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- From the will of his father, Thomas Henry Rives:
4. I give and bequeath unto my son Reuben Rives one Negro Man named Antho ny and all that tract of Land whereon I now live known by the name of t he Barrax with all the other Lands belonging to me adjoining said Tract, o ne good Feather Bed and Furniture, one good Horse Four Head of Cattle wi th other furniture necessary for a new beginner as to Housekeeping and wor king Tools sufficient for his plantation and unto him my said son Reuben h is heirs and assigns forever.
This line of RIVES changed the spelling of their surname to RIEVES.
CHATHAM COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Thomas Rives, 10 Jun 1807
NCSA film # C.022.80001
Will Bk. A, pg. 138
Will of Thomas Rives dated June 10, 1807, and proved February 1809, in
Chatham Co., N. C.
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Rives of the County of Chatham and
State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory
(blessed be to
God) do this tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and seven make and publish this my last Will and Testament
in manner and form following viz:
1st. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Rives in addition to the
land I have before given him One Negro Man named Step to him and his
heirs forever previously delivered unto my said son Thomas.
2nd. I give and bequeath unto my son Edwards Rives in addition to the
Land I have before given him, one Negro Man named Pompey to him and his
heirs forever previously delivered unto my said son Edwards.
3rd. I give and bequeath unto my son John Rives in addition to the Land
before given him one negro Man named Adam to him and his Heirs forever
previously delivered unto my said son John Rives.
4. I give and bequeath unto my son Reuben Rives one Negro Man named
Anthony and all that tract of Land whereon I now live known by the name
of the Barrax with all the other Lands belonging to me adjoining said Trac t, one good
Feather Bed and Furniture, one good Horse Four Head of Cattle with other f urniture
necessary for a new beginner as to Housekeeping and working Tools sufficie nt for his plantation and unto him my said son Reuben his heirs and assig ns forever.
5. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha Four Negroes (to wit)
Lucy and her two children named Jerry and London, also a negro Girl Prisci lla and their
increase unto my said daughter her heirs and assigns forever.
6th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Two Negro Women that is Fra nk and Clarissa, also one Negro girl Sarah and two negro Children one nam ed Lewis and the other Dilly and their increase unto my said daughter h er Heirs and assigns forever.
7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca a negro Winch called Silv ey a negro girl named Veney and a negro boy named Osborne and their increa se unto my said daughter Rebecca her Heirs and assigns forever.
8th. I give and bequeath unto my Two children William Rives and Johanna Tu rner Fifty dollars to be divided equally between them having given ea ch of them their portion of property at the time of my residence in Virgin ia.
9th. I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Mary Rives daught er of my son Thomas Rives, one Negro Girl called Lizza and her increase un to my said Grand daughter and her heirs forever.
10th. I leave unto my wife Mary Nine Negroes that is two fellows young Ph il and old Phil and three boys Caleb, James & John, also two Negro Wome n, Jude and Hannah & Hannah's two Daughters, Jinny and Jude and at my sa id Wife's decease I will that the nine Negroes should be equally divided a mong her
children to have and to hold them and their Heirs forever. I also lend un to my Wife Mary Rives as much of my Household furniture, Wagon, Still, wor king Tools, Horses and Stock those things I lend during her life or rath er such a part, as she shall deem necessary to support her comfortably dur ing her life and at
her decease to be equally divided among her Children. And I further devi se that my wife should have the use of the Land and plantation or as mu ch thereof as is necessary for her support comfortably during life and aft er that to be immediately be possessed by my son Reuben as before mentione d. Further I give and bequeath unto my present Wife's Children, seven negr oes that is old Ned Young Ned, Peter,
Tom, Stephen, Pere & a Negro Winch Clark with her increase. Also I will th at all my remaining Stock, furniture, Money &c. should be equally divid ed after paying all my Just debts among my present Wifes Children to ha ve to hold to them and their heirs forever.
And I hereby make and ordain my Four Sons Thomas, Edwards, John and
Reuben Rives and also my Three sons in law James McMath Robert Wilkinson a nd Abraham Gerred
executors of this my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & seal the day & year before written.
Thomas Rives (Seal).
Signed, Sealed & published
in presence of us
Wm. Edwards
J. B. Edwards
To those whom it concerns, be it remembered by them that as part of the Ne groes included in my Will were left unto my Wife Mary by her Father duri ng her life and at her decease to her Children Jointly; as such to preve nt any contention among my said children after my decease relative to sa id negroes I do hereby promote this obligation.
It is therefore that my said Children do hereby obligate and bind themselv es their heirs &c. firmly to abide by the contents of my last Will and Tes tament in full. And they do hereby agree if they should ever intentional ly either of them deviate from the same that then and in that case their p roperty contained in the Will shall devolve unto the other Legatees, other wise to remain firmly and substantially theirs as by the Will. In witne ss whereof they have hereunto set their hands and seals this 10th June 180 7.
John McMath
William Clark
Thomas Rives Seal
Edwards Rives Seal
John Rives Seal
Reuben Rives Seal
James McMath Seal
Robt. Wilkerson Seal
Abraham Gerred Seal
SOURCE: This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Nola Duff 01.t xt
Chatham Co., N.C.
pg. 257
Rogers, Henry, guardian to the heirs of:
Rives, Reuben, dec.
This page is almost impossible to read.
There is something about cash paid for boarding a James or Jency? and ca sh paid the heirs of Peter (Rives?)
Cash paid James McMath, Sr, in part for old Miss Rive's allowance. Cash pa id Wm. Lindley for goods for Polly or Mary.
Cash paid Jonathan Tripp for shcooling of Mary E R ?
Cash paid Charles Manly to defend the right of three negroes against Jam es Perry & wife.
Feb., 1827 Henry Rogers, guardian
pg. 143-154
Rives, John
Rives, Hannah?
Rives, Wm. , heirs of Rueben Rives, dec'd. - James H. Rogers, Guardian - 1 820-1823
(This account interspersed throughout the others)
pg. 206
Rives, Polly
Rives, Nancy- heirs of Reuben Rives - Henry Rogers, Guardian - 1824
pg. 226
Rives, Reuben, heirs of - Henry Rogers, Guardian - 1825
pg. 287
Rogers, Henry, guardian for the heirs of
Rives, Reuben, dec.
Cash paid to Peter's heirs (don't know if they mean Peter Rives or not)
Rent of the Mabane Field; Cash paid to Perry for keeping Sina/Lina ? & chi ldren.
Cash paid James Perry for boarding
Cash paid Perry, his part of Peter's heirs
Good from Lindley's Stroe, 1827 for Mary E. Rives