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North Carolina, Birth Indexes, 1800-2000
Name: Wayne Joel Stafford
Gender: Male
Event Type: Birth
Birth Date: 8 May 1939
Birth County: Alexander
Parent1 Name: Ethel Hammer
Parent2 Name: Luther Stafford
Roll number: NCVR_BD_C004_66002
Volume: 7a
Page: 241
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Wayne Joel Stafford
[Joel Wayne Stafford]
[Joel Stafford]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 8 May 1939
Birth Place: Taylorsville-Bennion, North Carolina
[Taylorsville, North Carolina]
Death Date: 8 Jul 2003
Father: Jacob L Stafford
Mother: Mary E Hammer
SSN: 241542859
Notes: Mar 1954: Name listed as WAYNE JOEL STAFFORD; Dec 1962: Name listed as JOEL WAYNE STAFFORD; 12 Jul 2003: Name listed as JOEL W STAFFORD
North Carolina, Death Indexes, 1908-2004
Name: Joel Wayne Stafford
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic
Marital Status: Married
Father's Last Name: Stafford
Age: 64 Years
Date of Birth: 8 May 1939
Birth County: Alexander
Residence City: Winston-Salem
Residence County: Forsyth
Residence State: North Carolina
Residence Zip Code: 27105
Education: 12th grade
Date of Death: 8 Jul 2003
Death City: Winston-Salem
Death County: Forsyth
Death State: North Carolina
Institution: Hospital Inpatient
Attendant: Physician
Burial Location: Burial in-state
Recorded Date: 14 Jul 2003
Source Vendor: North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics