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Matches 551 to 600 of 1005

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
551 S402 John Osborne Austin, Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
552 S401 John Osborne Austin, Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
553 S4416 John Osbourne Austin, One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families (Genealogical Publishing Co. 1977)
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
554 S4343 Kelowna City Hall Records
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
555 S4395 Kerry Powell
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
556 S3841 Land Rec Vol 13, p 357 Danby Town Hall
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
557 S3839 Land Record Book #4, p 457; Mt. Tabor Town Hall
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
558 S7996 Larry Chesebro", CHESEBRO' Genealogy @rootsweb
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
559 S4394 Larry J. Smith
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
560 S12633 Last found in 1920 US Federal Census in Adams, County, Wisconsin. NOT found in 1930 US Federal Census.
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
561 S12632 Last seen in 1920 US Census in Adams County, Wisconsin. NOT found in 1930 US Census.
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
562 S4403 lds
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
563 S4404 lds (london & middlesex are different locs
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
564 S4405 lds (seems unrealistic- 94 years old ???)
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
565 S478 Lertter from Jill Stafford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
566 S4953 Letter
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
567 S353 Letter from Janet Watts
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
568 S487 Letter from Jill Stafford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
569 S476 Letter from Jill Stafford, Ltr Mike Stafford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
570 S2297 Letter from Jill Stafford, NY Gen & Bio Record, V 112, p144
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
571 S2307 Letter from Jill Stafforde
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
572 S480 Letter from Julie TOUNG
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
573 S454 Letter from Julie Toung, IGI-LDS
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
574 S1281 Letter from Julie Toung, IGI-LDS,Rec 1,p 25 Wallingford Town
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
575 S1798 Letter from Julie Toung, New England Families By Wm Cutter
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
576 S489 Letter from Mike Stafford, IGI-LDS
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
577 S2417 Letter from Mike Stafford, IGI-LDS,Arnold's VRRI
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
578 S1504 Letter from Mike Stafford, Ltr Calvin Down
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
579 S2469 Letter from Mike Stafford, Ltr Kathy Brown
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
580 S354 Letter from Shirley Musil
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
581 S444 Letter from Thomas Stafford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
582 S13541 Liahona Research, comp., Washington Marriages, 1802-1902 (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;)
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
583 S14057 Library
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
584 S4447 Linda (Durfee) Joiner
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
585 S4407 Linda Morris SMTP:[email protected]
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
586 S535 Lineal Descent of the Bishopp Branch of the Burleson Family
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
587 S4392 Lorna McLean
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
588 S2243 Ltr B.L. Stafford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
589 S862 Ltr Calvin Drown
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
590 S4120 Ltr Calvin Drown, Arnold's VRRI Vol 16 p 532
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
591 S2556 Ltr Calvin Drown, IGI-LDS
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
592 S4159 Ltr Dave Donald
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
593 S2349 Ltr Dave Donald, IGI-LDS
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
594 S3431 Ltr Debbie McArdle
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
595 S4235 Ltr Debbie McArdle, Beer's "History of Erie Co."
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
596 S4233 Ltr Debbie McArdle,Keystone Kuzzins;Vol25,#3,p81,HistoryErie
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
597 S675 Ltr Diana Bastian
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
598 S530 Ltr from Mike Stafford, IGI-LDS
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
599 S2056 Ltr from Mike Stafford. Ltr Joan Hicks
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 
600 S2610 Ltr Gay Crawford
Branch 201 Thomas Stafford b. 1801 NC 

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