Matches 110,251 to 110,300 of 122,413
# | Notes | Linked to |
110251 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110252 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110253 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110254 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110255 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110256 | Robert, age 4, is listed as son on the 1900 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emlie Owen. Robert, age 14, is listed as son on the 1910 Hopkins Co., KY census in the HH of Robert & Emily Owen. 1930 Hopkins Co., KY census Owen, Robert D. age 33 Dazey S., wife age 34 Emily G., dau. age 12 Robbie E., dau. age 10 Robert B., son age 8 Walter P., son age 5 Rudulph D., son age 11/12 Kentucky Death Index: Robert D. Owen age 63, died 26 March 1959 | OWEN, Robert Dale (I118449)
110257 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | PAYNE, Robert (I121452)
110258 | Robert, age 9, is listed as son on the 1920 Hickman Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Rolland Haney. Robert, age 18, is listed as son on the 1930 Cumberland Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Roland W. Haney. | HANEY, Robert (I122307)
110259 | Robert, age eleven months, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Ben & Edna Chaffin. Robert, age 11, is listed as son on the 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Ben & Edner Chaffin. | CHAFFIN, Robert (I122111)
110260 | Robert, age five months, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of William R. Poston. | POSTON, Robert (I119794)
110261 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | DULA, Robert (I122451)
110262 | Robert, reportedto be oneofthe richestofthe grandsonsofrobert "King" Carter, is said to have purchased in one day 1,000 slaves. | CARTER, Robert (I9973)
110263 | Robert, reportedto be oneofthe richestofthe grandsonsofrobert "King" Carter, is said to have purchased in one day 1,000 slaves. | CARTER, Robert (I9973)
110264 | Robert, reportedto be oneofthe richestofthe grandsonsofrobert "King" Carter, is said to have purchased in one day 1,000 slaves. | CARTER, Robert (I9973)
110265 | Robert, reportedto be oneofthe richestofthe grandsonsofrobert "King" Carter, is said to have purchased in one day 1,000 slaves. | CARTER, Robert (I9973)
110266 | Robert, reportedto be oneofthe richestofthe grandsonsofrobert "King" Carter, is said to have purchased in one day 1,000 slaves. | CARTER, Robert (I9973)
110267 | Roberts, p. 255, says Botner was a man of considerable wealth, who owned a fine farm on LickCreek, in Lawrence Co., KY. Also, The Stafford genealogy in the Woodward-McGrady papers has him married to Jane's sister, Calistia, but that may well have been in error. Oliver D. Botner in the Kentucky death index was 93 when he died. American Cilvil War Soldiers Record about Oliver D. Botner. Enlistment Date: November 19, 1861. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE. Side Served: UNION. State Served: KENTUCKY. Unit Numbers: 767 767. Service Record: Enlisted as a Captain on 19 November 1861. Commission is on 10 December 1861. Resigned on 05 June 1862. | BOTNER, Oliver David (I12982)
110268 | Roberts, p. 255, says Botner was a man of considerable wealth, who owned a fine farm on LickCreek, in Lawrence Co., KY. Also, The Stafford genealogy in the Woodward-McGrady papers has him married to Jane's sister, Calistia, but that may well have been in error. Oliver D. Botner in the Kentucky death index was 93 when he died. American Cilvil War Soldiers Record about Oliver D. Botner. Enlistment Date: November 19, 1861. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE. Side Served: UNION. State Served: KENTUCKY. Unit Numbers: 767 767. Service Record: Enlisted as a Captain on 19 November 1861. Commission is on 10 December 1861. Resigned on 05 June 1862. | BOTNER, Oliver David (I12982)
110269 | Roberts, p. 255, says Botner was a man of considerable wealth, who owned a fine farm on LickCreek, in Lawrence Co., KY. Also, The Stafford genealogy in the Woodward-McGrady papers has him married to Jane's sister, Calistia, but that may well have been in error. Oliver D. Botner in the Kentucky death index was 93 when he died. American Cilvil War Soldiers Record about Oliver D. Botner. Enlistment Date: November 19, 1861. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE. Side Served: UNION. State Served: KENTUCKY. Unit Numbers: 767 767. Service Record: Enlisted as a Captain on 19 November 1861. Commission is on 10 December 1861. Resigned on 05 June 1862. | BOTNER, Oliver David (I12982)
110270 | Roberts, p. 255, says Botner was a man of considerable wealth, who owned a fine farm on LickCreek, in Lawrence Co., KY. Also, The Stafford genealogy in the Woodward-McGrady papers has him married to Jane's sister, Calistia, but that may well have been in error. Oliver D. Botner in the Kentucky death index was 93 when he died. American Cilvil War Soldiers Record about Oliver D. Botner. Enlistment Date: November 19, 1861. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE. Side Served: UNION. State Served: KENTUCKY. Unit Numbers: 767 767. Service Record: Enlisted as a Captain on 19 November 1861. Commission is on 10 December 1861. Resigned on 05 June 1862. | BOTNER, Oliver David (I12982)
110271 | Roberts, p. 255, says Botner was a man of considerable wealth, who owned a fine farm on LickCreek, in Lawrence Co., KY. Also, The Stafford genealogy in the Woodward-McGrady papers has him married to Jane's sister, Calistia, but that may well have been in error. Oliver D. Botner in the Kentucky death index was 93 when he died. American Cilvil War Soldiers Record about Oliver D. Botner. Enlistment Date: November 19, 1861. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE. Side Served: UNION. State Served: KENTUCKY. Unit Numbers: 767 767. Service Record: Enlisted as a Captain on 19 November 1861. Commission is on 10 December 1861. Resigned on 05 June 1862. | BOTNER, Oliver David (I12982)
110272 | Roberts, p. 259, gives a list of David's children. | MOLLET, David (I12854)
110273 | Roberts, p. 259, gives a list of David's children. | MOLLET, David (I12854)
110274 | Roberts, p. 259, gives a list of David's children. | MOLLET, David (I12854)
110275 | Roberts, p. 259, gives a list of David's children. | MOLLET, David (I12854)
110276 | Roberts, p. 259, gives a list of David's children. | MOLLET, David (I12854)
110277 | Robertson Stafford served in the Revolutionary War. (1) ROBERTSON (1760) was "willed" (to become effective at his mother's death) his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation"(home place) after HENRY died June 2, 1776. Henry also gave ROBERTSON (1760) and his brother, ZADOC, "all my Lands which I have not before called Stafford's Lott and in case either of them deceases(sic) without Lawful Issue then for the other brother to possess his land". (2). ROBERTSON(1760) is believed to be the "ROBERT STAFFORD" who, at the age of 18, enlisted from Delaware on March 20, 1778, for service in the Revolutionary War. He apparently was mustered out (discharged) in June 1782. His service record states he served at various times in "Captain David Hall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company, Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't." and that he was "Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783". Source, incl. birthdate: Dora Robinson (3). Robertson's(1760) Revolutionary war record states that he was on the Muster Roll at Hillsborough (Could this be Hillsborough located in Orange County, NC ?), Sept. 1780, at which time he would have been 20 years old. (4). Robertson(1760) not on the reconstructed 1782 Delaware census, probably because he was still in service. His name also may not have been on that portion of "Stafford's Lott" left to him by his father, Henry who died in June 1776 when Robertson was 15 or 16 years old. (5). In early 1782, while Robertson(1760) was still in military service, his brother ZADOC sold to their brother LEVI STAFFORD, yeoman of Sussex for 33 pounds, 30 acres of STAFFORDs Lott adj. and part of tract conveyed to NATHAN STAFFORD, who was another of their brothers. Have you (or others) seen any record of ROBERTSON(1760) selling his share of "Stafford's Lott" given to him in the Will of his father, HENRY STAFFORD? (6). It is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his stay in the hospital where he was listed as being on Dec. 28, 1783. At that time, he was approx. 23 years old. It also is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his mother, ELIZABETH (whose death date is unknown) and thereby inherited his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation" which was to become effective at his mother's death. "In March 1781 Captain Robert Kirkwood with his elite Delaware company of Continental light infantry arrived to join General Greene. A few days later they fought with Virginians and Marylanders at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina."..."Peter Jaquett's men were in the Battle of Cowpens in 1781. 'After twenty days of seige, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. However, the war was not over for Major Peter Jaquett and the Delaware troops. They remained in the South, to help drive out the British there. At last, on November 16, 1782, they left their camp on the Ashley Rover in South Carolina to march home.' They returned home in 1783." "June of 1778 found Peter Jaquett and the Blue Hen's Chickens with General Washington at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. The Delawareans aided General Greene in holding the British Army and proved that they were a match for the redcoats." Source: Colonial Histories Delaware by Gardell Dano Christensen and Eugenia Burney. 1974. (Spelling is shown as was on the records) RETURN OF DELAWARE TROOPS UNDER COMMAND OF CAPT. JAQUETT Private (no. 51) Robert Stafford Sick at Fishkills 13 Sept. 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood October 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood November 1778 transferred to Capt. Jaquett Delaware Regiment December 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood December 1778 March 20, 1778 100 Pound Bounty Peter J. Co. Delaware Regiment A Payroll of Capt. Peter Jaquett's Co.December 1778. # 9 Robert Stafford (Commencement of pay) September (4 m0s)2 Pounds Returned to Hospital Feb. 1779 Robert Stafford 1 month 2 Pounds 10 Shillings March 1779 on Payroll for 2 Pounds - 10 Shillings April 1779 on Payroll for 6 Pounds - 60 Shillings May 1779 June 79 Jul Oct 1779 Jan. Feb 1780 March 1780 Copy of Military Records: S Hall's Regiment Del. Robert Stawford P, Jacquett's Co., Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't. Revolutionary War Copied from Rolls of the organization named above. Date of enlistment Mar. 20,1778. ( On Muster Roll WilmingtonMay 22, 1778) Time of service War Casualties Discharged June 1782 S Hall's Regiment Del. Robert Stafort Muster Roll* of Capt. P. Jaquett's Companey of the Delawear Re of foot in Searvice of the United States of America Commanded by Col. David Hall Revolutionary War September 1778 Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from the State of Delaware. R. & P 488.296 This company was referred to various times as Captain DavidHall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company. Robert Stafford signed for 1 Coat, 1 Shoes, 1 Hat January 10, 1781. His pay was listed as 6 2/3 dollars per month or 2 pounds 10 shillings per month. He was on Muster Roll at Hillsborough N. C. Sept. 1780; Christeen Bridg May 2, 1781; White Plains, N. Y, Sept. 2, 1778; Wicks Farms,March 7, 1780; Discharged June, 1782. Muster Roll Number 137: Robert Stafford age 22, Light hair, fair complection, Sussex County, Delaware; Number 58, Williamsburg enlisted 1781 - age 22. Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783. Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from theState of Delaware. R. & P 488.296 *** ca 1786, James Kirkman and Michael Todd appraised the personal estate of Robert Stafford / Safford, deceased of Caroline County.The Inventory is undated but was recorded on 31 December 1786. (CCMI, Lib. JR#Afol. 164) Caroline County Register of Wills (Inventories) MSA C516 Dates: 1778-1789 Description: I Accession No.:9970-1 MSA No.: C 516-2 Location: 1/3/1/17 An Inventory Seprate of the Debts and Moveables of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County Deceased.- To waring apparel. £7:12:6. To 10 papers ofPins.18/19. To a remnant of cloth. 7/6. To raisor.1/13. To chest.7/16. To old saddle.5/72. To some leather.(unreadable) To 1 Sithe.7/6. To a gun. 10/9. To a mare.£L To a bed and some furniture. £3.15.0 To 53 # of bacon. 32/10/2. To old iron. 3/9. Toa cow & calf. 6/8/9. To a Colt. 3/8/9. To a part of a waggon. 135/. To knife 7² To 6 Barrells & 3 pecks of Corn. To 3 bushels of wheat 18/9. To James Safford Auo60/. To Wm Adam's ditto .£3:29:0 Total £58:6:0 Apprais/d the 10th of the 11 mo.1785. By James Kirkman Michael Todd. Nighest of kin to the decease. Mary Safford} Bigest Creditors to the same} Hermark} Mary x Safford} Henry Safford} Henry Safford} Caroline County Sct.- The 31st day of December 1786 Then came Delilah Stafford Administratrix of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County, deceased; and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing is a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods and that tests of the said deceased, that have come to her hands or possession at the time of the making thereof; and that what hath since, or shall hereafter come to her hands or possession, she will return in an additional Inventory; that she knows of no Concealment of any part of or parcel of the deceased's Estate by any person whatsoever; and that if she shall here after discover any Concealment, or suspect any to be, she will acquaint the orphans Court or Register of wills for the County aforementioned. That it may be inquired into a wording to law. Certified by Richardson Jones. Reg. Wills for Caroline County} A list of the desparate of the debts due Robert Safford late of Caroline County deceased. Abraham Safford Auo. £7:6:2. Stephen Wright ditto 10/ Caroline county to wrt.--- The 31st day of December 1785 Then came Delilah Stafford Administrative of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god that the aforegoing is a true list o fDebts Desperate which have come to her knowledge that she hath not received any part thereof, and that she will and truly, charge herself 165 1785 with all and every such debt or debts as shall hereafter come to her hands or possession. Certified By Richardson Jones. Reg.r wills for Caroline County Note from Dora: Names mentioned in the document: Robert Safford (Stafford)deceased Mary Safford (sister) Henry Safford(brother) Delilah Safford (sister in father's will was Delight) Abraham Safford son of John of Caroline County? James Safford son of John of Caroline County? | STAFFORD, Robertson (I3103)
110278 | Robertson Stafford served in the Revolutionary War. (1) ROBERTSON (1760) was "willed" (to become effective at his mother's death) his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation"(home place) after HENRY died June 2, 1776. Henry also gave ROBERTSON (1760) and his brother, ZADOC, "all my Lands which I have not before called Stafford's Lott and in case either of them deceases(sic) without Lawful Issue then for the other brother to possess his land". (2). ROBERTSON(1760) is believed to be the "ROBERT STAFFORD" who, at the age of 18, enlisted from Delaware on March 20, 1778, for service in the Revolutionary War. He apparently was mustered out (discharged) in June 1782. His service record states he served at various times in "Captain David Hall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company, Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't." and that he was "Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783". Source, incl. birthdate: Dora Robinson (3). Robertson's(1760) Revolutionary war record states that he was on the Muster Roll at Hillsborough (Could this be Hillsborough located in Orange County, NC ?), Sept. 1780, at which time he would have been 20 years old. (4). Robertson(1760) not on the reconstructed 1782 Delaware census, probably because he was still in service. His name also may not have been on that portion of "Stafford's Lott" left to him by his father, Henry who died in June 1776 when Robertson was 15 or 16 years old. (5). In early 1782, while Robertson(1760) was still in military service, his brother ZADOC sold to their brother LEVI STAFFORD, yeoman of Sussex for 33 pounds, 30 acres of STAFFORDs Lott adj. and part of tract conveyed to NATHAN STAFFORD, who was another of their brothers. Have you (or others) seen any record of ROBERTSON(1760) selling his share of "Stafford's Lott" given to him in the Will of his father, HENRY STAFFORD? (6). It is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his stay in the hospital where he was listed as being on Dec. 28, 1783. At that time, he was approx. 23 years old. It also is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his mother, ELIZABETH (whose death date is unknown) and thereby inherited his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation" which was to become effective at his mother's death. "In March 1781 Captain Robert Kirkwood with his elite Delaware company of Continental light infantry arrived to join General Greene. A few days later they fought with Virginians and Marylanders at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina."..."Peter Jaquett's men were in the Battle of Cowpens in 1781. 'After twenty days of seige, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. However, the war was not over for Major Peter Jaquett and the Delaware troops. They remained in the South, to help drive out the British there. At last, on November 16, 1782, they left their camp on the Ashley Rover in South Carolina to march home.' They returned home in 1783." "June of 1778 found Peter Jaquett and the Blue Hen's Chickens with General Washington at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. The Delawareans aided General Greene in holding the British Army and proved that they were a match for the redcoats." Source: Colonial Histories Delaware by Gardell Dano Christensen and Eugenia Burney. 1974. (Spelling is shown as was on the records) RETURN OF DELAWARE TROOPS UNDER COMMAND OF CAPT. JAQUETT Private (no. 51) Robert Stafford Sick at Fishkills 13 Sept. 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood October 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood November 1778 transferred to Capt. Jaquett Delaware Regiment December 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood December 1778 March 20, 1778 100 Pound Bounty Peter J. Co. Delaware Regiment A Payroll of Capt. Peter Jaquett's Co.December 1778. # 9 Robert Stafford (Commencement of pay) September (4 m0s)2 Pounds Returned to Hospital Feb. 1779 Robert Stafford 1 month 2 Pounds 10 Shillings March 1779 on Payroll for 2 Pounds - 10 Shillings April 1779 on Payroll for 6 Pounds - 60 Shillings May 1779 June 79 Jul Oct 1779 Jan. Feb 1780 March 1780 Copy of Military Records: S Hall's Regiment Del. Robert Stawford P, Jacquett's Co., Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't. Revolutionary War Copied from Rolls of the organization named above. Date of enlistment Mar. 20,1778. ( On Muster Roll WilmingtonMay 22, 1778) Time of service War Casualties Discharged June 1782 S Hall's Regiment Del. Robert Stafort Muster Roll* of Capt. P. Jaquett's Companey of the Delawear Re of foot in Searvice of the United States of America Commanded by Col. David Hall Revolutionary War September 1778 Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from the State of Delaware. R. & P 488.296 This company was referred to various times as Captain DavidHall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company. Robert Stafford signed for 1 Coat, 1 Shoes, 1 Hat January 10, 1781. His pay was listed as 6 2/3 dollars per month or 2 pounds 10 shillings per month. He was on Muster Roll at Hillsborough N. C. Sept. 1780; Christeen Bridg May 2, 1781; White Plains, N. Y, Sept. 2, 1778; Wicks Farms,March 7, 1780; Discharged June, 1782. Muster Roll Number 137: Robert Stafford age 22, Light hair, fair complection, Sussex County, Delaware; Number 58, Williamsburg enlisted 1781 - age 22. Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783. Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from theState of Delaware. R. & P 488.296 *** ca 1786, James Kirkman and Michael Todd appraised the personal estate of Robert Stafford / Safford, deceased of Caroline County.The Inventory is undated but was recorded on 31 December 1786. (CCMI, Lib. JR#Afol. 164) Caroline County Register of Wills (Inventories) MSA C516 Dates: 1778-1789 Description: I Accession No.:9970-1 MSA No.: C 516-2 Location: 1/3/1/17 An Inventory Seprate of the Debts and Moveables of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County Deceased.- To waring apparel. £7:12:6. To 10 papers ofPins.18/19. To a remnant of cloth. 7/6. To raisor.1/13. To chest.7/16. To old saddle.5/72. To some leather.(unreadable) To 1 Sithe.7/6. To a gun. 10/9. To a mare.£L To a bed and some furniture. £3.15.0 To 53 # of bacon. 32/10/2. To old iron. 3/9. Toa cow & calf. 6/8/9. To a Colt. 3/8/9. To a part of a waggon. 135/. To knife 7² To 6 Barrells & 3 pecks of Corn. To 3 bushels of wheat 18/9. To James Safford Auo60/. To Wm Adam's ditto .£3:29:0 Total £58:6:0 Apprais/d the 10th of the 11 mo.1785. By James Kirkman Michael Todd. Nighest of kin to the decease. Mary Safford} Bigest Creditors to the same} Hermark} Mary x Safford} Henry Safford} Henry Safford} Caroline County Sct.- The 31st day of December 1786 Then came Delilah Stafford Administratrix of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County, deceased; and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing is a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods and that tests of the said deceased, that have come to her hands or possession at the time of the making thereof; and that what hath since, or shall hereafter come to her hands or possession, she will return in an additional Inventory; that she knows of no Concealment of any part of or parcel of the deceased's Estate by any person whatsoever; and that if she shall here after discover any Concealment, or suspect any to be, she will acquaint the orphans Court or Register of wills for the County aforementioned. That it may be inquired into a wording to law. Certified by Richardson Jones. Reg. Wills for Caroline County} A list of the desparate of the debts due Robert Safford late of Caroline County deceased. Abraham Safford Auo. £7:6:2. Stephen Wright ditto 10/ Caroline county to wrt.--- The 31st day of December 1785 Then came Delilah Stafford Administrative of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god that the aforegoing is a true list o fDebts Desperate which have come to her knowledge that she hath not received any part thereof, and that she will and truly, charge herself 165 1785 with all and every such debt or debts as shall hereafter come to her hands or possession. Certified By Richardson Jones. Reg.r wills for Caroline County Note from Dora: Names mentioned in the document: Robert Safford (Stafford)deceased Mary Safford (sister) Henry Safford(brother) Delilah Safford (sister in father's will was Delight) Abraham Safford son of John of Caroline County? James Safford son of John of Caroline County? | STAFFORD, Robertson (I3103)
110279 | Robertson Stafford served in the Revolutionary War. (1) ROBERTSON (1760) was "willed" (to become effective at his mother's death) his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation"(home place) after HENRY died June 2, 1776. Henry also gave ROBERTSON (1760) and his brother, ZADOC, "all my Lands which I have not before called Stafford's Lott and in case either of them deceases(sic) without Lawful Issue then for the other brother to possess his land". (2). ROBERTSON(1760) is believed to be the "ROBERT STAFFORD" who, at the age of 18, enlisted from Delaware on March 20, 1778, for service in the Revolutionary War. He apparently was mustered out (discharged) in June 1782. His service record states he served at various times in "Captain David Hall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company, Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't." and that he was "Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783". Source, incl. birthdate: Dora Robinson (3). Robertson's(1760) Revolutionary war record states that he was on the Muster Roll at Hillsborough (Could this be Hillsborough located in Orange County, NC ?), Sept. 1780, at which time he would have been 20 years old. (4). Robertson(1760) not on the reconstructed 1782 Delaware census, probably because he was still in service. His name also may not have been on that portion of "Stafford's Lott" left to him by his father, Henry who died in June 1776 when Robertson was 15 or 16 years old. (5). In early 1782, while Robertson(1760) was still in military service, his brother ZADOC sold to their brother LEVI STAFFORD, yeoman of Sussex for 33 pounds, 30 acres of STAFFORDs Lott adj. and part of tract conveyed to NATHAN STAFFORD, who was another of their brothers. Have you (or others) seen any record of ROBERTSON(1760) selling his share of "Stafford's Lott" given to him in the Will of his father, HENRY STAFFORD? (6). It is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his stay in the hospital where he was listed as being on Dec. 28, 1783. At that time, he was approx. 23 years old. It also is not known if ROBERTSON (1760) survived his mother, ELIZABETH (whose death date is unknown) and thereby inherited his father's (HENRY) "dwelling plantation" which was to become effective at his mother's death. "In March 1781 Captain Robert Kirkwood with his elite Delaware company of Continental light infantry arrived to join General Greene. A few days later they fought with Virginians and Marylanders at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina."..."Peter Jaquett's men were in the Battle of Cowpens in 1781. 'After twenty days of seige, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. However, the war was not over for Major Peter Jaquett and the Delaware troops. They remained in the South, to help drive out the British there. At last, on November 16, 1782, they left their camp on the Ashley Rover in South Carolina to march home.' They returned home in 1783."  "June of 1778 found Peter Jaquett and the Blue Hen's Chickens with General Washington at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. The Delawareans aided General Greene in holding the British Army and proved that they were a match for the redcoats." Source: Colonial Histories Delaware by Gardell Dano Christensen and Eugenia Burney. 1974.   (Spelling is shown as was on the records)  RETURN OF DELAWARE TROOPS UNDER COMMAND OF CAPT. JAQUETT Private (no. 51) Robert Stafford Sick at Fishkills 13 Sept. 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood October 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood November 1778 transferred to Capt. Jaquett Delaware Regiment December 1778 Payroll of Capt. Kirkwood December 1778 March 20, 1778 100 Pound Bounty Peter J. Co. Delaware Regiment A Payroll of Capt. Peter Jaquett's Co.December 1778. # 9 Robert Stafford (Commencement of pay) September (4 m0s)2 Pounds Returned to Hospital Feb. 1779 Robert Stafford 1 month 2 Pounds 10 Shillings March 1779 on Payroll for 2 Pounds - 10 Shillings April 1779 on Payroll for 6 Pounds - 60 Shillings May 1779  June 79 Jul Oct 1779 Jan. Feb 1780 March 1780  Copy of Military Records: S   Hall's Regiment    Del. Robert Stawford P, Jacquett's Co., Col. David Hall's Delaware Reg't. Revolutionary War         Copied from Rolls of the organization named above. Date of enlistment Mar. 20,1778.             ( On Muster Roll WilmingtonMay 22, 1778) Time of service       War Casualties  Discharged June 1782  S      Hall's Regiment         Del. Robert Stafort             Muster Roll* of Capt. P. Jaquett's Companey of the Delawear Re of foot in Searvice of the United States of America Commanded by Col. David Hall                 Revolutionary War September 1778 Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from the State of Delaware. R. & P 488.296  This company was referred to various times as Captain DavidHall's and Captain Peter Jaquett's Company.  Robert Stafford signed for 1 Coat, 1 Shoes, 1 Hat January 10, 1781. His pay was listed as 6 2/3 dollars per month or 2 pounds 10 shillings per month. He was on Muster Roll at Hillsborough N. C. Sept. 1780; Christeen Bridg May 2, 1781; White Plains, N. Y, Sept. 2, 1778; Wicks Farms,March 7, 1780; Discharged June, 1782.  Muster Roll Number 137: Robert Stafford age 22, Light hair, fair complection, Sussex County, Delaware; Number 58, Williamsburg enlisted 1781 - age 22. Sick in hospital Dec. 28, 1783.  Roll dated Campe Robinsons farme October 5, 1778. War, (torn) Remarks: in Hospatal Sept. 13 *From copy made in the R. & P Office, War Department, in September, 1897.) of an original record borrowed from theState of Delaware. R. & P 488.296  ***  ca 1786, James Kirkman and Michael Todd appraised the personal estate of Robert Stafford / Safford, deceased of Caroline County.The Inventory is undated but was recorded on 31 December 1786. (CCMI, Lib. JR#Afol. 164)   Caroline County Register of Wills (Inventories) MSA C516 Dates: 1778-1789 Description: I Accession No.:9970-1 MSA No.: C 516-2 Location: 1/3/1/17  An Inventory Seprate of the Debts and Moveables of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County Deceased.-  To waring apparel. £7:12:6. To 10 papers ofPins.18/19. To a remnant of cloth. 7/6. To raisor.1/13. To chest.7/16. To old saddle.5/72. To some leather.(unreadable) To 1 Sithe.7/6. To a gun. 10/9. To a mare.£L To a bed and some furniture. £3.15.0 To 53 # of bacon. 32/10/2. To old iron. 3/9.  Toa cow & calf. 6/8/9. To a Colt. 3/8/9. To a part of a waggon. 135/. To knife 7² To 6 Barrells & 3 pecks of Corn. To 3 bushels of wheat 18/9. To James Safford Auo60/. To Wm Adam's ditto .£3:29:0 Total £58:6:0 Apprais/d the 10th of the 11 mo.1785. By James Kirkman Michael Todd.  Nighest of kin to the decease. Mary Safford}   Bigest Creditors to the same}    Hermark}                    Mary x Safford} Henry Safford} Henry Safford}  Caroline County Sct.- The 31st day of December 1786 Then came Delilah Stafford Administratrix of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County, deceased; and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing is a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods and that tests of the said deceased, that have come to her hands or possession at the time of the making thereof; and that what hath since, or shall hereafter come to her hands or possession, she will return in an additional Inventory; that she knows of no Concealment of any part of or parcel of the deceased's Estate by any person whatsoever; and that if she shall here after discover any Concealment, or suspect any to be, she will acquaint the orphans Court or Register of wills for the County aforementioned. That it may be inquired into a wording to law. Certified by Richardson Jones. Reg. Wills for Caroline County} A list of the desparate of the debts due Robert Safford late of Caroline County deceased. Abraham Safford Auo. £7:6:2. Stephen Wright ditto 10/ Caroline county to wrt.--- The 31st day of December 1785 Then came Delilah Stafford Administrative of Robert Stafford late of Caroline County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god that the aforegoing is a true list o fDebts Desperate which have come to her knowledge that she hath not received any part thereof, and that she will and truly, charge herself 165                                   1785 with all and every such debt or debts as shall hereafter come to her hands or possession. Certified By Richardson Jones. Reg.r wills for Caroline County  Note from Dora: Names mentioned in the document: Robert Safford (Stafford)deceased Mary Safford (sister) Henry Safford(brother) Delilah Safford (sister in father's will was Delight) Abraham Safford son of John of Caroline County? James Safford son of John of Caroline County? | STAFFORD, Robertson (I3103)
110280 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110281 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110282 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110283 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110284 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110285 | Robt. C., age 5, is listed as son on the 1900 St. Francis Co., Arkansas census in the Hh of Jno. & Ida Holden. Robert, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Fayette Co., Tenn. census in the HH of John & Ida Holden. WW I Draft Registration, 5 June 1917, Oakland, Tenn. Robert Cannon Holden, age 23, born 1 Oct 1894, single Height: Medium, Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Light Brown 1920 Fayette Co., Tenn. census Holden, Robert age 25 Elnora, wife age 22 1930 Fayette Co., Tenn. census, entry 43/49 Holden, Robert C. age 35, married when 25, b. Ark. Elnora M., wife age 32, married when 22, b. Tenn. Dupree E., son age 9 Katy B., dau. age 8 Robert B., son age 6 Edward T., son age 4 Berta M., dau. age 1 &2/12 | HOLDEN, Robert C. (I120449)
110286 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110287 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110288 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110289 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110290 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110291 | Robt. H., age 5, is listed as son on the 1880 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. Robert H., age 24, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ala. census in the HH of John M. & Mary J. Arnold. 1910 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 195/197 Arnold, Robert H. age 35 Sallie B., wife age 27 Virgil B., son age 8 John R., son age 4 General L., son age 1&9/12 WW I Draft Registration, 9/12/18, Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Ala. Robert Henry Arnold, age 43, born April 9, 1875 nearest relative: Mrs. Sallie B. Arnold, Olalee, Ala. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark 1920 Cave Spring, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 48/53 Arnold, Robert H. age 44 Sallie, wife age 36 Virgil, son age 18 John, son age 14 General, son age 12 Alvin, son age 9 James, son age 4&5/12 Ada, dau. age 1&8/12 1930 Paint Rock, Jackson Co., Ala. census, entry 55/60 Arnold, Sallie age 47, married when 18 General, son age 21 Alvin, son age 18 Jim Rod, son age 14 Ada, dau. age 12 1926 Registered #13 Place of Death:Jackson Co. Robert H. Arnold Male White Husband of Sallie O Arnold Date of Birth:Jan 18 - Bass station Ala Age:52 Father; J. M. Arnold born Ala Maiden Name of Mother:Jane Pippins born Tenn Informant:Mrs. Sallie Arnold Date of Death:Jan 18, 1926 Cause:TB Physician:J. H. Sentell Undertaker:Pickins Address:Gurley | ARNOLD, Robert H. (I121941)
110292 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110293 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110294 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110295 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110296 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110297 | Robt. Lee, age 12, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Manda Hopkins. Bob Hopkins, age 21, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Amanda Hopkins. WW I Draft Registration, June 5, 1917, Jackson Co., Tenn. Robert Lee Hopkins, age 28, born 3 Sep 1888, Gainesboro, Tenn. Height: Tall, Build: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black Bob Hopkins, age 32, is listed as son on the 1920 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of widow Mandy E. Hopkins. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Mary Susan Allen to R. L. Hopkins, 13 May 1928 1930 Jackson Co., Tenn. census, entry 30/30 Hopkins, R. L. age 41, married when 40, b. Tenn. Mary S., wife age 28, married when 27, b. Tenn. Charles W., son 10/12 | HOPKINS, Robert Lee (I121653)
110298 | Robt., age 6, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jas. Lawson. Bob, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jim Lawson. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Bob Lawson to Carrie Keith, 30 Nov. 1913 security: Fred L. Haile 1920 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 16/16 Lawson, Bob age 25 Carrie, wife age 21 Joseph, son age 5 Winnie, dau. age 4 Carl, son age 2 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 46/48 Lawson, Bob age 35 Cairie, wife age 31 Joe, son age 15 Winnie, dau. age 14 Carl, son age 12 Howard, son age 9 Loid, son age 7 | LAWSON, Robert (I121790)
110299 | Robt., age 6, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jas. Lawson. Bob, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jim Lawson. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Bob Lawson to Carrie Keith, 30 Nov. 1913 security: Fred L. Haile 1920 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 16/16 Lawson, Bob age 25 Carrie, wife age 21 Joseph, son age 5 Winnie, dau. age 4 Carl, son age 2 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 46/48 Lawson, Bob age 35 Cairie, wife age 31 Joe, son age 15 Winnie, dau. age 14 Carl, son age 12 Howard, son age 9 Loid, son age 7 | LAWSON, Robert (I121790)
110300 | Robt., age 6, is listed as son on the 1900 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jas. Lawson. Bob, age 15, is listed as son on the 1910 Jackson Co., Tenn. census in the HH of Jim Lawson. Jackson Co., Tenn. Marriage Record Bob Lawson to Carrie Keith, 30 Nov. 1913 security: Fred L. Haile 1920 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 16/16 Lawson, Bob age 25 Carrie, wife age 21 Joseph, son age 5 Winnie, dau. age 4 Carl, son age 2 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census, entry 46/48 Lawson, Bob age 35 Cairie, wife age 31 Joe, son age 15 Winnie, dau. age 14 Carl, son age 12 Howard, son age 9 Loid, son age 7 | LAWSON, Robert (I121790)
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