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Sergeant Charles Stafford, of Co. B. 112th Infantry of Meadville, has made the supreme sacrifice. The sorrowful news of the death of Sergt. Stafford was conveyed to the mother of the young soldier, Mrs. Ella Stafford, that city, in a letter which she received Tuesday afternoon, from Sergt. Charles S. Stebbins, a cousin of the young officer who was killed in the recent drive in the Argonne forest, northwest of Verdun. He was in command of Company B when the death wound was received.
Sergt. Stafford was aged about 21 years, and was the oldest son in the family of Charles and Ella Stafford. The father, who was a trainman in the employ of the Bessemer Railroad, was killed a few years ago while on duty.
With the bereaved mother are left four sisters and two brothers.
Warren Evening Times, 31 Oct 1918, p. 6, Warren, Pa.
MEADVILLE, Nov. 8.—At the last meeting of the American Legion Post the name of "Sergeant Charles N. Stafford" was adopted, as the name by which the Meadville Post will be known in the future.
Sergeant Stafford was a Meadville boy and a member of Company B 112th Infantry, and was known to his comrades as one of the bravest men in the service. On Oct. 7, 1918, Sergeant Stafford, in command of a platoon, leading them in an advance upon the enemy, met his death upon the field of battle.
In honor to this brave soldier and to keep his honored name alive before the people, the American Legion Post of Meadville has named its post for him.
Titusville Herald, 09 Nov 1920, p.7, Titusville, Pa.
MEADVILLE, Sept. 13 - Full military honors were paid this afternoon to Sergeant Charles Stafford of this city, who gave his life overseas during the world war. There was a large attendance of relatives, friends and ciizens of the city in attendance and the military services were conducted by members of Stafford post, American Legion, which was named in honor of Sergeant Stafford.
Sergeant Stafford was a grandson of Nicholas Snyder of Miller Farm road, near Titusville, and a nephew of Mrs. William Swarts of Titusville.
Titusville Herald, 14 Sep 1921, p.7, Titusville, Pa.