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 #   Notes   Linked to 
106501 Patsy J., age 2, is listed on the 1850 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Mary Hawkins. HAWKINS, Patsy (I118376)
106502 Patsy J., age 2, is listed on the 1850 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Mary Hawkins. HAWKINS, Patsy (I118376)
106503 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. MAYBERRY, Patsy (I118650)
106504 Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia.
Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. 
FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106505 Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia.
Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. 
FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106506 Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia.
Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. 
FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106507 Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia.
Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. 
FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106508 Patterson enlisted in the Confederate 129th Virginia Militia, Logan County, on 2 Sept 1861. He served in the same regiment as his first cousins Kemper and Isaac Stafford (Matilda's brother John's sons). 1900 Mingo Co Census, Lee Dist, pg 90-05b, family #78. Son Harrison and family live next door at #77. Patterson is 63, married 3 yrs to Rebecca, 18, born May 1882, with son Jess, age 1, born Apr 1899.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Located in Hardee, Logan County, West Virginia on 1880 census.Located in Hardy, Logan County, West Virginia on 1870 census.Located in Lee, Mingo County, West Virginia on 1900 census. Had a nephew named Morgan Evans, age 24, living with him. Did he marry a second Rebecca? She would have been born abt 1883 in West Virginia.
Located in Logan County, Virginia on 1860 census. 
FARLEY, James Patterson (I22578)
106509 Patty and Peggy McKinley are twins. MCKINLEY, Patty (I93963)
106510 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106511 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106512 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106513 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106514 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106515 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106516 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106517 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106518 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106519 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106520 Patty marriedd a Mr. Mason PAYNE, Patty (I89352)
106521 Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106522 Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106523 Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106524 Paul adopted Ethyl's son, Arthur Edward. She left him with all 4 boys. STAFFORD, Paul William (I39421)
106525 Paul and all his children go by The name of Lyons LYON, Paul Roger (I14473)
106526 Paul B., age 7, is listed as son on the 1930 Sumner Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Charlie & Bessie Hanna. HANNA, Paul B. (I119459)
106527 Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell.

P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. 
POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106528 Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell.

P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. 
POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106529 Paul C., age 4, is listed on the 1850 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Edmund & Polly Powell.

P. C., age 15, is listed on the 1860 Smith Co., Tenn. census in the HH o f Ed & Polly Powell. 
POWELL, Paul C. (I125284)
106530 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106531 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106532 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106533 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106534 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106535 Paul D., age 5, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of Ode Arnold.

husband of Faye Troxell/ Arnold

Social Security Death Index
Paul D. Arnold, born 4 Oct. 1924; died 29 Nov 2001
last residence: Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Alabama

Name: Paul Dixon Arnold
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1924
Death Date: 29 Nov 2001
Cemetery: MT Carmel Cemetery
Cemetery Address: Bridgeport, AL 35740 
ARNOLD, Paul Dixon (I121928)
106536 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106537 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106538 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106539 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106540 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106541 Paul Rich Kirby is the son of John Martin Kirby and Katherine Russell Kir by.

Paul Rich Kirby
Birth: Feb. 14, 1925
Death: Jan. 23, 1971
Burial: Clark Cemetery, Jackson County, Tennessee 
KIRBY, Paul Rich (I140657)
106542 Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis,
Tennessee as a journalist. 
HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106543 Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis,
Tennessee as a journalist. 
HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106544 Paul Scates Holt retired from the Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis,
Tennessee as a journalist. 
HOLT, Paul Scates (I3616)
106545 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106546 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106547 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106548 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106549 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)
106550 Paul was 2 years 10 months old at his death. Lot-305 section 33 Mount Pleasent Cemetery. WATERS, Paul Winston (I30008)

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