Notes |
- Notes for ELISHA FINTON:
1. Obituary from Hancock County paper.
Death of Elisha E. Fenton
Influenza has claimed another Hancock county boy in the dea th of Elisha E. Fenton, and
another gold star has been added to Warsaw's service flag, f or while he worked in the
country south of Warsaw when he reigstered, he stated repeated ly that he considered
Warsaw his home town. He went willingly and cheerfully, to o, saying he was glad to
serve his country. Elisha was one of the thirty-five sent fr om his county to Camp
Gordon, Ga., on he 30th of May last, where he was stricken wi th influenza week before
last and died Toursday(sic) morning, October 24, at 5 o'cloc k. The Saturday previous
the family received a dispatch saying he was dangerously il l; on Tuesday came a second
stating that he was no better, followed Thursday by a third, a nnouncing his death. He
was born in Marcelline in January, 1891, but for several yea rs past was a farm employe
in this vicinity, working for O.P. Jenifer for two years prece ding his entrance into
the service. He was a likable, manly fellow and it was with p oignant sorrow friends
learned of his death.
The deceased is survived by his mother and stepfather, Mr. a nd Mrs. Wm. Griffin, of
this vicinity, and two brothers, Archie, of Lima, and Wilbu r, who resides with his
The remains reached Marcelline Monday and the funeral was he ld at 4 p.m. that day.
Rev. Mr. Nichols of Ursa, who has two sons in the service, off iciating. The members
of Co. M., 45th Inf., to which the deceased belonged sent a be autiful floral emblem.
Burial: Keith Cemetery, Marcelline, Illinois
Military service: Co. M. 4th, Infantry