Notes |
- Obit:
The Late Col. Bredin
An Honored and Influential Citizen.
In the death of Lt. Col. J.H. Bredin, of Woodlands, Ont., this district has lost an honored a nd influential member of the community. to his may personal friends, by whom he was held i n very high esteem, his demise caused deep sorrow. Although in his seventy-fourth year, th e late Col. Bredin apparently enjoyed excellent health u to within a couple of weeks of his d eath, when he was suddenly taken ill, suffering a cerebral hemorrhage followed by penumonia . There were with him at his death-bed beside his wife, four daughters and one son. Four ot her members of the family who live in Alberta were unable to be there. The Colonel's death o ccurred on his birthday. He was born on the 21st January, 1841 and died on the 21st January , 1915.
The funeral took place on Saturday, 23rd instant, from the family homestead to St. Matthew' s Church, Woodlands. There was a large concourse of people to pay a last tribute of respect , including the Commanding Officer of the 59th Regiment, other officers and ex-officers of th e regiment. The casket was borne from the house to the hearse, and from the hearse to the ch urch, and afterwards to the grave in the cemetery on the shoulders of eight soldiers from th e companies now on service guarding the canal. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev . W. A. Hanna, of Aultsville, and Rev. N. McLaren, of Woodlands. An impressive sermon was de livered by Rev. Mr. Hanna, who, in closing, paid an eloquent tribute to the deceased. He sai d the late Colonel was a manly man possessed of sterling qualities of head and heart, ever re ady to help every good cause of State and Church. Rev. Mr. McLaren also paid a warm tribut e to the deceased, referring to his loyalty to his country and devotion to his old regiment.
Among the friends present from a distance were Capt. and Mrs. Kidd, of Burritt's Rapids; Capt . the Rev. W.E. Kidd, Chaplain of the 21st Battalion, of the 2nd Contingent, Kingston; Miss A nnie Steen, Morrisburg; Mr. Wm. James and Mr. Wm. Rothwell, Almonte; Dr. D.O. Alguire, M.P. , Lt.-Col. A.. F. Macdonald, O.C. 59th Regt.; Major H.A. Cameron, Capt. Colquhoun Ferguson; C apt. E.C. McLean, Capt. F. Cameron, Lieut. Shepherd, Lieut. Broder, Lieut Robb, Lt.-Col. R. S mith, Lt.-Col. H.A. Morgan, Surgeon-Major P.J. Moloney, Major Archibald Denny, Capt. .H. Magw ood, Capt., A.A. Smith, Lieut. A.F. Birchard, Messrs. Duncan Monroe, J.G. Harkness, Adrian I . Macdonell, W. Gibbens and A.C. Robertson, of Cornwall.
Lt.-Col. Bredin was a public spirited citizen and took a keen interest in the affairs of th e country. He was a prominent member of the Conservative party and on several occasions wa s elected President of the Liberal Conservative Association of Stormont. He was deeply conce rned in the welfare and standing of his old regiment, the 59th, Stormont and Glengary Battali on, and, we understand, was, at the time of his death, engaged in writing on historical sketc h of the corps. He served in the regiment for thirty-one years, twelve years as commanding o fficer. He retired in 1897. The following brief record of his military service is taken fro m The Canadian Military Gazette:-
Lieut.-Col. Bredin was born at Osnabruck, in the county of Stormont, Jan. 21, 1841, of Iris h parentage.
During the "Trent" affair, 1861-62, he was chosen by his fellow students as ensign of a volun teer company at Victoria College, Cobourg, Ont. Received 2nd-class M.S. certificate from th e 16th Regiment of the Line, dated Dec. 30, 1864, and 1st-class certificate M.S. from the 47t h Regiment of the Line, dated May 31, 1865.
Was a volunteer cadet at Camp Laprairie, P.Q. under command of Col. (now General) Wolseley, i n September, 1865.
Was instrumental, under instructions from Major (since Colonel) Bergin, in organizing, (assis ted by Lieut.-Col John R. Wood, sedentary militia,) what is now known as Nos. 5 and 6 Compani es, 59th Battalion.
During the Fenian Raid of June, 1866, was gazetted with rank of lieutenant. Transferred to 5 6th Batt. in 1867. appointed captain, March 18, 1870.
Was the senior officer in command of an outpost, guarding head entrance of the Cornwall Cana l during Fenian Raid, June, 1870.
Transferred from 56th to 59th Batt. in 1872. Appointed major, June 18, 1875. Commandant o f battalion camp at Cornwall in July, 1878. Provost officer on staff camp, Brockville, 1882 . Camp quartermaster at camp, Brockville, 1885.
Lieutenant-colonel 59th Batt., commission dated April 5, 1885. School of Infantry first-clas s certificate, March 31, 1887. Served on staff camp, Ottawa, June, 1887.
Was never absent from an annual drill or camp of his own corps during his full term of servic e.