Notes |
- >From the History of Ashland County, Ohio, published in 1880. Page 307
..."Thomas Stafford was born Sept 15, 1815 in Jefferson County, Ohio. Nathan Stafford, his father, moved from Jefferson County in Sept 1820, and bought a tract of land from Ephraim Palmer, where he remained until his death, in Sept 1847. The subject of this sketch made his father's house his home until he was married, March 5, 1839, to Phebe, daughter of David and Betsy Stevens, who came to Vermillion Twp. in 1832, and located on a tract of land adjoining Mr. Stafford's farm, where they lived the remainder of their lives, Mr. Stevens to the ripe age of nearly eighty years, having deceased in 1866. Mrs. Stevens died in 1877, aged eighty-two years, ten months and six days. Mrs. Stafford says, that though her father and mother lived to such an advanced age, yet their minds were not childish, as most persons are at that age. The parents of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford, the subjects of this sketch, were surely
pioneers, and are remembered by many who are much younger. They have four children, one son and three daughters, three of whom are married and have gone to try the realities of life for themselves. Amanda M. was born in Dec, 1839, the wife of J. N. McClanahan, an attorney at law at Chariton, Iowa. The were married in Sept, 1872, and have three children-Arvilla, The second child was born in 1842, and remains with her parents; David L., who was born Aug, 1846, and was married Feb 13, 1873, to Miss Martha E. Heiser, of Mohican Twp., Ashland Co., and has three children; the youngest child in the wife of
T. C. Nelson, married Dec, 1876, and lives in Hayesville-and has one child. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford still live on the farm that was their first purchase
about thirty-four years ago. They have a fine farm, and seem quite contented, as they well may, to make their home the balance of their days.
Mr. Stafford has served the interests of his township as supervisor, and has for many years, held the office of school director. They are cheerful, and are well calculated to await old age without regret for the past. Mrs. Stafford died at the age of eighty-two years and a few days, about three days previous to the death of Mrs. Stevens. The mother of Mrs. Thomas Stafford purchased in Green Twp., in 1844, and remained there about two years and a half, when they purchased their present home."
- Listed as a farmer with wife and daughter, Ervilla (Arvilla).