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- More research on the following burial record:
JONES COUNTY GA Crutchfield Family Cemetery
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ken Smith [email protected] et
Location: Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge
Location: From Ga. Hwy. 11 in Round Oak turn left on West Vaco Rd. Foll ow this road until you cross Allison Creek. The cemetery is located just p ast the creek on the right of the roadway at a house place covered with wi steria.
Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge
Compartment 12 – West Vaco Road, approx .5 mile north across Allison Cre ek on right old house place with wisteria
Marc 20, 1849 – May 29, 1883
(Wife of B.A. Crutchfield)
"Oh Lord let me die. It is a great
thing to trust in God, glory hallelulia
glory be to my God.
I asked her had she made peace with God and she said yes, what a great thi ng
To have grace, glory be to my God, he has washed my sins away and I
Appreciate my God".
April 20, 1783 – Dec 22, 1859
(Wife of L.M. Maynard)
Died: Jan 5, 1920 age 51
"she was the sunshine of our home"
SOURCE: 47165886532+F
Houston COUNTY GA Historical Letter McCoy to Crutchfield
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Carol [email protected]
Houston County Georgia , November 28, 1860
Mr. John Crutchfield,
Dear cousin, I again write you a few lines informing you
a few lines informing you that we are all well, hoping
this to find you the same.We are very much disturbed of
our future event for we have made a very short crop and
can't sell cotton at all now. I saw corn sell yesterday
at a sale for 180 - 155 in twelve months time. There
amongst all of this, we have a President elected that our
Southern people it seems are determined not to serve
under. What affect it will have I cannot tell.
Well you requested for me to send the ages of you all
from the old record, I do so with pleasure.
Meredith Crutchfield was born April 28, 1818,
Thomas June 23, 1820
John was born November 18, 1823.
Sarah was born May 22,1828 died June 20, 1841.
Grandfather WM Statham June 19, 1846
Grandmother Frances Statham died June 16, 1848.
Aunt Eliza Statham died January 10, 1856 your mother's
age is not recorded but you can come near it by Uncle
John & Meredith if you know which of them were the
oldest, I will ascertain from the Tomb Stones and write
you in my next letter.
Dear cousin I hope you have received your money I have
your receipt for the amount and I have no idea of there
ever being any disfunction about it. For it is too small
amount for that. I have paid all the heirs and it has
been a great of trouble to me for there were so many
heirs. I wish you to take these receits I send and sign
and have them signed by a justice of the peace and two
witnesses as these have not the county and state on them.
That is all they lack.
Your true friend until death Meredith McCoy
In transcribing this letter I tried to keep it true to form
and much of the spelling the same as the original.
Transcribed by: Carol
Read about the Crutchfield family.
SOURCE: 5151551171+F
1827 GEORGIA LAND LOTTERY, Statewide By Name, Surnames Cowan - Cutwell
3, 15, 146, Crutchfield, Francis P Hancock County 10 2d Carroll County
5, 9, 58 , Crutchfield, Sea & Thos ill Wilkinson County Hal ls Carroll County
1, 10, 117, Crutchfield, Stapleton Jones Coun ty Stewarts Lee County
1850 GA Census, Jones Co.:
Division 47
3rd Aug 1850
C.A. Pitts, enumerator
Born in GA unless otherwise stated.
pg 181 printed #
pg 361 handwritten page #
715 Stapleton Crutchfield 66 m farmer $5,000 b. NC
Martha 62 f
716 Parsons Crutchfield 29 m overseer
Elizabeth 25 f
Nancy 6 f
?????? 3 f
Benjamin 2 m
Henry 5/12 m
1860 Mortality Schedule: NOTE: born c 1785 NC
Cruthfield, Staplton
Age: 76
Gender: M
Occupation: Farmer
Death Date: December, 1860
Death Location: Jones, Georgia
Cause: Liver Disease
Birth Location: North Carolina