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- THE LANDMARK, Statesville, North Carolina
Monday, October 17, 1921
Page 5, column 2
Miss Madeline Stafford Weds Mr. Leonard White, Jr., in a Pretty Home Cerem ony.
The following account of the marriage of Mr. Leonard White, Jr. of Statesv ille, and Miss Madeline Stafford, of Greensboro, is from the Greensboro Re cord.
A beautiful wedding occurred at high noon today at the home of Mr. and Mr s. E. F. Stafford, on West Washington street, when their daughter, Miss Ma deline Stafford, became the bride of Leonard White, Jr. The ceremony w as performed by Rev. J. H. Barnhardt, pastor of the West Market Street Met hodist church in the presence of relatives and a few close friends. The r ing ceremony of the Methodist church was used.
The entire lower suite of the attractive Stafford home was artistically de corated. In the reception hall and living room smilax, golden rod and aut umn leaves were effectively used, and the stair rail was twined with grace ful festoons of the smilax. The north parlor in which the wedding occurr ed was a scene of bridal beauty in its color scheme of white and gree n. An altar had been erected at one end of the room with a backgrou nd of palms and feathery white cosmos in white wicker baskets. On eith er side were tall white pedestals twined with smilax bearing crystal cande labra with cathedral candles which shed a soft light on the pretty wedding .
Just before the ceremony Miss Nell Herring, of Concord, played "Meditation ," from Thais, and a quartet composed of Miss Eugenia Patterson, Mr s. E. C. Caldwell, D. Walter Smith and Prof. Benjamin Bates, sang beautifu lly the "Bridal Chorus," from the Rose Maid, accompanied by Miss Herrin g. The bridal party entered to the strains of the "Bridal Chorus" from Lo hengrin.
First to enter down the long stair was the handsome little ring bearer, Ma ster Cutler Watkins, wearing a white satin suit and carrying the ri ng in a white lily. The dainty little flower girl was Miss Frances Appl e, exquisitely dressed in a white net costume trimmed in white ribbons, a nd carring a white basket tied with pink maline and filled with pink roses .
Miss Clair Stafford was her sister's maid of honor. She wore an attracti ve costume of blue duvetyn, with black picture hat and carried Russel rose s.
The charming bride descended the stair with her father, E. J. Stafford, w ho gave her in marriage. She was unusually pretty in her costume of da rk blue tricotine embroidered in blue, with brown accessories and carryi ng a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the valley. She was m et at the altar by Mr. White accompanied by his brother, William Whit e, of Charlotte, who was his best man, and the impressive vows were taken.
Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party and guests were invited in to the dining room where a delicious buffet lucheon was served. The col or scheme here was pink and white. The centerpiece of the attractively ap pointed table was a basket of pink roses and the room was lighted with pi nk candles in silver candlesticks. Pink roses and smilax were artistical ly employed in the other decorations of the room. Coffee was poured by Mr s. J. M. Apple and Mrs. Lowery Stafford, and chicken salad, wafers, mint s, and almonds were sserved by Misses Elizabeth Clary, Annie McDuffie, Nel lie Rain, Margaret Stroud and Mrs. John Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. White left on train 6 for a wedding trip to New York, and oth er northern points after which they will be at home in Greensboro.
The bride of today is one of Greensboro's most popular and charming you ng women. She has made this city her home practically all of her life a nd by her delightful, cordial personality has made a host of warm friend s. She is a graduate of Greensboro college. News of her wedding will int erest friends all over the State.
Mr. White is a son of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard White, of Statesville, and ca me to Greensboro about two years ago. He is a graduate of A and E. in Ral eigh, and also of the University of Pennsylvania, and now holds the positi on of head draftsman for Harry Barton, architect. Mr. White since comi ng to Greensboro has made a wide circle of friends who recognize h im as a young man of sterling character and unusual ability.
Out-of-town guests here for the wedding are Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Whit e, of Statesville; William White of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Latha m, of Hendersonville; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wood, of Statesville; Mr s. J. M. Apple, of Roanoke, Va.; Miss Nell Herring.
NOTE: Transcribed as published. A.19 21.10.17-0005&r=an&rc=401,823,478,854;961,573,1376,610