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- James Erza STAFFORD married Margaret Aurelia YOUNG 11 March 1916 in Topeka, Kansas. According to James Elbridge STAFFORD, they met in college, got married right after that, and then moved to Rancagua, Chile, where James Ezra had a job wirh the Braden Copper Company as Comptroller. In a film shot in 1927-1929, James Ezra appeared very stern, devastatingly handsome, and not quite able to resist the happy and ebullient Margaret Aurelia. In 1929, James Ezra was promoted to a Vice President position and was supposed to return to New York. Margaret went back first, to visit friends who had already returned to the States and then get the children settled in New York. James Elbridge related that Margaret got word of James Ezra’s death while they were on the train going out West to visit friends. They stayed with the friends out West for a few months, until the 1929 stock market crash. James Elbridge said that family members had advised her oninvesting and, because of their poor advice, she was suddenly destitute withtwo young children. She returned to Topeka, where she had YOUNG and STAFFORD family members and worked to support herself and her children