, by theconspirator denounced by Cicero, Lucius Sergius Catilina.) St Sergius ofRadonezh (c.1314-92) is one of the most famous of all Russian saints,hence the great popularity of the name. Pet form: Seryozha.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

English and German: variant (or female derivative) of Alexius. It wasoriginally a male name, but is now more commonly given to girls.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507

Latin spelling of Greek Alexios, derived from a short form of variouscompound personal names with the first element alexein to defend. StAlexius was a 5th-century saint of Edessa, venerated particularly in theOrthodox Church as a “man of God”. In Eastern European languages therehas been some confusion between derivatives of this name and pet forms ofAlexander. Variant: Alexis.

Derivatives: Italian: Alessio. Spanish: Alejo. Catalan: Aleix.Portuguese: Aleixo. Polish: Aleksy. Czech: Alexej. Russian: Aleksei.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507 
MCPHERSON, Sergio Alexis (I88534)
106072 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. NETHERTON, Ova B. (I120012)
106073 Ova C., age eleven months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 Jackson Co., TN census, entry 350, in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Ova C., age 11, is listed as daughter on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Tennessee State Marriages
Name: Maxie Stafford
Spouse: Ova C Stafford
Marriage Date: 2 Feb 1935
Marriage County: Jackson
Marriage State: Tennessee
Witness: Lee Stafford

(Is this Maxie son of Jim Ed (Raines) Stafford or is this Maxie/Mack Stafford son of John Lowe Stafford?) 
STAFFORD, Ova C. (I118971)
106074 Ova C., age eleven months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 Jackson Co., TN census, entry 350, in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Ova C., age 11, is listed as daughter on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Tennessee State Marriages
Name: Maxie Stafford
Spouse: Ova C Stafford
Marriage Date: 2 Feb 1935
Marriage County: Jackson
Marriage State: Tennessee
Witness: Lee Stafford

(Is this Maxie son of Jim Ed (Raines) Stafford or is this Maxie/Mack Stafford son of John Lowe Stafford?) 
STAFFORD, Ova C. (I118971)
106075 Ova C., age eleven months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 Jackson Co., TN census, entry 350, in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Ova C., age 11, is listed as daughter on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Tennessee State Marriages
Name: Maxie Stafford
Spouse: Ova C Stafford
Marriage Date: 2 Feb 1935
Marriage County: Jackson
Marriage State: Tennessee
Witness: Lee Stafford

(Is this Maxie son of Jim Ed (Raines) Stafford or is this Maxie/Mack Stafford son of John Lowe Stafford?) 
STAFFORD, Ova C. (I118971)
106076 Ova C., age eleven months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 Jackson Co., TN census, entry 350, in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Ova C., age 11, is listed as daughter on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Tennessee State Marriages
Name: Maxie Stafford
Spouse: Ova C Stafford
Marriage Date: 2 Feb 1935
Marriage County: Jackson
Marriage State: Tennessee
Witness: Lee Stafford

(Is this Maxie son of Jim Ed (Raines) Stafford or is this Maxie/Mack Stafford son of John Lowe Stafford?) 
STAFFORD, Ova C. (I118971)
106077 Ova C., age eleven months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 Jackson Co., TN census, entry 350, in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Ova C., age 11, is listed as daughter on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Lee Stafford.

Tennessee State Marriages
Name: Maxie Stafford
Spouse: Ova C Stafford
Marriage Date: 2 Feb 1935
Marriage County: Jackson
Marriage State: Tennessee
Witness: Lee Stafford

(Is this Maxie son of Jim Ed (Raines) Stafford or is this Maxie/Mack Stafford son of John Lowe Stafford?) 
STAFFORD, Ova C. (I118971)
106078 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106079 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106080 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106081 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106082 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106083 Ova L. Moore, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Campbell, Douglas Co., Missouri census in the HH of Silas & Minnie Moore.

Social Security Death Index
Name: Ova L. Moore
Last Residence: 64504 Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Born: 7 May 1919
Died: 2 Nov 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

ST. JOE NEWS - Obituary
Ova Moore 1919-2008
Ova L. Moore, 89, of St. Joseph, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, at the Veterans' Home in Cameron, Mo.
Ova was born May 7, 1919, in Roy, Mo., to Minnie and Silas Mack Moore.
Mr. Moore lived most of his life in St. Joseph, where he was a member of Carnegie Baptist Church, a 50-year member of the King Hill Masonic Lodge No. 376 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Ova worked 31 years at Swift and Co. until its closing and later retired from the St. Joseph State Hospital, where he worked in the maintenance department. He was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy.
He married Ruth Rachel Stafford on Aug. 24, 1940. They were married 59 years before her death on June 8, 2000.
Ova also was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Nora Langley; brother, Clarence Moore; grandson, Dennis Lee Moore; and a great-grandson, Bret Thomas Dulcan.
He is survived by a son, Denzil Moore, and wife, Virginia; two daughters, Linda Malotte, and husband, Curtis; and Wanda Dulcan, and husband, Tom, all of St. Joseph; eight grandchildren, Douglas, Dwayne, Tom and Tim Moore, Pam Patterson, Rhonda Embrey, Rodney Malotte and Matt Dulcan; 18 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter, his precious, Ella Ruth Embrey.
The service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph, with interment following in Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. 
MOORE, Ova L. (I120761)
106084 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106085 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106086 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106087 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106088 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106089 Ova, age 3, is listed as daughter on the 1880 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin.

Ova, age 20, is listed as daughter on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Woodfork Pippin & new wife.

1910 Knox Co., Texas census, entry 147/148
Mabrey, Picket B. age 31, married2, 5 yrs., born TN
Ova A., wife age 20, married 5yrs.,mother of 4, 0 living
Lee S., dau. age 8, born Texas
Lattie O., son 17, born TN 
PIPPIN, Ova A. (I121874)
106090 Ova, age 4 & five months, is listed as daughter on the 1920 White Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Henderson Pippin.

Eoval, age 14, is listed as daughter on the 1930 White Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Henderson Pipirn. 
PIPPIN, Ova (I121863)
106091 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. HAMLET, Ova (I118952)
106092 Owen Norris Churchill worked throughout most of his life for the Illinois
Central Railroad. This necessitated some amount of travel, and
consequently he was known to have lived in several different states. Owen
Norris Churchill met his wife, Mary Mageline Nolan, when he was a resident
engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, who had employed him to build
a steel trestle/viaduct near Linton, Indiana about 1910. After that he
and his wife were known to have lived in a construction camp in North
Platte, Nebraska. By Septemger of 1914, they were known to be residing in
Lousiville, Kentucky, and by 1918 they were living in Chicago, Illinois.
While there, Owen Norris Churchill was employed in the accounting
department of the Illinois Central Railroad. He remained in that capacity
until his retirement in 1946 at age 65, at which time he and his wife
moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills, California. While in Chicago,
Illinois, he legally changed his name. Named at birth Otto Norris
Churchill, on April 15, 1919 he by an affidavit through the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York changed his name legally to Owen Noris
CHURCHILL, Owen Norris (I10754)
106093 Owen Norris Churchill worked throughout most of his life for the Illinois
Central Railroad. This necessitated some amount of travel, and
consequently he was known to have lived in several different states. Owen
Norris Churchill met his wife, Mary Mageline Nolan, when he was a resident
engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, who had employed him to build
a steel trestle/viaduct near Linton, Indiana about 1910. After that he
and his wife were known to have lived in a construction camp in North
Platte, Nebraska. By Septemger of 1914, they were known to be residing in
Lousiville, Kentucky, and by 1918 they were living in Chicago, Illinois.
While there, Owen Norris Churchill was employed in the accounting
department of the Illinois Central Railroad. He remained in that capacity
until his retirement in 1946 at age 65, at which time he and his wife
moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills, California. While in Chicago,
Illinois, he legally changed his name. Named at birth Otto Norris
Churchill, on April 15, 1919 he by an affidavit through the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York changed his name legally to Owen Noris
CHURCHILL, Owen Norris (I10754)
106094 Owen Norris Churchill worked throughout most of his life for the Illinois
Central Railroad. This necessitated some amount of travel, and
consequently he was known to have lived in several different states. Owen
Norris Churchill met his wife, Mary Mageline Nolan, when he was a resident
engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, who had employed him to build
a steel trestle/viaduct near Linton, Indiana about 1910. After that he
and his wife were known to have lived in a construction camp in North
Platte, Nebraska. By Septemger of 1914, they were known to be residing in
Lousiville, Kentucky, and by 1918 they were living in Chicago, Illinois.
While there, Owen Norris Churchill was employed in the accounting
department of the Illinois Central Railroad. He remained in that capacity
until his retirement in 1946 at age 65, at which time he and his wife
moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills, California. While in Chicago,
Illinois, he legally changed his name. Named at birth Otto Norris
Churchill, on April 15, 1919 he by an affidavit through the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York changed his name legally to Owen Noris
CHURCHILL, Owen Norris (I10754)
106095 Owen Norris Churchill worked throughout most of his life for the Illinois
Central Railroad. This necessitated some amount of travel, and
consequently he was known to have lived in several different states. Owen
Norris Churchill met his wife, Mary Mageline Nolan, when he was a resident
engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, who had employed him to build
a steel trestle/viaduct near Linton, Indiana about 1910. After that he
and his wife were known to have lived in a construction camp in North
Platte, Nebraska. By Septemger of 1914, they were known to be residing in
Lousiville, Kentucky, and by 1918 they were living in Chicago, Illinois.
While there, Owen Norris Churchill was employed in the accounting
department of the Illinois Central Railroad. He remained in that capacity
until his retirement in 1946 at age 65, at which time he and his wife
moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills, California. While in Chicago,
Illinois, he legally changed his name. Named at birth Otto Norris
Churchill, on April 15, 1919 he by an affidavit through the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York changed his name legally to Owen Noris
CHURCHILL, Owen Norris (I10754)
106096 Owen Norris Churchill worked throughout most of his life for the Illinois
Central Railroad. This necessitated some amount of travel, and
consequently he was known to have lived in several different states. Owen
Norris Churchill met his wife, Mary Mageline Nolan, when he was a resident
engineer for the Illinois Central Railroad, who had employed him to build
a steel trestle/viaduct near Linton, Indiana about 1910. After that he
and his wife were known to have lived in a construction camp in North
Platte, Nebraska. By Septemger of 1914, they were known to be residing in
Lousiville, Kentucky, and by 1918 they were living in Chicago, Illinois.
While there, Owen Norris Churchill was employed in the accounting
department of the Illinois Central Railroad. He remained in that capacity
until his retirement in 1946 at age 65, at which time he and his wife
moved to an apartment in Beverly Hills, California. While in Chicago,
Illinois, he legally changed his name. Named at birth Otto Norris
Churchill, on April 15, 1919 he by an affidavit through the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York changed his name legally to Owen Noris
CHURCHILL, Owen Norris (I10754)
106097 Owen T. Hazelwood, age 16, is listed as son on the 1910 Ohio Co., Kentucky census in the HH of James H. & Amanda F. Hazelwood.

World War I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Ohio Co., Kentucky
Owen Hazelwood, age 23, born Aug. 16, 1893, in Dallas, Texas
dependents: wife and child, Hartford, Kentucky
Height: Medium, Build: Slender, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Auburn

Kentucky Death Records
Name: Owen T Hazelwood age 53
Death Date: 25 Jan 1947, Daviess Co., Kentucky
Gender: Male Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 16 Aug Birth Location: Texas
Spouse's Name: Fannie Hazelwood
Father's name: James Hazelwood
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's name: Mollie Fraze
Mother's Birth Location: Texas
informant: Mrs. O. T. Hazelwood
Burial: Rose Hill 
HAZELWOOD, Owen T. (I119547)
106098 Owen T. Hazelwood, age 16, is listed as son on the 1910 Ohio Co., Kentucky census in the HH of James H. & Amanda F. Hazelwood.

World War I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Ohio Co., Kentucky
Owen Hazelwood, age 23, born Aug. 16, 1893, in Dallas, Texas
dependents: wife and child, Hartford, Kentucky
Height: Medium, Build: Slender, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Auburn

Kentucky Death Records
Name: Owen T Hazelwood age 53
Death Date: 25 Jan 1947, Daviess Co., Kentucky
Gender: Male Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 16 Aug Birth Location: Texas
Spouse's Name: Fannie Hazelwood
Father's name: James Hazelwood
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's name: Mollie Fraze
Mother's Birth Location: Texas
informant: Mrs. O. T. Hazelwood
Burial: Rose Hill 
HAZELWOOD, Owen T. (I119547)
106099 Owen T. Hazelwood, age 16, is listed as son on the 1910 Ohio Co., Kentucky census in the HH of James H. & Amanda F. Hazelwood.

World War I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Ohio Co., Kentucky
Owen Hazelwood, age 23, born Aug. 16, 1893, in Dallas, Texas
dependents: wife and child, Hartford, Kentucky
Height: Medium, Build: Slender, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Auburn

Kentucky Death Records
Name: Owen T Hazelwood age 53
Death Date: 25 Jan 1947, Daviess Co., Kentucky
Gender: Male Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 16 Aug Birth Location: Texas
Spouse's Name: Fannie Hazelwood
Father's name: James Hazelwood
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's name: Mollie Fraze
Mother's Birth Location: Texas
informant: Mrs. O. T. Hazelwood
Burial: Rose Hill 
HAZELWOOD, Owen T. (I119547)
106100 Owen T. Hazelwood, age 16, is listed as son on the 1910 Ohio Co., Kentucky census in the HH of James H. & Amanda F. Hazelwood.

World War I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Ohio Co., Kentucky
Owen Hazelwood, age 23, born Aug. 16, 1893, in Dallas, Texas
dependents: wife and child, Hartford, Kentucky
Height: Medium, Build: Slender, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Auburn

Kentucky Death Records
Name: Owen T Hazelwood age 53
Death Date: 25 Jan 1947, Daviess Co., Kentucky
Gender: Male Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 16 Aug Birth Location: Texas
Spouse's Name: Fannie Hazelwood
Father's name: James Hazelwood
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's name: Mollie Fraze
Mother's Birth Location: Texas
informant: Mrs. O. T. Hazelwood
Burial: Rose Hill 
HAZELWOOD, Owen T. (I119547)

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