Notes |
1880 KY, Union County, Shiloh, page 674a: William Henshaw, widower; al
so in household: brother James & Sada Henshaw, and several boarders
1900 KY, Union, Morganfield, page 40a: William & Morelana M Henshaw
1910 IN, Vanderburgh, Oregon Township, page 179: William & Morelana Henshaw
Born May 27 1853.166
He married . (first wife's name currently unknown).
William and family were shown in the 1880 census (Jun 4 1880), Union Count
y, Kentucky:a
Henshaw, William, age 27, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentucky; farm
er; widower.
Henshaw, Ruth, daughter, age 2, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
Henshaw, James, brother, age 23, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; works on farm.
Henshaw, Sada, sister-in-law, age 18, born in Kentucky; parents born in Ke
ntucky; keeping house.
Burshears, James, boarder, age 24; laborer.
Gizer, Fred, boarder, age 27; laborer.
Smith, Patrick H., boarder, age 36; laborer.
Stringfield, Martin, boarder, age 16; laborer; cannot write.
Hill, Henry, boarder, age 30; laborer; black; cannot read or write.
Grundy, Handy, boarder, age 19; laborer; black; cannot read or write.
He then married Belle Morris.166,b (Ruehamia E.Morris)c
In 1880 their was a Morris family living next door to widower William Hens
haw,d and the family had a 19 year old daughter identified as Nannied - s
he might be the same as this Belle Morris he married sometime between 18
80 and 1882.
One child.b
William was a merchant in Blackburn, Kentucky.166,b
See also: William P. Henshaw #5881.
166. Henshaw historyand genealogy manuscript, original by Holmes Hart Hen
shaw, 1930; updated in 1995 by Donald Craig Henshaw and others.
(a) 1880 census, Shiloh District, Union County, Kentucky; roll T9-044
4, ED 39, page 674A, line #16, dwelling #32,family #32.
(b) Contribution from Patricia M. Gibson ([email protected]) citing:
"The History Of Union County", by Charles O'Malley, published 1886.
(c) Orange County, Indiana, Index to Birth Records 1882-1920; Indiana Wor
ks Projects Administration 1939; book H-1 pg 4.
(d) 1880 census, Shiloh District, Union County, Kentucky; roll T9-044
4, ED 39, page 674A, line #11, dwelling #31, family #31.
ed two William P. Henshaws who appear to be the same man.
Born Jan - 1853, Kentucky.a,b
He married . (name of first wife currently unknown).
He then married Montana -, c1891.a,b Montana was born Nov - 1870, Kentu
William and family were shown in the 1900 census (Jun 11 1900), Morganfiel
d, Union County, Kentucky:a
Henshaw, William, head-of-household, age47, born Jan 1853 in Kentucky; pa
rents born in Kentucky; married 9 years; occupation: bar keeper.
Henshaw, Montana M., wife, age 29, born Nov 1870 in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; married 9 years; 3 children, 3 living.
Henshaw, Mort M., son, age 7, born Dec 1892 in Kentucky; parents born in K
Henshaw, Charley R., son, age 4, born Nov 1895 in Kentucky; parents bo
rnin Kentucky.
Henshaw, William T., son, age 1, born Jul 1898 in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky.
William and family were shown in the 1910 census (Apr 15 1910), 913 Waln
ut St., Evansville, Vanderburg County, Indiana:b
Henshaw, Wm P., head-of-household, age 57, born in Kentucky; father bo
rn in United States; mother born in Kentucky; second marriage, marri
ed 18 years; occupation: manager, liquor [..unclear..]; rented home.
Henshaw, Montana [unclear], wife, age 39, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; first marriage, married 18 years; 5 children, 5 living.
Henshaw, Millton, son, age 17, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; attended school.
Henshaw, Rhea, son, age 14, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentucky; at