Notes |
1900 KY Union County, henshaw Precinct, page 114A: George L. Henshaw,lis
ted as grandson in household of Silas Bingham; mother Lou F. Henshaw in sa
me household.
1910 KY Union County, Morganfield, page...: Louis F. Henshaw(Louise), wi
th son George C. Henshaw
1920 KY Union County, Distridt 1, page11B: Lester & Edna Henshaw, moth
er Louise F. Henshaw in household
1930 KY Union County, Raleigh, page 87 A: Lester & Edna M. Henshaw
(George Celestine Henshaw)166,a (Lester Henshaw)166,209,b,a
Born Feb 14 1893, Henshaw, Union County, Kentucky.166,209,a,c,d,e His m
other wanted to name him Lester, but at that time the Catholic Church requ
ired achild to be baptized with a saint's name, so he was formally nam
ed George Celestine. But his mother and everyone else always called h
im Lester.f
He married Mary Edna Abel, Sep 28 1915, Morganfield, Union County, Kentuck
y.166,a Mary, daughter of Callistus Abel & Edna Louise Burshears, was b
orn Jan 18 1894, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky.166,a,d,e
Lester and family were shown in the 1920 census (Mar 29 1920), Union Count
y, Kentucky:d
Henshaw, Lester, head-of-household, age 27, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky;owned home; occupation: farmer.
Henshaw, Edna, wife, age 26, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentucky.
Henshaw, George C., son, age 3 years 6 months, born in Kentucky; parents b
orn in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Mary C., daughter, age 2 years ? months, born in Kentucky; paren
ts born in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Louise, daughter, age 11 months, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Louise F., mother, age 50 [unclear], born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn inKentucky; widow.
Lester and family were again shown in the 1930 census (May 1 1930), Uni
on County, Kentucky:e
Henshaw, Lester, head-of-household, age 37, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; first married at age 22; ownedhome; no radio in home; occ
upation: farmer; not a veteran.
Henshaw, Edna M., wife, age 36, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; first married atage 21.
Henshaw, George C., son, age 13, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; attended school.
Henshaw, Mary C., daughter, age 12, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kent
ucky; attended school.
Henshaw, Edna Louise, daughter, age 11, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; attended school.
Henshaw, Joseph L., son, age 10, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; attended school.
Henshaw, William H., son, age 7, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; attended school.
Henshaw, Mildred M., daughter, age 5, bornin Kentucky; parents born in Ke
Henshaw, Helen T., daughter, age 3 years 6 months, born in Kentucky; paren
ts born in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Dorothy A., daughter, age 2 years 2 months, born in Kentucky; par
ents born in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Margaret J., daughter, age 4 months, born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky.
Henshaw, Louise F., mother, age 60, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kent
ucky; widow; occupation: trained nurse, general practice.
Henshaw, Louise F., mother, age 40 [unclear], born in Kentucky; parents bo
rn in Kentucky; widow.
To their grandchildren Lester was known as "Gon Gon" and Mary Edna was cal
led "Gonnie", names that stuck after firstborn grandchild Mary Lou Hensh
aw was unable to pronounce anything else (in fact most of Union County kn
ew who were Gon Gon and Gonnie).f
Everyone who knew Lester would say that he was a living saint.f Duri
ng the depression Lester and Mary Edna would take in stragglers that wou
ld hitch rides on the train. They were allowed to sleep in the bar
n, if they chose to, and they were always supplied with a meal by Gonnie (
they lived in the little community of Grove Center, just three miles up t
he road from Henshaw, and the railroad ran just a short distance from t
he house). They always made sure