Notes |
IDOL, Jacob and Cloy (Johnson). (W7859; Cert. 15,010, issued June 24, 183 3, Act of June 7, 1832, at $23.33 per an. from Mch. 4, 1831, BLWT. 26,8 39 --160 --55; N. C. Agcy.; N. C. service, private and Sgt.)
Jacob IDOL applied Mch 14, 1833 from Stokes Co., N.C., age about 7 1; b in 1761 in Bucks Co., PA. While a resident of Rowan Co., N.C. (now D avidson Co.), in 1780, he enlisted and served 3 mos. as a private in Cap t. James Billingsley's Co., N.C. Mounted Militia. He enlisted Feb., 17 81 and served 1 mo. as a private in Capt. Wm. Davis' N.C. Co; was captur ed by the Tories but escaped. In the summer of 1781 and served 3 mo s. as 1st Sgt. in Capt. Lopp's Co., Col. Smith's N.C. Regt. At this ti me he and his brother obtained a day's furlough to go home and mend the ir shoes. Shortly aftr his services he moved across the line to Stokes Co ., N.C. He d. Jan. 21, 1851 in Forsyth Co., N.C.
-He m. in Rowan or Stokes Co., N.C. about Apr. 1, 1784, Cloy Johnson.
-Mch. 6, 1833, Daviel MOTSINGER, Sr. declares that Jacob IDOL of Stokes C o. served with him in the Rev. War, 3 mos. tour under Capt. James BILLINGS LEY, Lieut. Wm. DAVIS, Ensign Seaborn TUCKER (or LACKER?) 1st Sgt. Wm BODE NHAMER.
-Samuel JACKSON declares that he is well acquainted with Jacob IDOL; serv ed with him during Rev. War and they were together on duty in the same C o. when both were taken prisoners; under Capt. DAVIS, service 1 mo., al so served with him under Capt. LOPP and with him until they were dischge d. at end of 3 mos.
-Jan. 5, 1852, Cloy IDOL declares that she is the widow of Jacob IDOL, w ho was a soldier of the Rev. War and a pensioner; age 89 and her marria ge record was "Jacob Idol married Cloy Johnson by Henry Davis in 1784."
-Jacob BODENHAMER, age 81 past, declares tht he was at the wedding of Jac ob Idol and Cloy Johnson in 1782.
-Nov. 10, 1853, Mathias IDOL, age 80, resident of Davidson Co., that he w as well acquainted with Jacob IDOL and wife Cloy and with their ch. o ne of whom was b. about Jan. 5, 1784. (PMW note: Mathias Idol is Jacob's b rother)
-(No further family data filed in this case).
SOURCE: "The National Genealogical Society Quarterly", Volumes 1-85, 1600s -1900s, Volume 18 - 'Abstracts of Revoluntionary War Pension Applications ', June 1830, p. 37.
North Carolina Pension Roll of 1835:
AGE 72
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1850 NC Census, Forsyth Co., (no township listed) August 19, 1850, p. 227:
Jacob IDOL, Senr., 94y m Farmer/Rev. Soldier REV: $600 b PA
Cloy, 93y f b VA
David, 45y m Farmer b NC
Sarah, 41y f b NC
Hanah E., 19y f b NC
Mary J., 16y f b NC
Jacob H., 15y m b NC attending school
John P., 10y m b NC attending school
Nancy C., 13y f b NC attending school
Phebe E., 8y f b NC attending school
Isaac M., 1/12 m b NC