Notes |
- Was a Quaker; see below.
Sell, Jonathan, when he removed to Stokes County, North Carolina, gave pow er of attorney to Joel Cloud and Camm Thomas 500 acres on Sweetwater Cree k, which had been granted to By Sir James Wright on 3 July 1770, then gran ted to Sell and Joseph Maddock. The deed stipulated that they we re to be in charge of the land “so long as there shall remain one of the p eople called Quakers in said place.” (Maddox died in 1796)
SOURCE: Georgia Pioneers < ios.html>
Who is this person?:
Savannah, Georgia Baptism
William SALE 8 January 1735
Is the following Phillip Sell any relation to Jonathan Sell?
Revolutionary War Pensions:
SELL, Phillip, North Carolina, Rowan Co., Ct. of Pleas & Qtr Sessions, app eared Phillip Sell, aged 56, stating he enl. Mecklenburg Co., N. C. und er Col. Wade Hampton's Troop of Horse, 1 mos., and was at battle of Eut aw Springs. (Treasurer's and Comptroller's Records, Veterans Pension s, N. C. Archives)
SOURCE; Georgia Pioneers