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- SOUTH IDAHO PRESS (online edition)
Sunday MAY 8, 2005 Last modified: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:23 PM C
Anna Lou Stromire Atkinson Wyss, 84-year-old Burley resident passed fr om this life on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004, at Parke View Care and Rehabilita tion Center in Burley.
She was born July 14, 1920, in Tyler, Mo., the seventh child of George Cha rles and Mary Jane Maxelberry Stromire. Her early years were spent in Mis souri, Arkansas and Iowa, where she attended schools.
She married William Raymond Atkinson on February 22, 1936, in Holland, M o. He preceded her in death on Dec. 20, 1993. Four children were bo rn to this union, Charles Edward, Marilyn Louise, Avalee Annette, and Donn ie Ray. Ann spent most of her adult life in Idaho. During World War I I, Ann and Ray moved to Portland, Ore., where they worked in the Kaiser Sh ipyards. She was a scaler and painter on submarines.
The family resided in Twin Falls for many years and Ann worked for the Mag ic Valley Medical Center in the staffing department. She also worked f or many years at Ore-Ida Foods and later Heinz Corporation. Ann was acti ve in church, where she loved to sing. She especially cherished her ma ny church families.
Survivors include a son, Charles Atkinson of Boise; two daughters, Maril yn (James) Mason of Nampa and Annette (Curt) Beukelman of Boise; a brothe r, Bob (Margaret) Stromire of Portland, Ore.; a sister, Ruth (Hubert) Andr ew of Rupert; two sisters-in-law, Lee Stromire of Spokane, Wash., and Esth er Stromire of Rupert; nine grandchildren; five great grandchildren; ten g reat great grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews who loved Aunt A nnie.
In addition to her husband she was preceded in death by her parents; thr ee brothers, Earl Stromire, George Stromire, and Hughes Stromire; three si sters, Stella Stromire, Ella Peterson, and Viola Smith; and a son, Donn ie Ray Atkinson on Aug. 25, 1994, and a great grandson.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004, at the P ayne Memorial Chapel, 221 West Main Street, in Burley, with Pastor Walt Th ompson officiating. Burial will be in the Paul Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Payne Mortuary on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and o ne hour prior to the funeral on Wednesday.
Published Monday, October 25, 2004