Notes |
1930 IN, Vanderburgh, Graneville, page 3a: Felix & Pearl Henshaw
Born Dec 1 1891, Henshaw, Union County, Kentucky.78,a (Dec 1 1890).209
He married Pearl Davis, Aug 9 1920, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.a,78 (W
illie Pearl Davis)c Pearl was born Jul 2 1892, Kentucky.a,c (Dec 1 1
890).209 (Note: Social Security records show the exact same birth da
te for both Felix and Pearl - apparently in error).
In 1970 Felix was living in/near Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.2
Felix Grundy Henshaw died Jun 12 1970, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind
iana; age 78; buried Jun 15 1970, Section 52, Lot 12, Grave 12, Oak Hill C
emetery, Evansville, Indiana.209,c (Jun 13 1970).78
Pearl died Apr 27 1979, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana; age 87; b
uried Apr 30 1979, Section 52, Lot 12, Grave 11, Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansv
ille, Indiana.209,c
Buried next to Felix and Pearl is an unidentified William T. Henshaw who d
ied Jun 9 1998 at age 74,c probably a son of Felix and Pearl.d
Social Security information for Felix Grundy Henshaw: 313-05-1025
Social Security information for Pearl Davis: 303-70-5535
78. The Church Of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) computeriz
ed Ancestral File.
209. "Social Security Death Index" (as it is commonly called), derived fr
om the Social Security Administration "Death Master File". See: http://www
(a) Index to Marriage Records Vanderburgh County, Indiana 1846-1920, V
ol VI
Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1939; book 78, page 130.
(b) 1900 census, Magisterial District 1, Union County, Kentucky; ED 75, pa
ge 22A, line #22, dwelling #397, family #402.
(c) Oak Hill cemetery burials, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana; US
GenWeb Archives:
(d) Speculation.