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- Obit:
Prominent Citizen
A.C. Robertson Dies
Death Follows Heart Seizure in Florida (Picture Arthur Robertson)
One of Cornwall's most widely-known and respected bsuinessmen, Arthur Carleton, A.C. Robertso n died suddenly Saturday night at Daytona Beach, Fla., Mr. Robertson had been convalescing i n the South since February 22 and had suffered a severe heart attack March 23. He was in hi s 70th year.
Proprietor of Cornwall Motor Sales for the past 43 years, Mr. Robertson was considered one o f the city's most successful citizens and his advice was sought by civic leaders through th e years.
A son of the late A. Carleton Robertson and his wife Isabella Gerrude Stuart, Mr. Robertsonwa s a great-great grandson of the late David Robertson and his wife Mary Eberhardt, who were am ong the first United Emire Loyalists to settle in the Maple Grove area of the St. Lawrence Va lley.
Community Leader
Although in failing health for the past 17 years, Mr. Robertson had maintained a vital intere st in both church and municipal affairs.
He was a lifelong member of the Church of England and at various times served as both rector' s and people's warden of Trinity Anglican Church. His church interests, however, extended fa r beyond the boundaries of his own parish. He was a lay delegate to Diocesan Synod where hi s advice and judgment were valued. He had a deep interest in the missionary work and all you th movements of the church and also in the theological colleges.
As a member of the former town council for many years, he kept in close touch with civic ente rprises. As a charter member of the Board of Trade he was active in bringing such industrie s as Courtaulds (Canada) Limited and Canadian Industries Limited to Cornwall.
At 16 years of age 'A.C." as he was known popularly, started selling pumps and farm equipment , buggies and cutters for his father at Maple Grove. He was keenly interested in motor car s and had a natural mechanical inclination. Along with some of the doctors, he was among th e first in Cornwall to own a car.
Early in 1913 itwas suggested to him by the late Archibald Denny, then manager of the Royal B ank and S.F. Duncan, manager of Provincial Papers Limited mill at Mille Roches, that he shoul d come to Cornwall and go into the automobile sales and service business.
Sharing the belief that a great future lay ahead in the automobile business, Mr. Robertson st arted up in Cornwall and his first showrooms were in one of the buildings owned by the McLenn an Estate of Pitt Street, wher ethe new Beamish store was opened last week. Models of 1913 a nd the following years were displayed here until 1922, when the present building on Second St reet was built. The service end of the business was taken care (of) by Robert Burns in the b uilding recently vacated by Langley Cleaners on Third street West.
The business was originally carried on under the name of A.C. Robertson, but was reorganize d later under its present name so that those associated with and employed in the business mig ht have a more definite interest in it.
The late Walter L. Rombough became a partner in the business and others of the staff a financ ial interest.
In order to enter the RAF in World War I, Mr. Robertson sold his business to the late H.B. Fe tterly, a former school teacher and later Dundas public school inspector. On his return fro m overseas, Mr. Robertson took over his former business and retained control until his heath.
In 1928, Mr. Robertson married to the former Caroline R. Bredin, daughter of the late col. J . H. Bredin and Mrs. Bredin, of Woodlawn.
Mr. Robertson was a member of the Board of Governors of Cornwall General Hospital, member o f Cornwall Club and Cornwall Golf and Country Club and a former director of Hotel Cronwallis.
In addition to his widow, he is survived by one sister, Miss Lottie G. Robertson of Cornwall.
The body will arrive in Cornwall Tuesday and will rest at McArthur Brothers and MacNeil Furne ral Home from 6 p.m. Funeral serivce will be at Trinity Anglican Church at 2 p.m. Thursday, w ith interment in Woodlawn cemetery.
Lord Bishop of Ottawa At A.C.Robertson Rites
In the presence of His Lordship Right Rev. Ernest Reed, Lord Bishop of Ottawa and Col. the Re v. Canon W.E. Kidd, of Kingston, former Padre of the famous 21st Overseas Battalion, both o f whom assisted in the service at the church and graveside, the funeral of Arthur C. Robertso n was held on Thursday afternoon. Col. Kidd had assisted Arch. Deacon Netten at the marriag e of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson in Trinity Church in 1928.
Mr. Robertson passed away at Halifax District Hospital, Daytona Beach, Florida, on Saturday e vening last, March 30, having been convalescing in the city since Feb. 22. He suffered a sev ere heart attack on march 23, from which he failed to make the hoped-for recovery. Mrs. Robe rtson accompanied her husband to Florida and was with him at the last.
The body was conveyed to Cornwall and rested at McArthur Bros. and MacNeil Funeral home, 42 8 Second street East. Prior to the funeral, hundreds called to pay their respects to the mem ory of a prominent business man and esteemed citizen and to extend sympathy to Mrs. Robertso n and Mr. Robertson's sister, Miss Lottie G. Robertson.
As proprietor of Cornwall Motor Sales, as a member of the former Town Council and his connect ions with the church and local social activities, "A.C." as he was affectionately called, wa s one of the most widely known and highly esteemed residents and his death caused the most pr ofound regret in the city and throughout the entire district.
The service at the funeral home church and graveside in Woodland cemetery was conducted by Ve n. H. A.E. Clark, M.A., Archdeacon of Cornwall, Rector of Trinity Parish Church. The sacre d edifice was crowded tot he doors with local and district friends, while many others were pr esent from Toronto, Oshawa, Trenton, Ottawa, Montreal, Kingston, Richmond, Ont., Carleton Pl ace, Almonte and Lanark.
Hymns sung during the service at the church were "The King of Love My Shepherd is" and "Abid e With Me". R.S. Hall, organist and choir director presided at the console.
In the Sanctuary were REv. Canon Franklin Clarke, of Richmond, Ont; Rev. Canon Meakin, of Alm onte; Rev. J.A. O. Meakin of Ottawa; Rev. L.J.F.Macmorine, of Wales.
Honorary pall bearers were Hon. Lionel Chevrier, President of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authori ty, Aaron Horovitz, F.B. Brownridge, Harold E. Farlinger, Donald McDonald, Charles Wood, Dr . A.E.R.MacPhee, Thomas R. Dunkin, D. White, Harry E. Mason, George F. Smith, William R. Carn with, E.G.B. Reade and Clarence G. Markell.
Active bearers were employees of Cornwall Motor Sales - Sam Penniston, Carl Donihee, Dawes Ha rt, Cecil McKendry, Vernon Webster and Gordon Thom (Morrisburg, former employee).
The funeral home was banked with an unusually large number of beautiful floral tributes, evid ences of the warm regard in which Mr. Robertson was held and the genuine regret felt at his d eath. Many telegrams, letters and cards of condolence were received by Mrs. Robertson and Mi ss Robertson from local and district friends and others at distant points, showing the widesp read regret felt at Mr. Robertson's death.
Members of Cornwall Lodge No. 125, A.F. and A.M., of which Mr. Robertson was a life member, a ssembled at the funeral home on Tuesday evening to pay their respects to his memory. The Mas onic service was conducted by Everett T. Robertson, Worshipful Master, assisted by Arthur You ngs, Past Worshipful Master and secretary, and Farrand Gillie, Chaplain.