Notes |
- Left no issue.
William McCarson had no issue by Malinda Jane Botner. If he had any byWaitstill Johnston they didn't survive to adulthood. William McCarson wasa Justice of the Peace in Jefferson County, Alabama and performedmarriages from June 1824 up til February 1832.
He bought his first land in Marshall County, Mississippi in 1832 or 33from a Mr. Potts.
Wm. McCarson was on the first tax list of Desoto County, Mississippi.
Wm. McCarson had a nephew, David McCarson, who was left a sum of money inWm.'s will, and who was living near Wm. in the late 1840's.
David married a Sarah Droke from Cockrum, Desoto County, Mississippi,December 20, 1849.
Formerly called "McCarson's Stand", a trading post owned by Wm. McCarsonin 1834 or 1835.
Nothing is known of David's parents at this time.
H.K. Winbourne married David & Sarah, William & Malinda.
Wm. McCarson owned 159.7 acres in Section 30, Township 03, Range 05,West. Chickasaw.
Wm. McCarson owned 162.5 acres in Section 30, Township 03, Range 05,West. Chickasaw.
Wm. McCarson owned 159.47 acres in Section 30, Township 03, Range 05,West. Chickasaw.
He also owned various outlying parcels of land in Desoto Co. & MarshallCo. Mississippi.
William McCarson is believed to be the 6th or 7th child of DavidMcCarson, Senior.
David Sr. deeded him 100 acres in 1813, in Buncombe County, NorthCarolina.
A male age 17 - 26 was living with him on the N.C. census in 1820. Theywere the only members of the household.
I have 2 sources for the parents and siblings of William McCarson. Thedates are within a few yrs. of
each other but Elizabeth Emeline McCarson born abt. 1789 is listeddifferently from each other. The other source has Martha McCarson bornabt. 1789.
From Mike Wren, Donna, I think I meant to send this but forgot.
1830 U.S. Census, Jefferson County, Alabama. pg 178.
one male - age 30-40 (born 1790-1800)
one female - age 30-40 (born 1790-1800)
one female - age 5-10 (born 1820-1825)
one female - age 5-10 (1820-1825)
1840 U.S. Census, DeSoto County, Mississippi
one male - age 50-60 (born 1780-1790)
one male - age 40-50 (born 1790-1800)
one female - age 40-50 (born 1790-1800)
one female - age 15-20 (born 1820-1825)
one female - age 10-15 (born 1825-1830)
one female - age 5-10 (born 1830-1835)
Do you know if William McCarson is listed on the 1850 Mortality Scheduleto the DeSoto County Census?
In 1839 in Blount County, Alabama, there was a Mary McCarson who marrieda James Chaney on 31-March-1839. Blount County adjoins Jefferson Countyto the north. William and Waitstill lived in the northern part of thecounty. Any idea who they are?
1840 Blount County Census, pg. ?
one male - age 50-60 (born 1780-1790)
one female - age 50-60 (born 1780-1790)
(In 1850 there was a Jeremiah Chaney, wife, Phoebe who fit this profileso it might not be James and Mary).