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1930 KY Union County, Kentucky, 76A: George B. & Mary A. Henshaw
George Berry Henshaw)222 (George Benson Henshaw)78
Born Jul 23 1893, Henshaw, Union County, Kentucky.78,209,a (Jul 1892)
He married Nollie Newman, Feb 2 1917, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.a (Mi
nnie Newman)78 Nollie was born c1897.78
He then married Mary A. Mattingly.222 (Agnes Mattingly)78 Mary, daug
hter of Ben Mattingly & Ziala Hillman, was born Dec 29 1894, Union Count
y, Kentucky.222
George and family were shown in the 1930 census (Apr 2 1930), Uniontown-Ra
leigh Road, Raleigh District, Union County, Kentucky:c
Henshaw, George B., head-of-household, age 35,born in Kentucky; parents b
orn in Kentucky; first married at age 25; rented home; no radio in home; f
armer; not a veteran.
Henshaw, Mary A., wife, age 35, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; first married at age 25.
Henshaw, Agnes V., daughter, age 8, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kent
ucky;attended school.
Henshaw, George T., son, age 7, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentuck
y; attended school.
Henshaw, Ben E., son, age 2, born in Kentucky; parents born in Kentucky.
Mary died Jan 17 1941, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky; age 46 yea
rs 5 months 18 days; buried Morganfield, Kentucky.222 Death certifica
te #16157; informant was a Tearen [unclear] Berry Henshaw.222 Medica
l: Mary Agnes died after a fall, from a fractured right hip, rheumatic hea
rt disease, and acute rheumatic fever.222
George Berry Henshaw died Apr 25 1965, Union County, Kentucky.d,209
Social Security information for George Berry Henshaw: 401-32-5454
78. The Church Of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) computeriz
ed Ancestral File.
209. "Social Security Death Index" (as it is commonly called), derived fr
om the SocialSecurity Administration "Death Master File". See: http://www
222. Death certificate, Commonwealth of Kentucky, State Board of Health, B
ureau of Vital Statistics; contributed by Joy Bliss Gerber
(a) Index to Marriage Records Vanderburgh County, Indiana 1846-1920, V
ol VI
Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1939; book 65, page 538.
(b) 1900 census, Magisterial District 1, Union County, Kentucky; ED 75, pa
ge 22A, line #22, dwelling #397, family #402.
(c) 1930 census, Raleigh District, Union County, Kentucky; roll T626-77
9, ED 5, page 1A, line #28, dwelling #7, family #7.
(d) "Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000"; USGenWeb Archives: