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Mathias is on a tax list in Mispillion Hundred, Kent County, D E, in 1790.
His will, made 6 May 1799, at Mispillion Hundred: "I, Mathias Mast en of Kent Co., & Mispillion Hundred" etc. Children: John Masten, $10. 00 or value thereof, wearing apparel; Mathias Masten, Ditto; Philip Maste n, mare, bridle, saddle, cow and calf, bed and furniture and "my watch"; S tephen Masten, one young horse, bridle and saddle, cow and calf, bed and f urniture, 1 chest, 1 cane and bottles, one church Bible after his mother 's death; Zachariah Masten, one young horse, saddle and bridle, cow and ca lf, bed and furniture, and one desk after his mother's death, likewi se as much out of my movable estate as will leave to the rule of thre e; I desire that the three boys shall have their creatures at age 21; Rach el Masten, one bed and furniture, cow and calf, one linen wheel, 2 shee p, 1 sow and pigs or the value thereof, 1 iron pot about 10 shilling pric e, three pewter plates and one dish and one chest; Sarah Masten, 1 bed a nd furniture, etc., same as Rachel; Ruth Masten, same as Rachel and Sara h.
Left to his three youngest sons, Philip, Stephen and Zachariah "a ll the land that I shall be possessed with at my death -- to be equally di vided after the death of their mother or her widowhood." All tools be divi ded among the five sons. To his wife, Hester Masten, he left his desk a nd case of bottles and 1 chest her lifetime. Left wife, Hester, all teneme nts and meadows during her widowhood, afterwards to fall to the three so ns mentioned before. Left wife cow and calf, choice of creatures, choi ce of my horse kind, 6 head of sheep, sow and pigs or value thereof; 1 ir on pot, her choice of bed and furniture, 6 chairs, 1 plow, two harrow s, 2 pewter dishes, 6 plates, her third of the rest after these legacies a re taken out and the rest to be equally divided between my sons and daught ers, that is to say: Elizabeth Clampet, John Masten, Mathias Masten, Hann ah Allen, Mary Wingate, Rachel Masten, Philip Masten, Sarah Masten, Steph en Masten, Ruth Masten, Zachariah Masten, to be equally divided between a ll my children, only John to have two shares.
Wife Hester Masten make sole executrix. Will written 5-6-179
/s/ Mathias (x) Masten.
Witnesses: William Masten, Senr., Thomas Rathel, William Masten, Junr.
Will probated 6-6-1799 -- See Will Book N, Pg. 235-236.
(Source: Delaware Archives Volume A34, pg. 44-46, Registrar of Wills
The children of Mathias and Hester Masten were young when their fath er died. At the time of his death, his older children by his first wife, E lizabeth, John and Mathias, were living in North Carolina. About 1832 Ma ry Masten Wingate and her two half-brothers, Philip and Stephen, moved fr om Delaware to Davies County, Indiana. Elizabeth, the oldest child of Math ias and his first wife, was born in Kent County, Delaware. In 1778 she mar ried Richard Clampett, and in 1779 they moved to North Carolina and settl ed in Guilford County, about three miles from Kernersville. We know of on ly four of her children (Clampett): Elizabeth, who married Richard Tall ey 17 February 1817; Dinah; Richard, Jr.; and John. Richard Clampett, S r. died 8 December 1820 and in 1821 Elizabeth married Reuben Shields. S he died 20 October 1849 and is buried in Old Muddy Creek Graveyard near Ke rnersville. Richard Clampett, Jr., was a soldier in the War of 1812. Jo hn Clampett, his brother, went to Hendricks County, Indiana, and rear ed a family there. (Records copied by Mrs. J. S. Welborn from records of M rs. R. T. Pickens, High Point, NC, in 1934.)
Some researchers mistakenly list his daughter, Elizabeth, as havi ng been married to a Mr. Griffin or Griffith. I believe that Elizabe th is the sister of Mathias and daughter of John, father of Mathias. S he is named in John's will as Elizabeth Griffith.