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- Research further: Apprentices of Virginia
Virginia Apprentices, 1623-1800
Crutchfield, George
Master: Lipscomb, Phillip
Beginning date: 06/16/1783
Sex: male
Source: Fredericksburg Hustings Court Deeds A 1782-1787, 18-20
Spotsylvania Co.
Occupation: bricklayer
Ending date: unspecified
Race: white
Crutchfield, John
Master: Lipscomb, Phillip
Beginning date: 05/19/1783
Sex: male
Source: Fredericksburg Hustings Court Deeds A 1782-1787, 17-18
Spotsylvania Co.
Occupation: bricklayer
Ending date: unspecified
Race: white
Richard Crutchfield and wife Hannah, from Kent, England, were the i mmigrants of this family, settling in Gloucester County, Virginia. Their c hildren were Thomas, Fortunas, William, Rachel, Philip and Elizabet
William Crutchfield (1683-1759) was born in Gloucester Count y. He is believed to have married m. (1) Eleanor ______ and (2) a widow, J ane Stapleton Norman (c. 1715 - ?). He perhaps married a third time as h is Caroline County will named as executrix Rachel Crutchfield. Other resea rchers have provided a list of his children: William, John, Richard, Edmun d, Stapleton, Mary, Henry, Jane, James, Margaret, George and Thomas.
George Crutchfield was a minor (under 14) when his father William d ied in Caroline County, Virginia in 1757. His first guardians were Ambro se Lipscomb and Richard West. He was transferred to his older brother Stap leton in 1767. A patriot of the Revolution, his life before 1810 is a matt er of conjecture: it was previously believed that he arrived in the Cumber land settlement of Tennessee in 1781 with the Donelson Flotilla accompani ed by two brothers, John and William. Among these voyagers were also the t wo Overall sisters, Mary and Nancy. It now seems more possible that he w as the George Crutchfield who purchased 135 acres in Halifax County, VA fr om William and Jane Lawson in 1784. In 1810 he was in Smith Co., Tenness ee when he paid $400 to William Hogan for 210 acres and 25 poles on Septem ber 3, 1810. He also purchased land from Silas Williams in 1816. George 's wife was Dorcas ______ (Dicey). Their children were Thomas, Samuel, Joh n, Lettice and Mary. George's will was probated in 1824. He and several me mbers of his family are buried on the Kelly property on Hogan's Creek Ro ad about 3 miles south of Highway 70 in the 14th District of Smith Count y. Only a few broken stones remain on this original site of Hogan's Cre ek Community Church where there were once 75 to 100 graves and many engrav ed memorial markers. [We are indebted to Richard Crotwell of New Ber n, NC for new information about George Crutchfield's life which has giv en us a more accurate history of the family.]
Samuel Crutchfield (1789-1832) was born in Halifax County. He marri ed Nancy Allen Maholland(1790-1858). Their children were William, Dorca s, Sally, Lucy Smith, John, and George. He died in Wilson County, TN. T heir handsome brick home burned some years ago and the site, as well as t he abandoned family cemetery, is now impossible to locate.
Their daughter Lucy Smith Crutchfield (1823-1901) married Asbury Ov erall(1820-1904) and they made their home in Franklin, Tennessee. Unfortun ately their lives were disrupted and their property lost by the tragic eve nts of the Civil War battles in their community and the defeat of the Conf ederacy.
Another source:
"This is My Work and my Glory....."
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ID: I2491
Name: Richard Crutchfield
Given Name: Richard
Surname: Crutchfield
Sex: M
Death: Y
Change Date: 31 Jan at 16:01
Richard Crutchfield and wife Hannah, from Kent, England, were the immigran ts of this family, settling in Gloucester County, Virginia. Their childr en were Thomas, Fortunas, William, Rachel, Philip and Elizabeth.
William Crutchfield (1683-1759) was born in Gloucester County. He is belie ved to have married m. (1) Eleanor ______ and (2) a widow, Jane Staplet on Norman (c. 1715 - ?). He perhaps married a third time as his Caroline C ounty will named as executrix Rachel Crutchfield. Other researchers have p rovided a list of his children: William, John, Richard, Edmund, Stapleto n, Mary, Henry, Jane, James, Margaret, George and Thomas.
George Crutchfield was a minor (under 14) when his father William di ed in Caroline County, Virginia in 1757. His first guardians were Ambro se Lipscomb and Richard West. He was transferred to his older brother Stap leton in 1767. A patriot of the Revolution, his life before 1810 is a matt er of conjecture: it was previously believed that he arrived in the Cumber land settlement of Tennessee in 1781 with the Donelson Flotilla accompani ed by two brothers, John and William. Among these voyagers were also the t wo Overall sisters, Mary and Nancy. It now seems more possible that he w as the George Crutchfield who purchased 135 acres in Halifax County, VA fr om William and Jane Lawson in 1784. In 1810 he was in Smith Co., Tenness ee when he paid $400 to William Hogan for 210 acres and 25 poles on Septem ber 3, 1810. He also purchased land from Silas Williams in 1816. George 's wife was Dorcas ______ (Dicey). Their children were Thomas, Samuel, Joh n, Lettice and Mary. George's will was probated in 1824. He and several me mbers of his family are buried on the Kelly property on Hogan's Creek Ro ad about 3 miles south of Highway 70 in the 14th District of Smith Count y. Only a few broken stones remain on this original site of Hogan's Cre ek Community Church where there were once 75 to 100 graves and many engrav ed memorial markers. [We are indebted to Richard Crotwell of New Ber n, NC for new information about George Crutchfield's life which has giv en us a more accurate history of the family.]
Samuel Crutchfield (1789-1832) was born in Halifax County. He married Nan cy Allen Maholland(1790-1858). Their children were William, Dorcas, Sall y, Lucy Smith, John, and George. He died in Wilson County, TN. Their hands ome brick home burned some years ago and the site, as well as the abandon ed family cemetery, is now impossible to locate.
Their daughter Lucy Smith Crutchfield (1823-1901) married Asbury Overall(1 820-1904) and they made their home in Franklin, Tennessee. Unfortunately t heir lives were disrupted and their property lost by the tragic even ts of the Civil War battles in their community and the defeat of the Confe deracy.
Marriage 1 Catherine Crutchfield
Change Date:
Samuel Crutchfield