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- "Something of the Story of Deep River" by William Wesley Pegg, Sr.:
p. 84
"Of the Jefferson Smith children, I knew John Smith and his family bes t. John married Claudia Sullivan, daughter of the Frank Sullivans, a nd he and Claudia remained on part of the homeplace. But John died sudden ly just as the family was taking shape, and Claudia was left with six chil dren ranging in age from two to twelve. But Claudia was a woman of coura ge and good judgment, and the oldest of the children, Rufus, was soon ab le to plow, plant, and harvest with considerable skill. (In that day a nd time when a twelve-year-old boy was left fatherless, he grew to be a m an quickly.) The John Smith children, in addition to Rufus, were Maud, Le na, Rush, Henry, and Charles. I was in school with all of them at Mill Wo od, and played baseball with all of the boys."