Notes |
- Research this death date further:
Death: 1920 in Balwyn, Victoria. 1
More research required on the following:
1920 UT Census, Bannock Co., Pocatello Twp., (part of Precinct 2?), Janua ry 5, 1920, E.D. 54, sheet 4-A:
53/64 (408 N. 7th St.)
Herbert KENNEDY, head (rents) m w 43y married b ?????? parents b PA (no oc cupation)
Anna, mother f w 73y married b PA parents b NC (no occupation)
More research required on following death certificate:
ID: 62703
Name of Deceased: KENNEDY, ANNA
Year: 1929
Certificate Number: 066090
County of Death: Bannock
Date of Death: 05/09/1929
Date of Birth: 99/99/9999
SOURCE: recordID=62703
Australian Mormon Emigrant Companies
Vessel: Julia Ann
Rig: Bark
Registry: U.S.; 372 tons
Master: C. Davis
# of LDS passengers: 63
Departure Port: Newcastle
Departure Date: March 22, 1854
Arrival Port: San Pedro
Arrival Date: June 12, 1854
Passage Days: 83
Company Leader: W. Hyde
Gordge, Ann, 1854, NA, Julia Ann, Australian Mission List on fiche 60725 03 p. 105
Gordge, David, 1854, NA, Julia Ann, Australian Mission List on fiche 60725 03 p. 105
Gordge, Mina or Merab, 1854, NA, Julia Ann, Australian Mission List on fic he 6072503 p. 105
Gordge, Son #1, 1854, NA, Julia Ann, Australian Mission List on fiche 6072 503 p. 105
Anderson, Ann Jorgensen, 1854, NA, Hans Peter Olsen, Journal History 5-Oct -1854 p. 7-9 microfilm 1259741