Notes |
1860 OH Coshocton County, Oxford Township, page 12: Thomas & Lucy Whit
e, with S.K. White, age 63, & Martha White, age 16, in home; near Richmon
ds and Maxwells
1870 IL Douglas County, Newman Township, page 6: Thomas & LucyWhtie
1880 IL Douglas County, Newman Township, page 131: Thomas & Lucy White
1900 IL Douglas County, Newman Township, page 337a: Thomas & Lucy White
Betty Higbee, Higbee & Van Cleave Families at
[email protected]
Funeral Was Conducted at the Wesley Chapel on Friday, Being Largely Attend
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas White, a brief notice of whose demise wasgiv
en in the last week's Independent, and whose obituary appears below, was h
eld, at Wesley chapel, Friday, the 25th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M., and w
as largely attended, which indicates the love and respect in which the dec
eased was held by her neighbors, among whom she had lived a blameless li
fe of full two score years.
The discourse was made by Rev. Hamilton of the M.E. church, of this cit
y, and was in keeping with his reputation as a speaker on such occasion
s. The loveable Christian character of the deceased, and the high esteem a
nd respect in which she was held by all within the bounds of her acquainta
nce, amply justified the subject matter of the reverend's discourse, and h
is hearers were in full accord with his timely utterances on this occasio
n. Appropriate music was rendered by a quartette composed of S. N. Albi
n, Barney Atto, Rose Turbeyville and Stella Ogdon; with Miss Opal Turbeyvi
lle at the organ. The floral offerings were abundant and suitably chose
n. Interment took place at the Albin Church Cemetery.
This obituary was read:
"Lucy L., daughter of Charles C. and Rhena Ann Higbee, was born near Evans
burg, Coshocton Co., Ohio, on Nov 11, 1832, and died near Newman, Dougl
as Co., Ill., June 22nd 1905,at the age of 72 years, 7 months and 11 day
s, after an illness of many months.
She was the third child of a family of five children- three girls and t
woboys- two of whom, Alfred Higbee, of Chamois, MO., and Mrs. Mary Maxwe
ll of Avondale, Ohio, survive her. She was united in marriage to Thomas Wh
ite, at or near Orange, in county of Coshocton and state of Ohio, Nov 6, 1
859. To themwere born four sons and five daughters, seven of whom survi
ve the mother; two died- a boy and a Girl- having died in infancy. In 186
5, Mrs. White with husband and family emigrated to Douglas county, Illinoi
s, spending the winter following near the Brushy Fork postoffice, movi
ng in the spring of 1861 to thevillage of Newman, and in 1867 to the fa
rm on which she had ever since lived, until translated to the better lan
d, beyond the Jordan of Death. Very earlyin life, antedating her marria
ge some years, she was converted and united with the United brethren Churc
h, in the county of her birth. Upon her removal to this state there bei
ng no society of that denomination convenient, she withher husband plac
ed their church letters with the Methodist Episcopal church,and has ev
er since been identified with that body, first at Newman, and thenat Wes
ly chapel; having in all these years exemplified the doctrines of her divi
ne Master by a Godly walk and an upright conversation. The condition of h
er health for some years had prevented her, in a great measure, from acti
vechurch work, as well as from mingling with neighbors and friends, as h
ad been her wont and pleasure when in health.
Mrs. White was a plain unassuming woman, domestic and home loving in habi
t, and disposition, her theatre of action was therefore in her home and fa
mily, tho entirely free from exclusiveness orselfish motives, so she w
as a true wife, a loving mother, an all round Neighbor or, and an exempla
ry citizen and will be sorely missed not only in the home but in all the c
ircles of her acquaintance, a