Matches 106,501 to 106,550 of 122,413
# | Notes | Linked to |
106501 | Patsy J., age 2, is listed on the 1850 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Mary Hawkins. | HAWKINS, Patsy (I118376)
106502 | Patsy J., age 2, is listed on the 1850 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Mary Hawkins. | HAWKINS, Patsy (I118376)
106503 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MAYBERRY, Patsy (I118650)
106504 | Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia. Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. | FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106505 | Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia. Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. | FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106506 | Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia. Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. | FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106507 | Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia. Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. | FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106508 | Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia. Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. | FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106509 | Patty and Peggy McKinley are twins. | MCKINLEY, Patty (I93963)
106510 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106511 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106512 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106513 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106514 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106515 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106516 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106517 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106518 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106519 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106520 | Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason | PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106521 | Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. | STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106522 | Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. | STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106523 | Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. | STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106524 | Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. | STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106525 | Paul and all his children go by The name of Lyons | LYON, Paul Roger (I14473)
106526 | Paul B., age 7, is listed as son on the 1930 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Charlie & Bessie Hanna. | HANNA, Paul B. (I119459)
106527 | Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell. P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. | POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106528 | Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell. P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. | POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106529 | Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell. P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. | POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106530 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106531 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106532 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106533 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106534 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106535 | Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold. husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold Social Security Death Index Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001 last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama Name: Paul Dixon Arnold Service Info.: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924 Death Date: 29 Nov 2001 Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 | ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106536 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106537 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106538 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106539 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106540 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106541 | Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by. Paul Rich Kirby Birth: Feb. 14, 1925 Death: Jan. 23, 1971 Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee | KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106542 | Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis, Tennessee as a journalist. | HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106543 | Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis, Tennessee as a journalist. | HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106544 | Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis, Tennessee as a journalist. | HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106545 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106546 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106547 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106548 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106549 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106550 | Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. | WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
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