Notes |
- FROM David E. Cann
Frank Loch10 lived in Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington.10 Parents: L
yman Loch and Susan Carter.
William F. Locke was a postman and a policeman in Bellingham, Washington.
1900 WA Whatcom County, page211: William F. & Elvie E. Locke
1910 WA Whatcom County, Bellingham, ED321, page 13: William F. & Elv
ie E. Locke
1920 TX Hill County, Pct 3, ED44, Presbyterian Home for Orphans: Willi
am F. & Kathleen Locke, Superintendent & Matron
1930 WA Whatcom County, Bellingham, page 15a: William F. & Kathleen Locke
1890 Directory, Whatcom, Washington
LOCKE, Wm F, well borer, res Kentucky 1 e of James.
1891 Directory, New Whatcom, Washington
LOCKE, W. H., carpenter, King and Kentucky streets
FROM The Daily Reveille, Whatcom-New Whatcom, Washington, 03 Jul 1892
The Coroner's Jury -- The coroner's jury in the case of GuinD. GREER, de
ceased, . . . found last night that the "cause of death was a slidi
ng in of the wall of the trench in which he, the said Guin D. GREER, was w
orking at the time specified, etc., and after a careful inquiry of all t
he persons as witnesses who could give any information in the cas
e, it is our opinion that the accident was entirely unavoidable, and th
at no blame attaches to the foreman of the work or any other person, . . .
11 The witnessed [sic] examined were C. B. COLE, Charles MUERLING, P. G. G
G. . . .
09 Oct 1892
H. C. BRECKENRIDGE, who was drowned Friday evening, as heretofore reporte
d, was taken to Lynden on the May Queen by Messrs. LOCKE and HARRIS of t
he Sons of Veterans, to which order the deceased belonged. His father a
nd mother live at Lynden, and Bert was their only son, and on whom they re
lied. The father is a miller. The dead man was only 24 years of age, and c
aptain of the Lynden Sons of Veterans.
FROM Weekly Blade, Whatcom, Washington, 07 Jan 1903, as found at www.ances
I. A. GILMORE & Son, the well-known boat builders, have about complet
ed a fine gasoline launch for Mail Carrier W. F. LOCKE and Fred W. PROUT
Y, city editor of the Evening Herald. It has been christened the "Dauntles
s" and will be launched in a few days. The launch is 36 feet long, seven-f
oot beam, 3 1/2 feet deep and cost about $2,000. Its engine is 16 horsepow
erand is capable of propelling the craft at the rate of 12 miles an ho
ur on the average. The Dauntless is a pleasure boat and will accommoda
te 40 persons. The boat may be placed on the Whatcom-Anacortes route duri
ng the coming season of 1903, and will probably make about three round tri
ps daily between the two cities, carrying passengers and light freight.
06 May 1903
The Bay City Fishing & Trading company has filed articles of incorporati
on with the county auditor. W. F. LOCKE, J. J. STANFORD and F. W. PROUTY a
re the incorporators.
FROM The Bellingham Reveille, 11 Aug 1904
W. F. LOCKE and James BRAND, who have been camping in the Mt. Baker distr
ict for a week, returned to the city yesterday.