Notes |
- "IN THE DAYS OF '63"
bjbeeson1added this on 21 Aug 2008
THE COSHOCTON TIMES dated Friday, January 6, 1893, published the following article about "The Crawford Twp Raid" entitled
Deputy Provost Marshall's Raid Into Crawford Township.
Interview With Mr. William A. Johnston, Late Deputy Provost Marshall of Coshocton County.
"Good morning, Mr. Johnston. I am glad to see you so well preserved--hope you are contented and happy."
"Take a seat--I am pleased to have you call. Can I do anything for you?"
"Yes, if you can spare the time."
"It will afford me great pleasure to spare you a portion of my time. What is it?"
"In the interest of THE AGE'S readers, I would ask you to give me a detailed history of the so-called "Crawford township raid."
"Well Mr. AGE man, it has been along time since that trouble and I may not remember all the particulars necessary to a complete history of the affair, but will endeavor, in brief, to do the subject justice."
"Thanks. Please proceed."
Well, after the draft in 1863, I summoned the following named persons to assist me in making a number of arrests in Crawford township; George Bible, William T. Dicker, G. G. Andrews, Samuel Taylor, George La Retilley, ISAAC STAFFORD, REBUEN STAFFORD, Daniel Rose, John Taylor, James Porter, Milan Kinney, Andy Jack, Nathan Carnahan, Seth Tubbs, N.R. Tidball, Samuel Morrison, Nathan Elliot, W.m Hout, Alex. Carnahan, and John Swigert."
"Apprehending some trouble of a violent nature in that stronghold of opposition to the draft and the war, these men were armed and equipped according to law and felt that they could whip their weight in wildcats. When a short distance from Lewisville, the raiding party was divided into sections, one section taking the road to New Bedford, the other the road to Chili, with the view of raiding both roads and meeting up at Chili and exchanging notes before proceeding further on our mission--shall I say of mercy? It did not prove such. The section of men on Chili road was placed under command of Samuel Morrison, and that on the Bedford road I took charge of. At about daybreak next morning Morison's (sic) party surrounded the house where they expected to find Louis Wentz and JOHN LOWER--I think I have these names correctly. After searching house and immediate premises and failing to find their men, concluded they had been misinformed and were about to leave, when a woman, in German language, told her boy to go to the barn, which was some distance away, and notify LOWER and Wentz so they could escape to the woods close by. George Bible, who understood the order of the woman to the boy, informed his comrades who rushed to the barn in advance of the boy and surrounded it, thus preventing their escape. After a short parley REUBEN STAFFORD, one of the bravest of the brave, went to the barn door, threw it open and received the shot from LOWER'S gun and soon died. LOWER was then in turn fired upon and instantly killed. Wentz rushed from the barn to get away, but was soon overtaken by a gunshot wound in the bowels and died the next day. I had Wentz removed to the house and sent for a physician. When I asked Wentz why he and LOWER had allowed themselves to get into this trouble, he replied that they had gone to town (Coshocton) a short time ago with money enough to pay for substitutes but had been advised there by some disloyal and indiscreet person to save their money, and shoot and kill whoever came after them. He gave me names of these ill advisers, but, as they are now dead, let the mantel of forgiveness cover their unpatriotic conduct.
"LOWER'S dead body was turned over to his friends, and the dead body of STAFFORD, of the raiding party, conducted to his family."
"Of course the news of this sad affair flew like wildfire. Before we left Chili, I received a note from my brother Matthew Johnston, saying stand your ground Bill--Say how much help you need and you shall have it. It is needless to say that this short note thrilled my soul with brotherly love and greatly encouraged me in the performance of my duty."
"I am informed that REUBEN STAFFORD'S widow is now drawing a small pension from the U.S.Government, and Samuel Taylor, who received a gunshot in the side, is also drawing a small pension."
'In this recital of the so-called Crawford township raid, I have been cautious to avoid wounding the feelings of any person or persons, living or dead, and if you Mr. AGE men, will accept it in that spirit, you are welcome to it."
"Thanks---Many thanks, Mr. Johnston, and I assure you I accept your statements in the spirit you indicate."
It appears that the brother of the woman his brother Isaac married killed Reuben Stafford
Reuben Stafford, son of Isaac Stafford and Susannah Laycock, married Margaret M Bush, daughter of John Bush and Ann Clagett, on February 2, 1859, in Coshocton County, Ohio.
Reuben was a farmer.
They had two children.
John B Stafford, born October, 1859
Regina "Jennie" Stafford, born July, 1861
It is understood by the Bush family that their son, John B Stafford, worked as a train conductor for a railroad in Texas. He is unaccounted for, however, in any of the Stafford estate records which confirms the family belief that he died young without issue.
Reuben's family is in the biographical sketches of Coshocton County, 1881, page 797. Reuben was employed during the Civil War as a marshall by the United States to arrest deserters, and while attempting to make an arrest was shot and killed. Reuben's father, Isaac, and brother Isaac, Jr., both served the Union in the Civil War.
1863, August 26, Office Deputy Prov. Mar. for Coshocton County, Ohio.
Capt. John A Sinnet, Provost-Marshal, Thirteenth District of Ohio:
"Dear Sir: On Sunday last I commenced the organization of a posse of citizens to assist me in capturing some drafted men (who had never reported) in Crawford Township, this county. By Monday evening following I had the party completely organized; but a heavy rain-storm caused me to delay the expedition until Tuesday evening, when I started with about twenty picked men, armed with revolvers only, some of which were of an indifferent character. I am greatly in need of arms.
The nature of the country though which we had to pass and the localities of the men we sought to arrest made it necessary, as I thought, to divide the grand posse comitatus into two divisions, one of which I took to work on the main Bedford road, intrusting the other to Major Morrison, to work on the road from Chili to Bedford.
My party searched the dwellings, barns, milk-houses, chicken-coops, etc., on Bedford road, where we suspected deserters to be secreted, but failed to find any. They were out visiting that night or hid in the woods and caves.
Major Morrison and his party were more successful. The first barn they searched disclosed two men, Lewis Wens and John Sower, who gave battle most desperately. They sprang from their hiding places and got the first fire upon our men, killing Reuben Stafford almost instantly. Our boys then went in on their muscle, killing one man outright (John Sower) and mortally wounding another (Lewis Wens).
Samuel Taylor, one of our men, was severely wounded by a pistol shot in the side. He will recover in a short time, it is thought by his physician.
Our boys fought nobly, and the conduct of the whole party throughout the entire expedition was of the most unexceptionable character, and but for the loss of Stafford and the wounding of Taylor I could be well satisfied with the expedition.
After the fight Major Morrison and party advanced to the town of Bedford to a get a wagon to carry away the dead body of Stafford. At Bedford, through representation of friendly citizens, he was led to fear the deserters and their friends in the township would congregate (now that the ball had been opened) in sufficient force to overpower his small party, which was expected about an hour before daybreak. The united party then took a vote whether to go to the battle-field and carry away the dead man (Stafford) or to return to Coshocton for re-enforcements.
I am delighted to say that the former policy was adopted, in the execution of which we found people much excited, considerably scared, and not at all exposed to fight. We arrived at Chili at about 9 a.m., where the men were breakfasted and the horses fed; after which, feeling confident that the deserters had either left the country, or so hid themselves as to make their capture almost impossible that day. I determined to return to Coshocton and await a more favorable opportunity to take them.
I think this fight will have a good effect in this county. Loyal men are fully aroused now to the importance of having the deserters captured, and the deserters and their friends will have learned that arresting parties carry guns and are not afraid to use them. I shall be after them (the deserters) soon again. They have got to come in now or leave the country."
Very truly, yours,
Deputy Provost-Marshal for Coshocton County.
P.S.--I must have arms, or an armed party, to do my work with. W.A.J.
(First indorsement.)
Newark, Ohio, August 28 1863
Respectfully referred to Colonel Parrott for his infomation. On Monday I will report what is necessary to carry out plans to arrest the drafted men and deserters in that county. JOHN A. SINNET. Captain and Provost-Marshall
(Second indorsement.)
Office Actg. Asst. Prov. Mar. Gen. for Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, September 1, 1863
Respectfully forwarded for the information of the Provost-Marshal-General. Sower and Wens, the men killed, were drafted from Crawford Township, Coshocton County, in the fall of 1862 and never reported.
Colonel First Ohio Infantry, A.A.P.M.G. for Ohio.
Wed., May 10, 1865 The Coshocton Democrat
The first account of Isaac Stafford, Jr., administrator of the estate of Reuben Stafford, deceased.