Notes |
- Biography of Frank Stafford Barnett published in "A Diamond Jubilee:
History of Tillman County, Oklahome 1901-1976", published by Tillman
County Historical Society; biography contributed by by Florence and Wilma
Jean Barnett.
Frank Stafford Barnett, son of Samuel James and Sarah Estelle
Stafford Barnett, was born September 6, 1896 in Stephens County, Indian
Territory, Oklahoma. [This date of birth appears to be in error,
according to his draft registration and every census record. Likely a
typographica error, his real date of birth appears to be 8 September
The Barnetts moved to Ringgold, Texas from Stephens County. Frank
started to school there. They moved soon afterward to Mitchell County,
Texas, where they lived until 1917. [Note: This timeline does not match
other family event records -- see notes for Samuel James Barnett for
details of timeline for this family.]
Samuel was a farmer and cattleman. Cattle he had bought a year
before for $50.00 each had to be sold at $8.00 to $10.00 a head due to
the drought and unavailability of food. They left there and came to
Tillman County.
Frank came to this county on June 10, 1917. His parents and their
other three children, L.D., Zula, and Roy, came by covered wagon in
August 1917. They made their home in the Sanford community until 1921,
when they moved to a farm they bought in the Maple Dale Community.
Frank lived on the farm with them until the fall of 1924 when he
worked at the Hope Gin in Frederick. He was married to Wilma Wood on
December 21, 1924. He then went to work in the oil field in January
1926, and continued in that occupation until December 1929, when he came
back to the farm.
This was about the time of the Great Depression of the Thirties.
During this time wheat sold for 30 cents per bushel and oats 10 cents and
cotton brought 4-6 cents per pound. Their income from four cows was
$8.00 per week. This was a great comedown from $16.00 a day in the oil
Their daughter, Wilma Jean, was born May 29, 1930. They were
gradually overcoming the effects of the depression when in 1933 Wilma
became suddenly ill and passed away in April 1935.
Frank's widowed mother lived with them to help care for Wilma Jean
until Frank married Florence Goodknight Hale on April 7, 1940. Florence
had a daughter, Delores Janet Hale, by a previous marriage. She was born
March 10, 1936.
Samuel Barnett died July 5, 1927, and Estelle died January 14,
1964. They were both buried at Schofield Cemetery. Wilma was buried
there also.
(further details about this family deal with living individuals and will
not be copied in here.
Frank Stafford Barnett registered for the draft in World War I from
Tillman County, Oklahoma on September 12, 1918. He gives his date of
birth as 8 September 1898 and his permanent address as RFD 1, Davidson,
Tillman Co., OK. He was 20 years of age, of medium build and medium
height, hair brown, eyes blue, no physical deformities. His address was
Route 1, Davidson, Tillman Co., OK. He lists his occupation as that of a
farmer and his next of kin as his mother and father in Davidson, Oklahoma.
1930 Census, Tillman Co., OK, Holton Twp., ED 14, p. 5-A
Frank S. Barnett, head, renting, WM, 31, married at 26, b. OK, both
parents b. TX, farmer on a general farm, schedule 88, not a veteran
Ida W., wife, WF, 29, married at 24, b. TX, f.b. TX, m.b. US
S. Estell Barnett, mother, WF, 53, widowed, b. TX, f.b. NC, m.b. FL