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1870 KY Union County, Shilo Precinct, page 369: C.H. & George (sic) Farle
1880 KY Union County, Salem, page 18B: Charley Farley & children
I was so excited when I found your web site this evening! I have been res
earching my grandmother's family. The information I have for you is as fo
Charles Henry Jackson Farley married Georgianna A. Henshaw
They had four children that I knew of:
(1) James E. Farley
(2) George R. Farley
(3) ELEN R. (or sometimes K.) Farley aka Ellen and ELLA
(4) William Farley
Ellen Farley married Benjamin Franklin Hopgood of Kentucky in 1897. Th
ey were married in Gallatin, Illinois. Together they had three childre
n. (1) son who died in infancy (2) Meota Hopgood (b. 1903 KY) and (
3) Ethel Lynn Hopgood (b. Dec. 19, 1905 KY) Ethel was my grandmother.
I did some research at the library in Carlsbad, California, were the who
le second floor is dedicated to genealogy. There I found evidence that t
he Georgianna Farley died in childbirth around July 11, 1873.
Ellen (most people called her Ella) and Ben moved fromKentucky around 19
13 and moved to El Centro, California. You can find them there in the 19
20 Imperial County Census. While living there their two daughters marri
ed to Aynes brothers. Meota married Cecil Harold Aynes and Ethel marri
ed Samuel Jay Aynes. Ellen and Ben moved to San Diego, California. Th
ey were living separately by 1930. Unfortunately, Ellen developed alzheim
er's disease and lived out the rest of her life in an old folks home in S
an Bernardino, California. A relative told me he thinks she died the
re in 1942. I am trying to find the exact date and place where she is bur
I do have some pictures of her. If you would be interested in having a co
py I will e-mail them to you. Do you have any pictures of the Farleys?
Cathy Rising
(Georgianna A. Henshaw)166 (Georgia A.Henshaw)136
Born 1842, Union County, Kentucky.166,a
She married Charles Henry Jackson Farley, c1862, Sturgis, Union County, Ke
ntucky.136,b,166 Charles, son of Robert Atkinson + Mary Martha Farle
y, was born in 1838, Virginia.c (c1837).a
James E. Farley, born 1864, Kentucky.
George R.Farley, born 1866, Kentucky.
Ellen/Elen/Ella R. Farley, born Mar 1868, Kentucky; married c1898, Benjam
in Franklin Hopgood [brother of Harrison Payton Hopgood] (children: Meo
ta Hopgood and Ethel Lynn Hopgood). d,e
William Farley, born 1869, Kentucky.
Georgia and family were shown in the 1870 census (Sep 1 1870), Shilo Preci
nct, Union County, Kentucky:a
Farley, C.H., age 33, born in Virginia; farmer; $3000 real estate; $2000 p
ersonal property.
Farley, George, age 27, born in Kentucky; keeping house.
Farley, James E., age 5, born in Kentucky.
Farley, George R., age 3, born in Kentucky.
Farley, Elen R., age 2, born in Kentucky.
Farley, William, age 5 months, born Dec [1869] in Kentucky.
Hanshaw, Geo, age 75, born in Virginia; farmer; $7000 real estate.
Graves, Ed, age 27, born in Tennessee; farm hand.
Waller, Lucinda, black, age 40, born in Kentucky; domestic servant; cann
ot read or write.
Waller, Marian, black, age 12, born in Kentucky; domestic servant; cann
ot read or write.
Georgianna A. Henshaw died Jul 11 1873, Kentucky.f Medical: Georgiana d
ied in childbirth.f
Daughter Ellen was shown in the 1900 census (Jun 12 1900), Sturgis Distric
t, Union County, Kentucky:d
Hopgood, Benjamin, head-of-household, age 38, born Aug 1861 in Kentucky; p
arents born in Virginia; married 2 years; occupation: farmer; owned farm (
Hopgood, Ellen, wife, age 32,born Mar 1868 in Kentucky; father born in Vi
rginia; mother born in Kentucky;married 2 years; 1 child, none living.
Waggoner, Edgar, boarder, age 25, born Oct 1874 in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; single; occupation: farm laborer.
Photo: daughter Ellen (Farley) Hopgood g