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 #   Notes   Linked to 
113451 SSN: 413-22-2251 STAFFORD, Grover Cleveland (I37828)
113452 SSN: 413-22-2251 STAFFORD, Grover Cleveland (I37828)
113453 SSN: 413-22-2251 STAFFORD, Grover Cleveland (I37828)
113454 SSN: 413-22-2251 STAFFORD, Grover Cleveland (I37828)
113455 SSN: 413-22-2251 STAFFORD, Grover Cleveland (I37828)
113456 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113457 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113458 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113459 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113460 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113461 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113462 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113463 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113464 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113465 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113466 SSN: 022-09-0140 STAFFORD, Roland Grover (I86933)
113467 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113468 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113469 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113470 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113471 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113472 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113473 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113474 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113475 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113476 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113477 SSN: 026-01-2169 STAFFORD, Stephen E. (I86937)
113478 SSN: 243-09-0545
Last Residence: 28601 Hickory, Catawba, North Carolina 
STAFFORD, Dewey Elmer (I68625)
113479 SSN: 425-64-4798 Death record had his dob as 1 Nov 1906. STAFFORD, Henry Cleveland (I87404)
113480 SSN: 551-10-3398 Mother's maiden name: Muck. STAFFORD, George Gordon (I89772)
113481 SSN: 558-10-7302 Last Residence: 55305 Hopkins, Hennepin, Minnesota STAFFORD, Robert W. (I89773)
113482 SSN: 559-09-1271 STAFFORD, George Kern Sr. (I248)
113483 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. STAFFORD, Elizabeth Joanne (I48087)
113484 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F17602
113485 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113486 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113487 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113488 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113489 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113490 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113491 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113492 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113493 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113494 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113495 St. Charles (Kane County, Illinois) Chronicle, April 25, 1902. Illinois Items. The Illinois Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Christian county circuit court in the case of Mrs. Horace Stafford against the city of Taylorville. Mrs. Stafford was awarded $1,000 for permanent injuries which she received by a fall. She alleged that a defective sidewalk cause the fall. GESSLER, Mary Ann (I35510)
113496 St. Francis District Vital Stats - from ELIZABETH LARRABEE:
-William Irwin Hopkinson, b.24 Mar 1869, baptised 1876 as was brotherHenry Orange b.12 Jul 18 71
Other Information:
Birth Year <1869>
Birthplace Quebec
Age 12
Marital Status
Ethnic Origin English
Head of Household Henry HOPKINSON
Religion Church of England
Source Information:
Census Place South Ward, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Family History Library Film 1375835
NA Film Number C-13199
District 55
Sub-district B
Page Number 60
Household Number 264
SHERBROOKE DAILY RECORD, Thursday, April 29, 1920


In the death of the late MR. HENRY J. HOPKINSON, which occurred onSaturday, Sherbrooke lose s its oldest citizen. MR. HENRY HOPKINSONhaving been a resident of this city for eighty-fou r years.

The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, prayers being said at the homeof deceased, 88 Quee n street, by REV. E. C. RUSSELL, of ST. PETER'SChurch, assisted by REV. ALFRED BRIGHT, of ST . ANDREW'S Church.

A large number of old friends of MR. HOPKINSON's and the family followedin the funeral corteg e to ST. PETER's Church, where the impressiveservice was conducted by REV. H. REGINALD BIGG , and the hymns "Rock ofAges and "Abide With Me," were sung by the choir, MR. A. E. WHITEHEAD being at the organ. The interment was made in Elmwood Cemetery, thesolemnness of the commitm ent closing the last scene of a long life. Thebearers were MESSRS. W. L. McSWIGGAN, LAWRENC E LESLIE, WILLIAM ROSS,EDWARD McGEE, A. A. GUNNING and JAMES SCHOLES and the mourners wereMES SRS. WILLIAM and HENRY HOPKINSON, sons of deceased; RICHARD MARTIN,son-in-law; CHARLES MARTIN , grandson; ORIAN (RICHARD ORION) HOPKINSON, ofWaterville, and ROBERT HILL of Belvidere, neph ews.

The casket was covered with beautiful flowers, tributes of remembranceand affection from life long friends and relatives.

Deceased, who was 89 years of age was born in London, England, son of thelate WILLIAM HOPKINS ON, who came to Canada as a representative of theBritish-American Land Company to assist i n opening up the country. Later,when he settled in Sherbrooke, he went into business, and hi s son HENRYbecame an expert cabinet maker and carpenter, and indispensable vocationin a new c ommunity.

MR. HOPKINSON saw the growth of the tiny hamlet with a few scatteredhouses, to a flourishin g young city, and was always keenly interested inits development. His conversation was alway s interesting, giving pictureof the early days and the old residents many of whom have gone t o theirrest.

He was a veteran of the Fenian Raid, had received the medal, and washonored and esteemed by a ll who knew him. Beloved by his family, helived a contented life until some two years ago hi s health began tofail. Only confined to bed for three weeks, the end came quite suddenly.

He is survived by his wife, aged 82, who was MISS BARBARA STAFFORD ofSherbrooke; the two son s mentioned above and five daughters, MRS. LOUISGAGNE, of Manchester, N.H.; MRS. LUDOVIC SHY ATTE, of Tilton, N.H.; MRS.RICHARD MARTIN, of Sherbrooke; MRS. RICHARD DENNIS, of Groton, Vt. ; andMRS. GEORGE CLOUGH, of Newburyport, Mass.; sixteen grandchildren and ninegreat grandchil dren.
1911 Census of Canada
Name: William Hopkinson
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 42 Birth Date: Mar 1869
Birthplace: Quebec
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: Henry
Mother's Name: Barbra
Tribal: English
Province: Quebec
District: Sherbrooke
District Number: 198
Sub-District: North Ward
Sub-District Number: 11
Place of Habitation: 115 London St
Henry Hopkinson 80
Barbra Hopkinson 73
William Hopkinson 42


Hopkinson, William, 1868 - 1931, brother of Victoria Hopkinson Dennis,note 1
(Note 1: Information came from a source that did not list the buriallocation)
Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956
Name: William Hopkinson
Arrival Date: 28 Jun 1915
Age: 48
Birth Date: abt 1867
Birthplace: Sherbrooke Qc
Gender: Male
Race/Nationality: English
Port of Arrival: Newport, Vermont, USA
Record has photo?: No
Height: 5'9"
Complexion: Med
Eyes/hair: brown/brown
Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956
Name: William Hopkinson
Arrival Date: 22 Oct 1915
Age: 48
Birth Date: abt 1867
Birthplace: Sherbrooke Qc
Gender: Male
Race/Nationality: English
Port of Arrival: Newport, Vermont, USA
Record has photo?: No
occ: Machinist - Dest. Rochester, NH
HOPKINSON, William Irwin (I65370)
113497 St. George Ward. Listed as a carpenter (Irish) with wife and 5 sons. All Roman Catholic. STAFFORD, Peter (I35979)
113498 St. Mary's Church. Family F26297
113499 St. Patrick's Cemetery. FURLONG, Bridget (I35987)
113500 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F17603

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