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- Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County Pennsylvania, Vol II
Genealogical and Biographical.
The Staffords of Connellsville, Pennsylvania, are of English parentage and ancestry, and counted among the early families of Fayette county . The first of this branch to come to this country was James Stafford , born in England , who became a prosperous farmer and large land owner. He married and had issue.
- Possiblly born in England.
The last Will and testament of James Stafford of Connellsville township Fayette County Pa. I James Stafford considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following to wit, first I give and bequeath unto my Son William Stafford and Daughter Elizabeth intermarried to Henry Garlet Five dollars each. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Robert Warren Shepherd my house and lot the same I purchased from Messr Baldwin and Norton also his choice of one of my best best [sic] beds, he shall pay out of his share an equal part of the debts that may be against me including my funeral expenses with my other Grandsons named in this my last will, the balance of my property real and personal after the payments of my Just debts funeral expenses &c. I give and devise to my Grand Sons share and Share alike Viz James Stafford William L Stafford Sons of William Stafford, James S Shepherd Henry L. ShepherdTheophilus Shepherd Paoli Shepherd Sons of Theophilus Shepherd decd. In case my beloved Wife Mary Should out live me I leave all to her during her Natural life that no inventory or appraisement of any of my goods shall be made until after her decease if should out live me, and that no legatee receive any share until after her decease my real property that is not willed to be sold by my executor, immediately after our decease as well as all personal property and after the payment of all my Just debts funeral expenses &c to be distributed as above directed by my executor in a reasonable time after my decease. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Henry D Overholt executor this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills testaments, bequests &c. made by me Ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of May AD 1846.
James ___ Stafford }
his mark
Signed sealed published and pronounced by the above named James Stafford to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.
Samuel Newmyer
Jacob Overholt
- Living with Henry Garlets, his daughter Elizabeth's second husband.
Will Proved:
On the 26th day of Janury 1852 before me P A Johns Register for the probate of Wills & granting letters of Administration in and for said County personnally came Jacob Overholt the last signing witness to the foregoing instrument of Writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of James Stafford late of Connellsvill Township deceased who being duly affirmed according to law doth depose to say that he heard the testator pronounce & declare the same as & for his last will & testament that he seen him sign (by marking) the same & at the time of so doing he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of his knowledge & belief & that he knows of no later Will made or undue influence used. And that he signed his hame, as, witness at the request of and and in the presence of the Testator & in the presence of the other witness. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal of the Regrs office at Uniontown this 26 day of Janry 1852.
P A Johns,
On the 28th day of January 1852 before me P A Johns Register for the probate of Wills & granting letters of administraiton in & for said County personally came Samuel Newmyer the first named witness to the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will & testament of James Stafford late of Connellsvill Township deceased who being duly affirmed according to law doth depose & Say that he heard the testator pronounce & declare the same as & for his last Will & testament. And that he seen him sign (by marking) the same & at the time of so doing he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of his knowledge & belief & that he knows of no later Will made, or undue influence used. And that he signed his name as witness at the request of & in the presence of the testator & in the presence of the other witness. In Testimony whereof I hereto set my hand & Seal of the Registers office at Uniontown the day and date above written.
P A Johns
Memo Letters Testamentary granted to Henry D Overholt Esq who was duly affirmed on the 31st January 1852.
Registered & Compared Jany 31st 1852
[Fayette County, PA Register of Wills, Vol. 3, pp. 18 & 19]