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109001 Raised in North Carolina. STAFFORD, Anderson W. (I30751)
109002 Raised in North Carolina. STAFFORD, Anderson W. (I30751)
109003 Raised their children in Campbellsburg, Kentucky. George was an architect and designed and helped build the Methodist Church there. STAFFORD, George Rae (I50088)
109004 Ralph & Nancy never married. Nancy married a John L. Whisman.

STAFFORD, Ralph (I13320)
109005 Ralph & Nancy never married. Nancy married a John L. Whisman.

STAFFORD, Ralph (I13320)
109006 Ralph & Nancy never married. Nancy married a John L. Whisman.

STAFFORD, Ralph (I13320)
109007 Ralph & Nancy never married. Nancy married a John L. Whisman.

STAFFORD, Ralph (I13320)
109008 Ralph & Nancy never married. Nancy married a John L. Whisman.

STAFFORD, Ralph (I13320)
109009 Ralph Galloway was the city postal carrier in Greenfield for many years. GALLOWAY, Ralph (I3979)
109010 Ralph Galloway was the city postal carrier in Greenfield for many years. GALLOWAY, Ralph Byron (I3979)
109011 Ralph Galloway was the city postal carrier in Greenfield for many years. GALLOWAY, Ralph Byron (I3979)
109012 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STEPHENS, Ralph H. (I120295)
109013 Ralph Stafford died of a heart attack.

Ralph and Amanda had nine children Died of a heart attack. 
STAFFORD, Ralph (I13322)
109014 Ralph Stafford died of a heart attack.

Ralph and Amanda had nine children Died of a heart attack. 
STAFFORD, Ralph (I13322)
109015 Ralph Stafford died of a heart attack.

Ralph and Amanda had nine children Died of a heart attack. 
STAFFORD, Ralph (I13322)
109016 Ralph Stafford died of a heart attack.

Ralph and Amanda had nine children Died of a heart attack. 
STAFFORD, Ralph (I13322)
109017 Ralph Stafford died of a heart attack.

Ralph and Amanda had nine children Died of a heart attack. 
STAFFORD, Ralph (I13322)
109018 Ralph was born in Grant County on April 21, 1917, the son of the late Ralph and Orpha (Small) Malott. He married Betty Bonita Stafford on March 18, 1939. She survives.
Harold was a lifetime farmer in Grant County. He also worked for Kriegbaum Farm Equipment and Harper and Payne, Inc.
Harold loved the Lord and was active in church all his life. He was an Elder at Open Door Fellowship. He also helped to build several churches in the area.
Harold is survived by his three sons, Michael H. (Julia) Malott, Marion, Rex N. (Judy) Malott, Greentown, Bruce D. Malott, Gas City; four daughters, Marjean L. (Kenny) McBride, Terre Haute, Carole S. (Richard) Pogue, Marion, Renita Kay, Gas City, Nila J. (Tony) Flanigan, Marion; 30 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one brother, Jean (Marian) Malott, Greentown; three sisters, Phyllis (Max) Kilgore, Fla., Janet (Myron) Spencer, Marion, Joyce (Jack) Brown, Carmel; sister-in-law, Marlene Malott, Marion; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Ralph was preceded in death by a brother, Sherril L. Malott and one sister, Fern (William "Bud") Atkinson. 
MALOTT, Ralph Harold (I124299)
109019 Ralph was born in Grant County on April 21, 1917, the son of the late Ralph and Orpha (Small) Malott. He married Betty Bonita Stafford on March 18, 1939. She survives.
Harold was a lifetime farmer in Grant County. He also worked for Kriegbaum Farm Equipment and Harper and Payne, Inc.
Harold loved the Lord and was active in church all his life. He was an Elder at Open Door Fellowship. He also helped to build several churches in the area.
Harold is survived by his three sons, Michael H. (Julia) Malott, Marion, Rex N. (Judy) Malott, Greentown, Bruce D. Malott, Gas City; four daughters, Marjean L. (Kenny) McBride, Terre Haute, Carole S. (Richard) Pogue, Marion, Renita Kay, Gas City, Nila J. (Tony) Flanigan, Marion; 30 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one brother, Jean (Marian) Malott, Greentown; three sisters, Phyllis (Max) Kilgore, Fla., Janet (Myron) Spencer, Marion, Joyce (Jack) Brown, Carmel; sister-in-law, Marlene Malott, Marion; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Ralph was preceded in death by a brother, Sherril L. Malott and one sister, Fern (William "Bud") Atkinson. 
MALOTT, Ralph Harold (I124299)
109020 Ralph was born in Grant County on April 21, 1917, the son of the late Ralph and Orpha (Small) Malott. He married Betty Bonita Stafford on March 18, 1939. She survives.
Harold was a lifetime farmer in Grant County. He also worked for Kriegbaum Farm Equipment and Harper and Payne, Inc.
Harold loved the Lord and was active in church all his life. He was an Elder at Open Door Fellowship. He also helped to build several churches in the area.
Harold is survived by his three sons, Michael H. (Julia) Malott, Marion, Rex N. (Judy) Malott, Greentown, Bruce D. Malott, Gas City; four daughters, Marjean L. (Kenny) McBride, Terre Haute, Carole S. (Richard) Pogue, Marion, Renita Kay, Gas City, Nila J. (Tony) Flanigan, Marion; 30 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one brother, Jean (Marian) Malott, Greentown; three sisters, Phyllis (Max) Kilgore, Fla., Janet (Myron) Spencer, Marion, Joyce (Jack) Brown, Carmel; sister-in-law, Marlene Malott, Marion; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Ralph was preceded in death by a brother, Sherril L. Malott and one sister, Fern (William "Bud") Atkinson. 
MALOTT, Ralph Harold (I124299)
109021 Ralph was born in Grant County on April 21, 1917, the son of the late Ralph and Orpha (Small) Malott. He married Betty Bonita Stafford on March 18, 1939. She survives.
Harold was a lifetime farmer in Grant County. He also worked for Kriegbaum Farm Equipment and Harper and Payne, Inc.
Harold loved the Lord and was active in church all his life. He was an Elder at Open Door Fellowship. He also helped to build several churches in the area.
Harold is survived by his three sons, Michael H. (Julia) Malott, Marion, Rex N. (Judy) Malott, Greentown, Bruce D. Malott, Gas City; four daughters, Marjean L. (Kenny) McBride, Terre Haute, Carole S. (Richard) Pogue, Marion, Renita Kay, Gas City, Nila J. (Tony) Flanigan, Marion; 30 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one brother, Jean (Marian) Malott, Greentown; three sisters, Phyllis (Max) Kilgore, Fla., Janet (Myron) Spencer, Marion, Joyce (Jack) Brown, Carmel; sister-in-law, Marlene Malott, Marion; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Ralph was preceded in death by a brother, Sherril L. Malott and one sister, Fern (William "Bud") Atkinson. 
MALOTT, Ralph Harold (I124299)
109022 Ralph was born in Grant County on April 21, 1917, the son of the late Ralph and Orpha (Small) Malott. He married Betty Bonita Stafford on March 18, 1939. She survives.
Harold was a lifetime farmer in Grant County. He also worked for Kriegbaum Farm Equipment and Harper and Payne, Inc.
Harold loved the Lord and was active in church all his life. He was an Elder at Open Door Fellowship. He also helped to build several churches in the area.
Harold is survived by his three sons, Michael H. (Julia) Malott, Marion, Rex N. (Judy) Malott, Greentown, Bruce D. Malott, Gas City; four daughters, Marjean L. (Kenny) McBride, Terre Haute, Carole S. (Richard) Pogue, Marion, Renita Kay, Gas City, Nila J. (Tony) Flanigan, Marion; 30 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one brother, Jean (Marian) Malott, Greentown; three sisters, Phyllis (Max) Kilgore, Fla., Janet (Myron) Spencer, Marion, Joyce (Jack) Brown, Carmel; sister-in-law, Marlene Malott, Marion; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, Ralph was preceded in death by a brother, Sherril L. Malott and one sister, Fern (William "Bud") Atkinson. 
MALOTT, Ralph Harold (I124299)
109023 Ralph's fourth marriage and Lizzie's second marriage. Family F27860
109024 Ralph's fourth marriage and Lizzie's second marriage. Family F27860
109025 Ralph's fourth marriage and Lizzie's second marriage. Family F27860
109026 Ralph's fourth marriage and Lizzie's second marriage. Family F27860
109027 Ralph's fourth marriage and Lizzie's second marriage. Family F27860
109028 Ralph, age 6, is listed as son on the 1920 South Hooper, Davis Co., Utah census in the HH of Charles C. Pippin. PIPPIN, Ralph (I122326)
109029 Ralph, age 9, is listed as son on the 1930 Hill Co., Texas census in the HH of George W. Cordell. CORDELL, Ralph (I118991)
109030 Ralph, age three months, is listed as son on the 1920 Marion Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Judson R. Arnold.

Hugh, age 10, is listed as son on the 1930 Richard, Marion Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Robert Arnold. 
ARNOLD, Hugh Ralph (I122010)
109031 Ran Avon Grocery Store on Parsonage Street. DAVIS, Nathionel Osborne (I96544)
109032 Ran in the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. BROWN, George R. (I1749)
109033 Randi King is named as deceased daughter in the Jan. 2007 Obituary for Charlene Davis. KING, Randi (I118599)
109034 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

Name: Lewis Thomas
Residence: Union County, North Carolin a
Occupation: Farmer
Age at Enlistment: 44
Enlistment Date: 2 Sep 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Union County, N C
State Served: North Carolina
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company B, North Carolina 43rd Infantry Regim ent on 02 Apr 1862.
Birth Date: abt 1818
Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster 
THOMAS, Lewis L (I125059)
109035 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

Name: Lewis Thomas
Residence: Union County, North Carolin a
Occupation: Farmer
Age at Enlistment: 44
Enlistment Date: 2 Sep 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Union County, N C
State Served: North Carolina
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company B, North Carolina 43rd Infantry Regim ent on 02 Apr 1862.
Birth Date: abt 1818
Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster 
THOMAS, Lewis L (I125059)
109036 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

Name: Lewis Thomas
Residence: Union County, North Carolin a
Occupation: Farmer
Age at Enlistment: 44
Enlistment Date: 2 Sep 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Union County, N C
State Served: North Carolina
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company B, North Carolina 43rd Infantry Regim ent on 02 Apr 1862.
Birth Date: abt 1818
Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster 
THOMAS, Lewis L (I125059)
109037 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844
Marriage County: Randolph
Marriage State: North Carolina
Source Vendor: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC and FHL # 0019641, 00 19658 and 0418149
Source: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC & Family Hist

1850 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 354/363
Lewis L. Thomas age 32
Martha M. age 30
Florina age 5, fem.
Francis R. age 3, male
Julius L. age 1, male

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

1860 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 1539/1567
Lewis Thomas age 42, Hotel Keeper, b. NC
Martha age 39
Florena age 15
Frank age 13
Julius age 11
Billy age 9
Genett age 6
Fillmore age 3
Minny age 2 
BURNEY, Martha Malinda (I125058)
109038 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844
Marriage County: Randolph
Marriage State: North Carolina
Source Vendor: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC and FHL # 0019641, 00 19658 and 0418149
Source: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC & Family Hist

1850 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 354/363
Lewis L. Thomas age 32
Martha M. age 30
Florina age 5, fem.
Francis R. age 3, male
Julius L. age 1, male

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

1860 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 1539/1567
Lewis Thomas age 42, Hotel Keeper, b. NC
Martha age 39
Florena age 15
Frank age 13
Julius age 11
Billy age 9
Genett age 6
Fillmore age 3
Minny age 2 
BURNEY, Martha Malinda (I125058)
109039 Randolph Co., NC Marriage Record
Name: Lewis L. Thomas
Spouse: Martha M. Burney
Marriage Date: 11 Jan 1844
Marriage County: Randolph
Marriage State: North Carolina
Source Vendor: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC and FHL # 0019641, 00 19658 and 0418149
Source: County Court Records at Asheboro, NC & Family Hist

1850 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 354/363
Lewis L. Thomas age 32
Martha M. age 30
Florina age 5, fem.
Francis R. age 3, male
Julius L. age 1, male

Revel Stafford's probate papers - Nov. term 1854. Martha Burney's childr en: Peter Shamburger and wife Lundy, Louis Thomas and wife Malinda, Willi am L. Burney, E.L. Burney and Mary Jane Burney.

1860 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 1539/1567
Lewis Thomas age 42, Hotel Keeper, b. NC
Martha age 39
Florena age 15
Frank age 13
Julius age 11
Billy age 9
Genett age 6
Fillmore age 3
Minny age 2 
BURNEY, Martha Malinda (I125058)
109040 Randolph, age 8, is listed as son on the 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Charles D. & Florence Read. READ, Randolph (I118430)
109041 Rank: SFC
Branch: US Army
Last known address: 950 South Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90049
Interment Date: 3 Jan 1944
Cemetery: Los Angeles National Cemetery
Buried At: Section 100 Row B Site 6
Cemetery URL:  
Stafford, Alvin Rice (I04)
109042 Raped and stabbed while fishing. STAFFORD, Thelma Gertrude (I71433)
109043 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. FRANKLIN, John Edward (I9253)
109044 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109045 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109046 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109047 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109048 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109049 Ray Thompson, age 22, is listed as Son-in-law on the 1930 Lincoln Co., Nevada census in the HH of Thomas E. & Belle Dula. THOMPSON, Ray (I122457)
109050 Ray worked for the Timken Roller Bearing Company in Killbuck, OH. GLASSFORD, Ray (I15594)

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