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109751 Revolutionary War Patriot. Further generations in Stafford Data - Issue 4. WADE, Hezekiah (I2188)
109752 Revolutionary War Patriot. Further generations in Stafford Data - Issue 4. WADE, Hezekiah (I2188)
109753 Revolutionary War Patriot. Further generations in Stafford Data - Issue 4. WADE, Hezekiah (I2188)
109754 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

Served as a private in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson.

Father lived on Taylor Island.

The Pension papers of John Stafford state that he moved to Caswell Co., in 1776 from Dorchester Co., MD. He moved to Smith Co., Tenn in 1797. He moved to Dickson Co., TN in 1811. He moved to Graves Co., KY before 1845.

JOHN B. STAFFORD, b March 21, 1767, Dorchester County, MD -- d March 28, 1845, Graves County, KY. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) Quine on Jan. 13, 1781. After her death, he married Mary J. Gilbert (b abt 1794) on Dec.5, 1822. JOHN's parents were Adam Stafford, b 1745 in Dorchester, MD and Mary (Robinson) Robson, b abt 1745. A partial source of this birth/death date, marriage info, plus the following info: Michael Stafford

JOHN, according to his Revolutionary War Pension Application (see below), left Dorchester County, MD in 1786 and migrated to Caswell Co., North Carolina. He left Caswell County in 1797 and moved to Smith Co. TN. He then moved in 1811 to Dickson County, TN and in 1832 moved to Graves Co., KY. He died on 28 MAR 1845 in Graves Co., KY.15 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

JOHN served as a Private during the Revolutionary War in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson. His father also lived on Taylor Island. In his pension application, John stated that states that "Captain Robson was his mother's brother".

According to Bill Stafford , JOHN also married ELIZABETH QUINE, daughter of WILLIAM QUINE and SARAH (unknown).
John Stafford Revolutionary War Pension & Land Grant Application W11554
National Archives & Records Administration M804-2266
Transcribed by Billy Markland < [email protected] > 12/8/00

State of Kentucky
Graves County

On this 14th day of April 1834 personally in open court before the honorable (?) (Davidge?) Judge of the Graves Circuit court now sitting John Stafford aged 67 years a resident of the said county of Graves and State of Kentucky who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832-towit he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated towit:

He states that he was born in Dorchester County Maryland on the 21st day of March 1767 - he has a record of his age which proves this fact and that he first entered the service of the United States in the said county of Dorchester and state of Maryland as private Militia man in the month of January 1781 and joined a company of volunteers under the command of Captain Joseph Robson with whom and under whose command he was stationed on Taylors Island about 40 miles below Annapolis on the Eastern shore of the Chesepeake bay. He states that a marauding party of the enemy landed on Taylors Island (on?) above early in the month of January 1781 and Burned and otherwise destroyed a large amount of property in consequence of which General (or Colonel) (Goldsberry??) of the Maryland militia ordered the above named Captain Joseph Robson to raise a company of the adjacent militia and station himself and company on Taylors Island for its protection. This was the company that your declarant joined in the month of January, 1781 and this was the manner of his joining towit, he was in his 15th year and was of course under his father-he states that Captain Robson was his mothers brother and the declarants father did Join said company and after having Joined (his?) (wife?) (personally?), called him home and he sent your declarant to secure & he your declarant was excepted (accepted?) by Captain Robson as a substitute for his father he would state that he was well grown & performed the duty of a Soldier manfully and Capt Robson stated that he would prefer him to his father-he would state that his father as well as Captain Robson lived on Taylors Island near the station and that your declarant first (began to serve??) in January 1781 for the term of three months (____________) and that he Served the whole of that period which expired in March 1781 at which period the demand for the services of the company were if possible more pressing than when they first entered the service in the preceding January-the enemy now in great force had (the entire?) possession of the lower part of the Chesepeake and the Several rivers by which it was that (________) and (_________) committing the most horrid ravages upon private properties-under this state of things and the term of Captain Robsons company having now expired General or Col (Goldsberry??) ordered him to raise another company to serve for six months and to station himself on Taylors Island at the same place. this order was complied with by Cap. Robson in April 1781 and your declarant joined this company or to be more particular your declarant entered the service of the United States for his 2nd time in the month of April 1781 in Dorchester County Maryland by leave of his father as a private volunteer militia man-he was stationed on Taylors Island under Captain Joseph Robson under whom and at which place he served six months in his 2nd tour and was discharged by Capt Robson late in the month of October 1781-after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown-he does not recollect whether his discharge was written or not-if written he states he has lost it-he would beg leave to present his services in one (__________)(_________) January 1781 in his fathers place as a volunteer under Capt Joseph Robson by order of Genl (Goldsberry??) for three months stationed n Taylors Island served the term out but was not discharged because of the enemy being now in possession of eastern parts of Virginia & no prospects of getting rid of them under six months Capt Robson was again ordered to raise another company for the period of six months and your declarant joined Capt Robson (_____) towit March 1781 (without ever quitting the service) for another term of six months which he served out & was discharged as above stated in October 1781 and (_______) altho he served his nine months under two engagements yet the service was one continued service at the same station and under the same officer said Capt Joseph Robson who was the commanding officer at the station during the whole time. hence in your declarants declaration which he presents as the deponent in February 1834 he did not mention the two separate engagements –your declarant would state in conclusion that the enemy approached our station (and engaged?) it one time with the intentions of winning possession of (a landing?) but were gravely repulsed by our fire-your declarant states that he has no documentary evidence of his service and that he knows of no living witness by whom he so can prove his service-he states that he removed the year 1786 from Dorchester County Maryland to Caswell County North Carolina and from there Smith County Tennessee in 1797 and from there to Dickson County Tennessee in 1811 and from there to Graves County Kentucky in 1832 (_____) where he now resides ever since & where he at present (is residing?).

He states that William (I?) Anderson, Benjamin Gilbert, John Moore, and Amos A. Atkinson are his neighbors who will bear ample testimony to his character for veracity and as to his reputation of having been a revolutionary soldier-he hereby relinquishes any claims to a pension or (bounty?) except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or country whatever.
John Stafford
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court this day and year aforesaid
(signature unreadable)

We Jeremiah Adams-a clergyman resident in the county of Graves and State of Tennessee and John Sullivan a resident of said county and State hereby certify that we are well acquainted with John Stafford who has subscribed and sworn the (foregoing?) declaration that we believe him to be 67 years of age and he is reputed and believed in his neighborhood where he resides (to have been?) a Soldier of the Revolution and we concur in that opinion not having any doubt whatsoever of his having been such.
Jeremiah Adams
John Sullivan
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court the day and year aforesa
M. Anderson clerk
Name: John B Stafford
Given Name: John B
Surname: Stafford
Sex: M
Birth: 21 MAR 1767 in Dorchester, Maryland
Death: 28 MAR 1845 in Graves County, Kentucky
Event: Military BEF 1786
Pension information states that Stafford served under a Capt. Robson during the Revolution and that this Capt. Robson was his mother's brother. The "declarant" is John Stafford. The declarant's father had joined the Militia. John's mother called his father home from the Militia. So John Stafford went in his father's place to serve under Capt. Joseph Robson. John was only 14 years old, but apparently a big and strong guy, and was accepted by his Uncle Joseph, as a substitute for John's father.
John B Stafford was a Private in the Militia.
Census: 1820 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1830 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1832 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1835 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: Possibly this John Stafford listed on the Pension Roll.
Census: 1840 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: He is one of two John Stafford's listed in this census.
Event: Living 1786 Caswell County, North Carolina
Event: MOVE ABT 1797 Smith County, Tennessee
Note: where he was a neighbor to John Douglas, Charles McMurray, and DeBow family. 1
Event: MOVE 1811 Dickson County, Tennessee 1
Event: then MOVE BEF 1845 Graves County, Kentucky 1

Father: Adam Stafford b: 1745 in Dorchester, Maryland
Mother: Mary Robison (Robson?)

Abbrev: Stafford family history
Title: McMurray-Stafford Family History
Author: Earl E. Jones and Richard C. Fulcher
Publication: Richard C. Fulcher Genealogical Research and Publishing, P. O. Box 21, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Printed in USA 1982
Susan Smith ([email protected]) advises on 10/27/2004:
" I haven't sent for copies of originals about the Robsons, since that is not my direct line, but I did find the following supporting reference in "Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Libers 37-45 1754-1760" by V. L. Skinner, Jr.:

John Robson 41. 391 Dorchester Co. L261.9.3 L230.12.9 Sep 14 1757
A second inventory is cited in the amount of L54.15.0.
Sureties: Thomas Chapman, John Pattison.
Payments to: Thomas Nevett, Col. Joseph Ennalls, John King, , Bartholomew Ennalls for Daniel Dulany, Esq., Daniel Sullivane, Henry Hooper, Jr., Jacob Pattison, Robert Callender, Lord Baltimore paid to Thomas Muir, James Auld.
Mentions: Josias Mace (dead).
Representatives (children (minors)): Mary, Joseph, Catty, Aney, Susannah, Rosannah.
Administratrix: Susannah Budd, wife of John Budd.

(John Robson was married to Susannah Mace, daughter of Josias Mace. Josias Mace left a will in Dorchester Co. 14 July 1743.
This above inventory on John Robson's estate indicates that his wife Susannah next married John Budd.)

As you recall, the 1792 Caswell Co., NC will of Adam Stafford names Adam's wife as "Susanna"." 
STAFFORD, John B. (I632)
109755 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

Served as a private in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson.

Father lived on Taylor Island.

The Pension papers of John Stafford state that he moved to Caswell Co., in 1776 from Dorchester Co., MD. He moved to Smith Co., Tenn in 1797. He moved to Dickson Co., TN in 1811. He moved to Graves Co., KY before 1845.

JOHN B. STAFFORD, b March 21, 1767, Dorchester County, MD -- d March 28, 1845, Graves County, KY. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) Quine on Jan. 13, 1781. After her death, he married Mary J. Gilbert (b abt 1794) on Dec.5, 1822. JOHN's parents were Adam Stafford, b 1745 in Dorchester, MD and Mary (Robinson) Robson, b abt 1745. A partial source of this birth/death date, marriage info, plus the following info: Michael Stafford

JOHN, according to his Revolutionary War Pension Application (see below), left Dorchester County, MD in 1786 and migrated to Caswell Co., North Carolina. He left Caswell County in 1797 and moved to Smith Co. TN. He then moved in 1811 to Dickson County, TN and in 1832 moved to Graves Co., KY. He died on 28 MAR 1845 in Graves Co., KY.15 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

JOHN served as a Private during the Revolutionary War in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson. His father also lived on Taylor Island. In his pension application, John stated that states that "Captain Robson was his mother's brother".

According to Bill Stafford , JOHN also married ELIZABETH QUINE, daughter of WILLIAM QUINE and SARAH (unknown).
John Stafford Revolutionary War Pension & Land Grant Application W11554
National Archives & Records Administration M804-2266
Transcribed by Billy Markland < [email protected] > 12/8/00

State of Kentucky
Graves County

On this 14th day of April 1834 personally in open court before the honorable (?) (Davidge?) Judge of the Graves Circuit court now sitting John Stafford aged 67 years a resident of the said county of Graves and State of Kentucky who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832-towit he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated towit:

He states that he was born in Dorchester County Maryland on the 21st day of March 1767 - he has a record of his age which proves this fact and that he first entered the service of the United States in the said county of Dorchester and state of Maryland as private Militia man in the month of January 1781 and joined a company of volunteers under the command of Captain Joseph Robson with whom and under whose command he was stationed on Taylors Island about 40 miles below Annapolis on the Eastern shore of the Chesepeake bay. He states that a marauding party of the enemy landed on Taylors Island (on?) above early in the month of January 1781 and Burned and otherwise destroyed a large amount of property in consequence of which General (or Colonel) (Goldsberry??) of the Maryland militia ordered the above named Captain Joseph Robson to raise a company of the adjacent militia and station himself and company on Taylors Island for its protection. This was the company that your declarant joined in the month of January, 1781 and this was the manner of his joining towit, he was in his 15th year and was of course under his father-he states that Captain Robson was his mothers brother and the declarants father did Join said company and after having Joined (his?) (wife?) (personally?), called him home and he sent your declarant to secure & he your declarant was excepted (accepted?) by Captain Robson as a substitute for his father he would state that he was well grown & performed the duty of a Soldier manfully and Capt Robson stated that he would prefer him to his father-he would state that his father as well as Captain Robson lived on Taylors Island near the station and that your declarant first (began to serve??) in January 1781 for the term of three months (____________) and that he Served the whole of that period which expired in March 1781 at which period the demand for the services of the company were if possible more pressing than when they first entered the service in the preceding January-the enemy now in great force had (the entire?) possession of the lower part of the Chesepeake and the Several rivers by which it was that (________) and (_________) committing the most horrid ravages upon private properties-under this state of things and the term of Captain Robsons company having now expired General or Col (Goldsberry??) ordered him to raise another company to serve for six months and to station himself on Taylors Island at the same place. this order was complied with by Cap. Robson in April 1781 and your declarant joined this company or to be more particular your declarant entered the service of the United States for his 2nd time in the month of April 1781 in Dorchester County Maryland by leave of his father as a private volunteer militia man-he was stationed on Taylors Island under Captain Joseph Robson under whom and at which place he served six months in his 2nd tour and was discharged by Capt Robson late in the month of October 1781-after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown-he does not recollect whether his discharge was written or not-if written he states he has lost it-he would beg leave to present his services in one (__________)(_________) January 1781 in his fathers place as a volunteer under Capt Joseph Robson by order of Genl (Goldsberry??) for three months stationed n Taylors Island served the term out but was not discharged because of the enemy being now in possession of eastern parts of Virginia & no prospects of getting rid of them under six months Capt Robson was again ordered to raise another company for the period of six months and your declarant joined Capt Robson (_____) towit March 1781 (without ever quitting the service) for another term of six months which he served out & was discharged as above stated in October 1781 and (_______) altho he served his nine months under two engagements yet the service was one continued service at the same station and under the same officer said Capt Joseph Robson who was the commanding officer at the station during the whole time. hence in your declarants declaration which he presents as the deponent in February 1834 he did not mention the two separate engagements –your declarant would state in conclusion that the enemy approached our station (and engaged?) it one time with the intentions of winning possession of (a landing?) but were gravely repulsed by our fire-your declarant states that he has no documentary evidence of his service and that he knows of no living witness by whom he so can prove his service-he states that he removed the year 1786 from Dorchester County Maryland to Caswell County North Carolina and from there Smith County Tennessee in 1797 and from there to Dickson County Tennessee in 1811 and from there to Graves County Kentucky in 1832 (_____) where he now resides ever since & where he at present (is residing?).

He states that William (I?) Anderson, Benjamin Gilbert, John Moore, and Amos A. Atkinson are his neighbors who will bear ample testimony to his character for veracity and as to his reputation of having been a revolutionary soldier-he hereby relinquishes any claims to a pension or (bounty?) except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or country whatever.
John Stafford
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court this day and year aforesaid
(signature unreadable)

We Jeremiah Adams-a clergyman resident in the county of Graves and State of Tennessee and John Sullivan a resident of said county and State hereby certify that we are well acquainted with John Stafford who has subscribed and sworn the (foregoing?) declaration that we believe him to be 67 years of age and he is reputed and believed in his neighborhood where he resides (to have been?) a Soldier of the Revolution and we concur in that opinion not having any doubt whatsoever of his having been such.
Jeremiah Adams
John Sullivan
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court the day and year aforesa
M. Anderson clerk
Name: John B Stafford
Given Name: John B
Surname: Stafford
Sex: M
Birth: 21 MAR 1767 in Dorchester, Maryland
Death: 28 MAR 1845 in Graves County, Kentucky
Event: Military BEF 1786
Pension information states that Stafford served under a Capt. Robson during the Revolution and that this Capt. Robson was his mother's brother. The "declarant" is John Stafford. The declarant's father had joined the Militia. John's mother called his father home from the Militia. So John Stafford went in his father's place to serve under Capt. Joseph Robson. John was only 14 years old, but apparently a big and strong guy, and was accepted by his Uncle Joseph, as a substitute for John's father.
John B Stafford was a Private in the Militia.
Census: 1820 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1830 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1832 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1835 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: Possibly this John Stafford listed on the Pension Roll.
Census: 1840 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: He is one of two John Stafford's listed in this census.
Event: Living 1786 Caswell County, North Carolina
Event: MOVE ABT 1797 Smith County, Tennessee
Note: where he was a neighbor to John Douglas, Charles McMurray, and DeBow family. 1
Event: MOVE 1811 Dickson County, Tennessee 1
Event: then MOVE BEF 1845 Graves County, Kentucky 1

Father: Adam Stafford b: 1745 in Dorchester, Maryland
Mother: Mary Robison (Robson?)

Abbrev: Stafford family history
Title: McMurray-Stafford Family History
Author: Earl E. Jones and Richard C. Fulcher
Publication: Richard C. Fulcher Genealogical Research and Publishing, P. O. Box 21, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Printed in USA 1982
Susan Smith ([email protected]) advises on 10/27/2004:
" I haven't sent for copies of originals about the Robsons, since that is not my direct line, but I did find the following supporting reference in "Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Libers 37-45 1754-1760" by V. L. Skinner, Jr.:

John Robson 41. 391 Dorchester Co. L261.9.3 L230.12.9 Sep 14 1757
A second inventory is cited in the amount of L54.15.0.
Sureties: Thomas Chapman, John Pattison.
Payments to: Thomas Nevett, Col. Joseph Ennalls, John King, , Bartholomew Ennalls for Daniel Dulany, Esq., Daniel Sullivane, Henry Hooper, Jr., Jacob Pattison, Robert Callender, Lord Baltimore paid to Thomas Muir, James Auld.
Mentions: Josias Mace (dead).
Representatives (children (minors)): Mary, Joseph, Catty, Aney, Susannah, Rosannah.
Administratrix: Susannah Budd, wife of John Budd.

(John Robson was married to Susannah Mace, daughter of Josias Mace. Josias Mace left a will in Dorchester Co. 14 July 1743.
This above inventory on John Robson's estate indicates that his wife Susannah next married John Budd.)

As you recall, the 1792 Caswell Co., NC will of Adam Stafford names Adam's wife as "Susanna"." 
STAFFORD, John B. (I632)
109756 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

Served as a private in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson.

Father lived on Taylor Island.

The Pension papers of John Stafford state that he moved to Caswell Co., in 1776 from Dorchester Co., MD. He moved to Smith Co., Tenn in 1797. He moved to Dickson Co., TN in 1811. He moved to Graves Co., KY before 1845.

JOHN B. STAFFORD, b March 21, 1767, Dorchester County, MD -- d March 28, 1845, Graves County, KY. He married Elizabeth (Betsy) Quine on Jan. 13, 1781. After her death, he married Mary J. Gilbert (b abt 1794) on Dec.5, 1822. JOHN's parents were Adam Stafford, b 1745 in Dorchester, MD and Mary (Robinson) Robson, b abt 1745. A partial source of this birth/death date, marriage info, plus the following info: Michael Stafford

JOHN, according to his Revolutionary War Pension Application (see below), left Dorchester County, MD in 1786 and migrated to Caswell Co., North Carolina. He left Caswell County in 1797 and moved to Smith Co. TN. He then moved in 1811 to Dickson County, TN and in 1832 moved to Graves Co., KY. He died on 28 MAR 1845 in Graves Co., KY.15 Revolutionary War Pension Applications - National Archives Microfilm NO. M804 - Reel #2266 - MD W#11554 - BLWt.50888-160-55 - Kentucky - #5259.

JOHN served as a Private during the Revolutionary War in the company commanded by Capt. Robson of the regiment commanded by Col. Goldsbarry in the Maryland Line for 6 months. Also served in the Maryland Militia in April 1781 on Taylors Island under Capt. Joseph Robson. His father also lived on Taylor Island. In his pension application, John stated that states that "Captain Robson was his mother's brother".

According to Bill Stafford , JOHN also married ELIZABETH QUINE, daughter of WILLIAM QUINE and SARAH (unknown).
John Stafford Revolutionary War Pension & Land Grant Application W11554
National Archives & Records Administration M804-2266
Transcribed by Billy Markland < [email protected] > 12/8/00

State of Kentucky
Graves County

On this 14th day of April 1834 personally in open court before the honorable (?) (Davidge?) Judge of the Graves Circuit court now sitting John Stafford aged 67 years a resident of the said county of Graves and State of Kentucky who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832-towit he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated towit:

He states that he was born in Dorchester County Maryland on the 21st day of March 1767 - he has a record of his age which proves this fact and that he first entered the service of the United States in the said county of Dorchester and state of Maryland as private Militia man in the month of January 1781 and joined a company of volunteers under the command of Captain Joseph Robson with whom and under whose command he was stationed on Taylors Island about 40 miles below Annapolis on the Eastern shore of the Chesepeake bay. He states that a marauding party of the enemy landed on Taylors Island (on?) above early in the month of January 1781 and Burned and otherwise destroyed a large amount of property in consequence of which General (or Colonel) (Goldsberry??) of the Maryland militia ordered the above named Captain Joseph Robson to raise a company of the adjacent militia and station himself and company on Taylors Island for its protection. This was the company that your declarant joined in the month of January, 1781 and this was the manner of his joining towit, he was in his 15th year and was of course under his father-he states that Captain Robson was his mothers brother and the declarants father did Join said company and after having Joined (his?) (wife?) (personally?), called him home and he sent your declarant to secure & he your declarant was excepted (accepted?) by Captain Robson as a substitute for his father he would state that he was well grown & performed the duty of a Soldier manfully and Capt Robson stated that he would prefer him to his father-he would state that his father as well as Captain Robson lived on Taylors Island near the station and that your declarant first (began to serve??) in January 1781 for the term of three months (____________) and that he Served the whole of that period which expired in March 1781 at which period the demand for the services of the company were if possible more pressing than when they first entered the service in the preceding January-the enemy now in great force had (the entire?) possession of the lower part of the Chesepeake and the Several rivers by which it was that (________) and (_________) committing the most horrid ravages upon private properties-under this state of things and the term of Captain Robsons company having now expired General or Col (Goldsberry??) ordered him to raise another company to serve for six months and to station himself on Taylors Island at the same place. this order was complied with by Cap. Robson in April 1781 and your declarant joined this company or to be more particular your declarant entered the service of the United States for his 2nd time in the month of April 1781 in Dorchester County Maryland by leave of his father as a private volunteer militia man-he was stationed on Taylors Island under Captain Joseph Robson under whom and at which place he served six months in his 2nd tour and was discharged by Capt Robson late in the month of October 1781-after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown-he does not recollect whether his discharge was written or not-if written he states he has lost it-he would beg leave to present his services in one (__________)(_________) January 1781 in his fathers place as a volunteer under Capt Joseph Robson by order of Genl (Goldsberry??) for three months stationed n Taylors Island served the term out but was not discharged because of the enemy being now in possession of eastern parts of Virginia & no prospects of getting rid of them under six months Capt Robson was again ordered to raise another company for the period of six months and your declarant joined Capt Robson (_____) towit March 1781 (without ever quitting the service) for another term of six months which he served out & was discharged as above stated in October 1781 and (_______) altho he served his nine months under two engagements yet the service was one continued service at the same station and under the same officer said Capt Joseph Robson who was the commanding officer at the station during the whole time. hence in your declarants declaration which he presents as the deponent in February 1834 he did not mention the two separate engagements –your declarant would state in conclusion that the enemy approached our station (and engaged?) it one time with the intentions of winning possession of (a landing?) but were gravely repulsed by our fire-your declarant states that he has no documentary evidence of his service and that he knows of no living witness by whom he so can prove his service-he states that he removed the year 1786 from Dorchester County Maryland to Caswell County North Carolina and from there Smith County Tennessee in 1797 and from there to Dickson County Tennessee in 1811 and from there to Graves County Kentucky in 1832 (_____) where he now resides ever since & where he at present (is residing?).

He states that William (I?) Anderson, Benjamin Gilbert, John Moore, and Amos A. Atkinson are his neighbors who will bear ample testimony to his character for veracity and as to his reputation of having been a revolutionary soldier-he hereby relinquishes any claims to a pension or (bounty?) except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or country whatever.
John Stafford
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court this day and year aforesaid
(signature unreadable)

We Jeremiah Adams-a clergyman resident in the county of Graves and State of Tennessee and John Sullivan a resident of said county and State hereby certify that we are well acquainted with John Stafford who has subscribed and sworn the (foregoing?) declaration that we believe him to be 67 years of age and he is reputed and believed in his neighborhood where he resides (to have been?) a Soldier of the Revolution and we concur in that opinion not having any doubt whatsoever of his having been such.
Jeremiah Adams
John Sullivan
Subscribed and sworn to in Open court the day and year aforesa
M. Anderson clerk
Name: John B Stafford
Given Name: John B
Surname: Stafford
Sex: M
Birth: 21 MAR 1767 in Dorchester, Maryland
Death: 28 MAR 1845 in Graves County, Kentucky
Event: Military BEF 1786
Pension information states that Stafford served under a Capt. Robson during the Revolution and that this Capt. Robson was his mother's brother. The "declarant" is John Stafford. The declarant's father had joined the Militia. John's mother called his father home from the Militia. So John Stafford went in his father's place to serve under Capt. Joseph Robson. John was only 14 years old, but apparently a big and strong guy, and was accepted by his Uncle Joseph, as a substitute for John's father.
John B Stafford was a Private in the Militia.
Census: 1820 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1830 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1832 Dickson County, Tennessee
Census: 1835 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: Possibly this John Stafford listed on the Pension Roll.
Census: 1840 Graves County, Kentucky
Note: He is one of two John Stafford's listed in this census.
Event: Living 1786 Caswell County, North Carolina
Event: MOVE ABT 1797 Smith County, Tennessee
Note: where he was a neighbor to John Douglas, Charles McMurray, and DeBow family. 1
Event: MOVE 1811 Dickson County, Tennessee 1
Event: then MOVE BEF 1845 Graves County, Kentucky 1

Father: Adam Stafford b: 1745 in Dorchester, Maryland
Mother: Mary Robison (Robson?)

Abbrev: Stafford family history
Title: McMurray-Stafford Family History
Author: Earl E. Jones and Richard C. Fulcher
Publication: Richard C. Fulcher Genealogical Research and Publishing, P. O. Box 21, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Printed in USA 1982
Susan Smith ([email protected]) advises on 10/27/2004:
" I haven't sent for copies of originals about the Robsons, since that is not my direct line, but I did find the following supporting reference in "Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland Libers 37-45 1754-1760" by V. L. Skinner, Jr.:

John Robson 41. 391 Dorchester Co. L261.9.3 L230.12.9 Sep 14 1757
A second inventory is cited in the amount of L54.15.0.
Sureties: Thomas Chapman, John Pattison.
Payments to: Thomas Nevett, Col. Joseph Ennalls, John King, , Bartholomew Ennalls for Daniel Dulany, Esq., Daniel Sullivane, Henry Hooper, Jr., Jacob Pattison, Robert Callender, Lord Baltimore paid to Thomas Muir, James Auld.
Mentions: Josias Mace (dead).
Representatives (children (minors)): Mary, Joseph, Catty, Aney, Susannah, Rosannah.
Administratrix: Susannah Budd, wife of John Budd.

(John Robson was married to Susannah Mace, daughter of Josias Mace. Josias Mace left a will in Dorchester Co. 14 July 1743.
This above inventory on John Robson's estate indicates that his wife Susannah next married John Budd.)

As you recall, the 1792 Caswell Co., NC will of Adam Stafford names Adam's wife as "Susanna"." 
STAFFORD, John B. (I632)
109757 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109758 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109759 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109760 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109761 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109762 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109763 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109764 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109765 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109766 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109767 Revolutionary War Pensioner STURGES, Abram (I28249)
109768 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109769 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109770 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109771 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109772 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109773 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109774 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109775 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109776 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109777 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109778 Revolutionary War Service
RI - S#21509
RI #21195

He was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Spence in the Regiment commanded by Col. Tellinghart in the RI Line for 12 months. December 1776 he was drafted and served as a private ... shere he received a musket ball in his left leg which remains to this date and can be plainly felt ... and was honourably discharged but never had a written discharge. 
STAFFORD, James (I20374)
109779 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109780 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109781 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109782 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109783 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109784 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109785 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109786 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109787 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109788 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109789 Revolutionary War Service - RI - S#17,124 - NY N.#24,951

Joseph was a Private in the Regiment commanded by Col. Brown in the RI Troops Line for 2 years.

Joseph is listed in the 1850 census as living with his son Oliver as Head of Household. 
STAFFORD, Joseph (I19058)
109790 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109791 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109792 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109793 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109794 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109795 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109796 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109797 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109798 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109799 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)
109800 Revolutionary War Service. RI - S#42408 - NY - 16,964

Thomas Stafford of Florida, Montgomery Co., NY was a private in the regiment commanded by Col. Green of the RI Line. Entered service in Mar 1777 until close of war.

On this 14 Jun 1820 appeared ... Thomas Stafford, aged 58 Years ... "Real property, I have none in possession .. I am a farmer by occupation but on account of feebleness and ill health I am unable to do much work. I have five in my family whom I support - my wife 53 years of age who is quite weakly, three children - 15, 14, & 13 that I have no other means of support. 
STAFFORD, Thomas (I20393)

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