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- SOURCE for the following will: tham/wills/thcrotwi.txt
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Richard Crotwell [email protected]
Thomas Crutchfield was born about 1775 in Virginia, probably in
Caroline County. He was the son of Henry and Milley Terrell
Crutchfield. He married Hannah Elizabeth Perry about 1801 in Chatham
County, North Carolina. He was a Methodist minister and active in
organizing Mt. Vernon Methodist Church.
The following will is found in Book C (1834-1857) page 160, date 1844.
The original is at the North Carolina Archives.
Recorded in Chatham County, NC.
BE IT RESOLVED, that I Thomas Crutchfield of the county of Chatham and
State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory do make & ordain
this my last will & testament in manner & form following (viz)
Item - 1st. I give unto my son Wm. H. Crutchfield one negro boy by the
name of Alimond and other negro boy by the name of Wilks.
Item - 2. I give and bequath unto my daughter Elizabeth Whitehead a
negro boy by the name of Ruben and one girl by the name of Kizeah to
her & her heirs that is or may be borned from her body forever.
Item - 3. I give and bequath unto my daughter Martha Johnson a negro
woman by the name of Harriet & Harriet's boy child which is about two
weeks old and to her & her heirs that is or may be borned of her body
Item - 4. I give and bequath unto my Executors Wm. H. Crutchfield &
Mathias M. Johnson the following negro slaves (to wit) Mary, John,
Ransom, Hannah, Jooner & Anthony with their increases to have & to hold
to them, their executors, administrators and assigns forever, in trust
nevertheless & it is the intent of this my last will & testament that
my said Executors at their decision permit my daughter Sarah Terry to
have and occupy & enjoy the above named slaves for and during her
natural life in such manner however and it is hereby expressly proved
that permission by my Executors shall vest no interest whatever such as
in law shall be subject to the claims of any creditor of my said
daughter's husband John Terry in trust further at the death of my said
daughter Sarah Terry my said Executors or either of them or their
Executors or Administrators do make and execute unto my daughter Sarah
Terry's three children Martha Johnson, Louisa Hackney & Wm. H. Terry a
firm bill of sale to the above named negro slaves, as equal as
possible. I also give to my Executors for the purpose aforesaid one
sixth part of my estate of what might be left after paying all my just
debts and it is not otherwise disposed of.
Item - 5. I give and bequith unto my said Executors a certain tract or
parcel of land whereon my daughter Milly Right & her husband W.T. Right
now reside adjoining the land of Wm H. Crutchfield, Edmond Perry &
others supposed to contain 369 acres more or less together with a negro
woman by the name of Devina and her youngest child Bathia with their
increase to have & hold to them their Executor and assigners forever.
In trust nevertheless & it is the interest of this my last will &
testament that my said Executors at their decretion permit my daughter
Milly Right to have use & occupy & enjoy the above named tract of land
& the said negro slave for and during the natural term of her life in
such manner however & it is expressly provided that said permission by
my Executors shall vest no interest whatever such as in law shall be
subject to the claims of any creditor of my said daughter Milly Right's
husband Thomas Right in trust further that at the death of my daughter
Milly Right my said Executors or either of them or either of their
administrators or assigns do make and execute unto the children of my
said daughter Milly Right a firm bill of sale for said negroes as also
a firm deed of conveyance of said tract of as equal amongst the
children she now has or those she may have hereafter. I also give to my
said Executors one sixth of what may be left of my estate after paying
off my must debts and is not otherwise disposed of.
Item - 5. I give and bequath unto my said Executors a certain tract or
parcel of land whereon my daughter Nancy Clark and her husband James
Clark now reside adjoining the land of Robert Andrews, John Whitehead &
others containing 230 acres more or less together with one negro girl
by the name of Lucy with her increase to have & to hold to them their
executors administrators & assigns forever in trust nevertheless & it
is the interest of this my last will & testament that my said Executors
at their discretion permit my daughter Nancy Clark to have use occupy &
enjoy the above tract of land and said negro girl Lucy for and during
the term of her natural life in such manner however & it is herby
expressly provided that permission by my Executors shall vest no
interest whatever such as in law shall be subject to the claims of any
creditors of my daughter Nancy Clark husband James Clark in trust
further that at the death of my daughter Nancy Clark my said Executors
or either of them or either of their executors administratior do make &
execute unto the children of my daughter Nancy Clark, children as well
as those she now has as those she may have hereafter a firm and
absolute bill of sale of said negro girl as also a firm deed of
conveyance of said tract of land amongst the said children of my
daughter Nancy Clark as equal as possible. I also give to my said
Executors for the purpose aforesaid one sixth part of my estate that
might be left after paying off all of my just debts.
Item - 7. I give and bequeath unto my son William H. Crutchfield,
Martha Johnson & Elizabeth Whitehead one sixth part of my estate to
each of them which may be left after paying off all my just debts.
Item - 8. My will is that the plantation whereon I now reside together
with all my stock of all kinds crops household furniture Waggon tools
of all kinds be sold at public auction.
Item - 9. I do nominate constitute and appoint my son Wm. H.
Crutchfield & Mathias M. Johnson sole Executors of this my last will &
testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
the 23rd day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and fourty four.
Thomas Crutchfield (seal)
Signed sealed by the said Thomas
Crutchfield to be his last will &
testament in the presence of
S.H. Crutchfield
Eli Lineberry
Milton Frozer