Notes |
- Source: 816510.ged ([email protected])
Source: Dick Cummings at: [email protected] [1998]. Data fr om James Hunter Chap. National Society of DAR, Madision, NC, 1981 and P at Patton's work for Charles Carter's book on the Carmichaels.
Some of the marriage data is unclear, but it appears that John m. Elizabe th Childress first. Dick Cummings didn't have her named at all, but rath er Elizabeth Dodson as the first marriage, bearing 5 children 1800-182 5. Could these two Elizabeths be the same person? It seems possible th at Chidress had been married to a Dodson, since she was 23 when she marri ed John Carmichael in 1798.
The Cummings data states that the 1850 Census shows John as 78 years ol d, living with daughter Susan; in 1860 Census, he was 86, living with daug hter Nancy and son-in-law, Meades Jones. In 1861 he was listed as 87 on h is marriage license application and his bride as 30!!
A 3 Sep 1798 date is associated with a John Carmichael, Halifax, VA. Is t his the marriage date?
Marriage 14 Sep 1817 (?) to Rachel Morton?