Notes |
- Source for the following information:
8. Issac4 PITTS (Samuel, #14); born 28 Sep 1800 at Stokes, NC; married Mar tha Teague (see #9), daughter of William Teague and Elizabeth TEAGUE, 14 A pr 1822 at Stokes, NC; died 6 Oct 1872 at Forsyth, NC, at age 72.
The 12 known children of Issac4 Pitts and Martha Teague (see #9) were as f ollows:
4. i. Aquilla Bedford3.
ii. Martha Caroline; born 6 Oct 1824; married Henry Stafford circa 1850; d ied 5 Feb 1893 at age 68.
iii. William; born 26 May 1826; married Mary Mathews 23 Mar 1849; bondsm an Andrew S. Idol; died 8 Aug 1849 at age 23.
iv. Hannah; born circa 1830; married David Early Idel 25 Sep 1851 at Forsy th, NC; bond date 20 Sept 1851; died 4 Feb 1900.
v. Samuel John; born 27 Jul 1831 at Stokes, NC; married Lucy Ann Hendr ix 7 Nov 1854; bondsman: Stephen W. Boggs, Signed Samuel J; died 22 Dec 18 84 at Seneca, MO, at age 53; Samuel J. Pitts moved to Wayne Co., IND abo ut 1858; to Cherokee Co.
He lived in 1860 at IN; Was a devote Quarker. Moved west on coverred wag on to avoid the Civil War.
vi. Isaac Hampton; born 1835 at Stokes, NC; married Rachael Bodenham er 23 Aug 1868; died circa 1869.
vii. Levi Jun; born 8 Aug 1837 at Stokes, NC; died 30 Dec 1866 at age 2
viii. Abraham T; born 22 Feb 1839; married Phebe Smith 27 Jan 1864 at Stok es, NC; Bondsman: John J. Robbins; Signed by A. F. Pitts; died 9 Apr 18 83 at age 44.
He was School Teacher circa 1860.
ix. Sarah A; born circa 1843 at Stokes, NC; married Albert C. Vestal 6 O ct 1861.
x. Margaret J; born 1844 at Forsyth, NC.
xi. Jesse P; born 1845 at Forsyth, NC.
xii. Martha J; born 1 Sep 1845; married Jack Sells 22 Dec 1867; died 7 D ec 1870 at age 25.
9. Martha4 TEAGUE (William, #16); born 30 Sep 1802 at Teague Town, Stoke s, NC; married Issac Pitts (see #8), son of Samuel Pitts and Elizabet Jone s, 14 Apr 1822 at Stokes, NC; died 25 Mar 1871 at Forsyth, NC, at age 68.