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112151 She was totally blind for the last ten years of her life. BUSHNELL, Johanna (I24251)
112152 She was totally blind for the last ten years of her life. BUSHNELL, Johanna (I24251)
112153 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112154 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112155 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112156 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112157 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112158 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112159 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112160 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112161 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112162 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112163 She wrote the letter from which this information was gleaned. RUTTAN, Sadie (I28926)
112164 Sheet metal mechanic. VICKERY, Paul (I95812)
112165 Sheet metal mechanic. VICKERY, Paul (I95812)
112166 Sheet metal mechanic. VICKERY, Paul (I95812)
112167 SHELBYVILLE DEMOCRAT-Friday, March 15, 1901- Mr. Davis Trees who was stricken w/ paralysis 2 weeks ago at his home at 278 Harrison Ave., d: 10pm-Tues, March 12, 1901. His death was expected for a number of days. From the time he was stricken down there was no hope for recovery. He was one of the best men in Shelby City; his circle of acquaintances was very large & his death is a matter of deep regret. He was always an honest man, a good citizen representing the best of everything in the community where he resided. Mr. Trees was b: Rush County-1832, but came to Shelby county w/ his parents when he was only two, spending all his life up to the time he come to Shelbyville, on the same farm in Washington Twp. He m: Sallie Stafford on Marc h 25, 1854 & had 3 children: Agnes Brooks-Mr. A. N. Trees & Pleasant G. Trees.-Submitted by Janet Franklin. Jacob Trees: The family of this name has been identified with Shelby County almost from the time of it's organization. Jacob Trees, a native of Pennsylvania, entered land in Noble Twp. at a very early day, prospered, reared a family and his numerous descendants have always been included in the county's best citizenship. Davis Trees, one of the sons of the pioneer founder, was born Feb. 14, 1832, and was engaged during his whole adult life in farming, his death occurred March 15, 1902. He married May 25, 1853 to Sarah Stafford, daughter of an old pioneer family, whose children became prosperous and influential in the eastern section of the county. She was born in what is now Shelby Twp. on May 26, 1838 and is still living. They had three children, Angeline, the eldest married Dudley M. Brooks, now desceased, has five children, and resides on a farm in Noble Twp. Pleasant G. the youngest son, married Narcissus Bone, has one son, and is farming the old home place. Alonzo N. Trees, the eldest son of the family was born in Noble Twp., Shelby Co., Indiana, October 7, 1849. The schools were poor in those days, and he had to pick up his learning at odd times during the short winter terms, helping on the farm in summers as all sons of pioneer farmers were accustomed to do. After he grew up, he became a farmer, like his ancestors, and achieved success in his chosen line, though it took much hard work and good management. September 12, 1880, Mr. Trees was married to Katie A. Floyd, a member of a family deserving of especial mention in any history of Shelby County. Her parents were Arthur W. and Cynthia A. Bone Floyd, natives of Shelby county. The father of Arthur W. Floyd was a native of Pennsylvania and was one of the earliest settlers of Noble Twp., and left descendants who achieved influence in various lines of business, chiefly agriculture. Arthur W. Floyd had several children of whom four are living. William E., the eldest, became the father of a daughter, at present Mrs. Daisy Auburn, of Newcastle, Pennsylvania. Mathias, the second son, is dead leaving a wife, Elizabeth, who is the mother of three children: Carrie, Jennie and Arthur. Eugene Floyd and Mrs. Trees complete the family. Cynthia Bone Floyd, the mother of Mrs. Trees, who is a resident of Shelbyville, was born December 10, 1831, and has two brothers and two sisters living. The grandmother of Cynthia A. Bone Floyd was Margaret Abbot, who was born in Clark County, Indiana. She was married to Josiah Williams about 1807. To this union were born seven children. Sally the second daugher was born in Clark County, Indiana, March 17, 1810. This family moved to what is now known as the Floyd farm when she was ten years old. Sally Williams married to William E. Bone when nineteen years old, the ceremony having been performed upon this farm, January 28, 1829; and to this union were born the following children: Caroline, Cynthia Ann, Anderson, Alfred, Margaret, Mary Janett, Thomas, Matilda and Prudence. Cynthia, the second daughter in order of birth, was born December 10, 1831 in Shelby County. She was married to Arthur W.Floyd, January 14, 1849, in Shelby County near Cave Mills, on Sunday morning before breakfast. The weather was very cold and the ground was so slick that the horses could not stand on the ice. To this union were born five children. William E. was born in Shelby County, December 2, 1849;Mathias, November 9, 1852; Hester, born August 5, 1857; Katie A. born March 2, 1862; and Eugene, January 8, 1869. Cynthia Bone's grandfather was William Bone, born in Virginia, October 17, 1769, and he died September 27, 1830. Cynthia Bone's grandmother was Agnes McGuire, who was born November 17, 1772; married William Bone, and died March 5, 1848. To this union were born ten children. William E. Bone was born September 2, 1810 in Warren County, Ohio and he married Sally Williams, January 28, 1829. Arthur Floyd's grandmother on his father's side was named House. His grandmother on the maternal sided was named Crisler. Betsy House married John Floyd. Mathias Floyd was born January 8, 1796, in Pennsylvania. He was married to Jemima Crisler, and they moved to Indiana from Kentucy. To this union eleven children were born. Arthur was born March 15, 1829, in Shelby County, just south of Middletown. The farm now owned by Mr. Trees has quite an ancestral history, having descended from father to son for several generations. The original owner was Josiah Williams, Mrs. Trees' great grandfather, who transferred it to Mr. Johnson, then to Mathias Floyd, her grandfather, and from him to his son Arthur W., and finally to Alonzo N. Trees and wife. Here their first son, Forest E., was born and still lives. Floyd, the second son, is now in the Indianapolis Conservatory of Music. Forest was graduated in the Shelbyville high school, and is now a successful farmer. He married Ethel Mittendorf June 10, 1908, and they are the parents of a son born on the old homestead May 15, 1909. Mrs Trees was educated in the common schools of the county, and at the St. Paul and Shelbyville high schools. The family are now members of the Christian Church, of which Mr. Trees has been deacon and Mrs. Trees treasurer of the Mission Society for two years. Mr. Trees took an active part in the erection of the new church, and has long been regarded as one of it's pillars. For fourteen years, Mrs Trees was organist at the Floyd Church, and also acted as janitress during that time. There is no better family connection in Shelby county than that of the Trees', who have filled worthily all the places to which they have been called and enjoy the reputation of being good citizens. Mostly farmers, they have done their full share in building up the agricultural reputation of "Old Shelby" . Unidentified source, thought to be Chadwick's. Text contributed by Lora.
TREES, Davis (I102270)
Page 490.
BIRTH: Pub. Dec. 12, 1906
At Sherbrooke 2 Dec 1906, a daughter to MR. & MRS. HENRY HOPKINSON
SUTTON, FLORENCE E (MRS. STANLEY P) Rubber Wkr BRco h 51 Walnut
SUTTON, STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) Pressman BRco h 51 Walnut
SUTTON, STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) Pressman BRco h 51 Walnut
SUTTON, STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) Foreman BRco h 152 Chestnut
SUTTON, STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) Foreman BRco h Clement Rd ext RD2
SUTTON, FLORENCE E (STANLEY P) emp NP Co h Clement Rd ext RD2
SUTTON, STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) Foreman BRco h Clement Rd ext RD2
FLORENCE was born on 2 Dec 1906. She died on 20 Sep 1989 in Lake Worth,Palm Beach Co., FL.
Death notice, 21 Sep 1989, The Palm Beach Post.
Page 641.
SUTTON FLORENCE E. (MRS. STANLEY P) emp NP Co h Clement Rd ext
SUTTON STANLEY P (FLORENCE E) foreman BRCo h Clement Rd et. RD2
225. Stanley Percy Sutton (Stanley John , Charles Arthur , Joshua B. ,Philpot John )
was born on 23 Apr 1911 in Sherbrooke, PQ.
He died 3 May 1990 in Lake Worth, Palm Beach Co., FL. Stanley was buried on 4 May 1990 in Lak e Worth Memory Gardens.

1. Age 79, of Lake Worth, Florida died Thursday May 3, 1990. He lived here since 1973 coming from Hudson, New Hampshire. He was a retiredforeman from Beebe Rubber Company, Nashua, New Hampshire. Mr. Sutton is predeceased by his wife Florence Sutton who died Sept 30th 1989.

Survivors include a daughter: Myrna Marchand of Nashua, N.H.,
one brother, Gerald Sutton of Sherbrooke, Quebec, CA.;
one sister in-law Barbara Largy of Merrimack, N.H.
Donna Mason of Germany; three great grand children and several nephew andnieces.
A graveside service will be held 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 4, 1990 at LakeWorth Memory Gardens , Lake Worth Fla. with Rev. Donald Deighton of theFree Methodist Church, 116 Broward Ave. Gre en Acres City, Fla.officiating. In leu of flowers, the family requests that donations bemad e to the Free Methodists Church of GreeAcres City, Fla. Arrangementsentrusted to the Mizell-F aville-Zern Southdale Chapel, 4101 Parker Ave,West Palm Beach, Fla. (Obit, Palm Beach Post, M ay 4, 1990)
FLORENCE E SUTTON 02 Dec 1906 20 Sep 1989 33463 (Lake Worth, Palm Beach,FL) (none specified ) 002-22-6373 New Hampshire
The Palm Beach Post
September 21, 1989

Edition: FINAL
Section: LOCAL
Page: 6B

Sutton, Florence E., 82, of Lake Worth. Mizell-Faville-Zern GuardianChapel, West Palm Beach . Services Friday.
HOPKINSON, Florence Eleanor (I101883)
112169 SHERBROOKE DAILY RECORD, Thursday, April 29, 1920 (Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke County, Quebec, Canada)


In the death of the late MR. HENRY J. HOPKINSON, which occurred on Saturday, Sherbrooke loses its oldest citizen. MR. HENRY HOPKINSON having been a resident of this city for
eighty-four years.

The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, prayers being said at the home of deceased, 88 Queen street, by REV. E. C. RUSSELL, of ST. PETER'S Church, assisted by REV. ALFRED
BRIGHT, of ST . ANDREW'S Church.

A large number of old friends of MR. HOPKINSON's and the family followed in the funeral cortege to ST. PETER's Church, where the impressive service was conducted by REV. H.
REGINALD BIGG, and the hymns "Rock of Ages and "Abide With Me," were sung by the choir, MR. A. E. WHITEHEAD being at the organ. The interment was made in Elmwood
Cemetery, the solemnness of the commitment closing the last scene of a long life. The bearers were MESSRS. W. L. McSWIGGAN, LAWRENCE LESLIE, WILLIAM ROSS, EDWARD
McGEE, A. A. GUNNING and JAMES SCHOLES and the mourners were MESSRS. WILLIAM and HENRY HOPKINSON, sons of deceased; RICHARD MARTIN, son-in-law; CHARLES
MARTIN, grandson; ORIAN (RICHARD ORION) HOPKINSON, of Waterville, and ROBERT HILL of Belvidere, nephews.

The casket was covered with beautiful flowers, tributes of remembrance and affection from life long friends and relatives.

Deceased, who was 89 years of age was born in London, England, son of the late WILLIAM HOPKINSON, who came to Canada as a representative of the British-American Land Company
to assist in opening up the country. Later,when he settled in Sherbrooke, he went into business, and his son HENRY became an expert cabinet maker and carpenter, and indispensable vocation in a new community.

MR. HOPKINSON saw the growth of the tiny hamlet with a few scattered houses, to a flourishing young city, and was always keenly interested in its development. His conversation
was always interesting, giving picture of the early days and the old residents many of whom have gone t o theirrest.

He was a veteran of the Fenian Raid, had received the medal, and was honored and esteemed by all who knew him. Beloved by his family, he lived a contented life until some two
years ago his health began to fail. Only confined to bed for three weeks, the end came
quite suddenly.

He is survived by his wife, aged 82, who was MISS BARBARA STAFFORD of Sherbrooke; the two sons mentioned above and five daughters, MRS. LOUIS GAGNE, of Manchester, N.H.;
MRS. LUDOVIC SHYATTE, of Tilton, N.H.; MRS. RICHARD MARTIN, of Sherbrooke; MRS. RICHARD DENNIS, of Groton, Vt. ; and MRS. GEORGE CLOUGH, of Newburyport, Mass.;
sixteen grandchildren and nine great grand children.
========================================================================== =========================
Note: Canada General Service Medal (1866-1870)
Awarded to members of the Imperial and Canadian Forces who had taken part in the suppression of the Fenian raids and Riels' First Rebellion.
========================================================================== =================== 
HOPKINSON, Henry Jonathan (I65365)
112170 Sheriff of Staffordshire STAFFORD, Baron Nicholas de (I17573)
112171 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112172 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112173 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112174 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112175 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112176 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112177 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112178 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112179 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112180 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112181 Sherman & Ida moved to the U.S. in 1924. He was a Branch Manager for
Citizens National Bank. 
HOPEWELL, Sherman Jay (I23755)
112182 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112183 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112184 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112185 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112186 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112187 Sherman, age 6, is listed as son on the 1930 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the Household of Burch & Pansy Lamb.

Sherman, age 16, is listed as son on the 1940 Putnam Co., Tenn. census i n the HH of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Lamb.

U.S. City Directories
Name: Lucy L Lamb
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1960
Street address: 611 Oak
Residence Place: Danville, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Sherman D Lamb
Publication Title: Danville, Illinois, City Directory, 1960

U.S., Social Security Death Index
Name: Sherman D. Lamb
Last Residence: 33903 Fort Myers, Lee, Florid a
BORN: 6 Jul 1923
Died: 22 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)

United States Obituary Collection
Name of Deceased: Sherman Dyer Lamb
Age at Death: 82
Death Date: 22 Oct 2005
Obituary Date: 31 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: News-Press, The
Newspaper Location: Fort Myers, FL, US
Birth Date: 6 Jul 1923
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Fort Myers, FL, FL Fort Myers CA, CA C ookeville, TN, TN Cookeville AZ, AZ
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Richard Lamb Dyer (Karen) John Lam b Harlem (Marianne) Harvey Burch Patricia Wylie Lorraine (Douglas) Bon nie Lee Pansy Lamb Huddleston Constance Nelson Sue (William) Lola Lamb 
LAMB, Sherman Dyer (I140681)
112188 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112189 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112190 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112191 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112192 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112193 Sherman, age 9, is listed as son on the 1910 Hog Pen, Allen Co., KY census in the HH of Dow V. Pippin. PIPPIN, Sherman (I122185)
112194 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112195 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112196 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112197 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112198 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112199 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)
112200 shiner1a 
SHINER, Tobias Riley (I111921)

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