Notes |
- Possible family of Thomas Marshall...RE: Henry Marshall, Quaker transport ed from England:
Transported Quakers
7 December 1664
Whereas Nicholas Lucas, Henry Feste, Henry Marshall, Francis Pryor, John B lendall, Jeremiah Hearne, and Samuel Treherne, Persons Convicted at the la st Assises held at Hertford, in the County of Hertford, and Sentenc ed to be Transported to some of His Majestys Plantations in the West Indie s; Who accordingly were putt on board the Shipp called the Anne of Londo n, whereof one Thomas May is master, who undertook and engaged himself f or their Transportation, Yet sett them on-shoare in or about the Downes, l eaving them at liberty to goe whither they pleased; Which insolent demeano ur being taken into Consideration; and it appearing to be a Matter of Cont rivance and Combination between the said master and the persons before-men tioned; It was this day Ordered (his majesty present in Councell) That t he high Shereif of the County of Hertford (now being) do cause the said [p ersons] to be apprehended and Secured, untill meanes of transporting th em can be made, by some Shipping bound unto those parts.
[The Officers of the Customs are also ordered to arrest May and his vess el on his return, and to bring him before the Council.]
Is Thomas an ancestor of Abram MARSHALL? See below:
Source: "Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsyl-
vania, comprising a historical sketch of the county," by Samuel T. Wiley
and edited by Winfield Scott Garner, Gresham Publishing Company, Phila-
delphia, PA, 1893, pp. 538-40.
"THOMAS W. MARSHALL, the senior member of the banking firm of T. W. Mar-
shall & Co., of West Chester, and a well known and successful financier
of Chester county, is a son of John W. and Edna (Webb) Marshall, and was
born in East Marlborough township, Chester county, Pennsylvania, January
26, 1843. He is descended from Abram Marshall, who came from Nottingham,
England, and settled in what is now East Bradford township. He married
and reared a family, and one of his descendants was John W. Marshall, who
was born in 1804 in West Bradford township, and upon arriving at maturity
purchased a farm in East Marlborough township and resided there up to the
farm of his death, which occurred June 17, 1863. He was an old-line whig
in politics, and married Edna Webb, who died August 13, 1884, aged seventy -
eight years. They reared a family of eight children, four of whom still
"Thomas W. Marshall was reared on the farm, received his education at
Kennett Square academy, and at eighteen years of age commenced life for
himself as a clerk in a store at Wilmington, Delaware. Upon attaining his
majority he removed to West Chester, where he entered the First National
bank as a clerk, and was promoted from position to position until in three
years and six months he became cashier, in which capacity he served up to
1872. He then resigned to form a partnership with Smedley Darlington, and
they did a private banking business in Philadelphia until 1875, when Mr.
Marshall returned to West Chester, where he conducted a private bank with
Mr. Darlington for one year. At the end of that time the partnership was
dissolved and Mr. Marshall commenced business on his own account, which he
continued by himself until 1887, when he admitted his nephew, William
Chalfant, Jr., into partnership, under the present firm name of T. W.
Marshall & Co. He does a general investment business, and his bank is
known throughout eastern Pennsylvania as a substantial and safely managed
financial institution. He is a director of the National bank of Chester
county, the oldest and largest bank in the county, and has always taken a
deep interest in any enterprise that is intended to promote the material
and business prosperity of his borough. He is also a director and first
vice-president of the McKinley-Lanning Loan & Trust Company, of Philadel-
phia, and holds several other positions of responsibility and trust. He
is an independent republican in politics.
"On May 11, 1869, Mr. Marshall was united in marriage with Kate D.
Worthington, daughter of Dr. Wilmer Worthington (see his sketch), a dis-
tinguished physician and politician of Pennsylvania."