Notes |
- Rev. Haute Wyatt of Jamestown, VA is mentioned as a descendant of the Plan tagenet family of England. See publication: _detail.asp?afid=&ID=4894
See publication: Plantagenet Ancestry , A Study in Colonial and Medieval F amilies by Douglas Richardson [ ISBN 0806317507 ]
Haute Wyatt 1595-1638) was minister of the church at Jamestown, Va., 1621 -25; returned to England. He was born and died in Kentshire, England.
Rev. Hawte Wyatt 1594-1638, the second son of Sir George, married first B arbara Elizabeth Mitford, and secondly Anne Coxe. The children by his fir st marriage were: Edward Wyatt (1620-c1670) who married Jane Conquest; Geo rge Wyatt (1622-1671/2) said to have married Susanna (last name unknown ); and Thomas Wyatt who died in infancy. Rev Hawte Wyatt and his second w ife were the parents of John who was born in England in 1630 and came to V irginia in 1658; and a girl, Anne.
The Rev. Hawte Wyatt was born at Boxley Manor in the Parish of Box ley in the County of Kent in England in 1594, and he was named for his pat ernal grandmother. He came to Virginia with his brother, Sir Francis Wya tt and his wife and young son Edward, one year old. They arrived in James town in October, 1621. His second son, George, was born in Jamestown shor tly after the Indian massacre of Good Friday in March, 1622. The two brot hers remained in Jamestown until after the death of their father, who w as buried at Boxley September 1, 1624. Both Rev. Hawte and Sir Francis as ked to be relieved of their posts in Jamestown, and they returned to Engla nd with their families. Rev. Hawte Wyatt later became vicar of Boxley whe re he remained until his death 31 July 1638, but Sir Francis returned to V irginia thirteen years later and served a second term as Governor.
A monumental inscription in Boxley Church, Kent County, Engla nd to the Wyatt family states that the Rev. Haute Wyatt died vicar of Boxl ey Parish and that he had issue living in Virginia.
For information on WYATT/DORSEY line listed in MAGNA CARTA:
Immigrant Ancestor Page for Haute Wyatt - Magna Carta:
For information on WYATT/STAFFORD line (Rev. Haute Wyatt) see: (See below)
1. HAUTE1 WYATT1,2,3,4,5,6 was born Bet. 1594-1596 in Boxley, Kent, Englan d, and died July 31, 1638 in Boxley, Kent, England. He married (1) BARBA RA ELIZABETH MITFORD7 February 6, 1617/18. He married (2) ANN COX8 Aft. 16 26.
Notes for HAUTE WYATT:
Haute/Hawte Wyatt, was born 1594 in Boxley, Kent County, England. One sour ce say he was born June 4, 1594 and other sources say 1596. He matriculat ed at Queens College, Oxford, Oct 25, 1611, aged 17, and was a stude nt at Grays Inn. He was later ordained a Priest in the Church of Englan d. At a Court held in London for Virginia, July 16, 1621, "Sir Francis Wya tt's brother beinge a M[aste]r of Arts and a good divine and very willin ge to goe wth him this present Voyadge, migant be entertayned and plac ed as MInister over his people and have ye same allowance towards the furn ishings of himself wth the necessaries as others have hadd, and that his w ife might have her transporte freed, wch motion was thought verie reasonab le..." Haute Wyatt and Francis Wyatt, who had been appointed governor, arr ived Oct./Nov. 1621 at the James River with a fleet of 9 ships, on board t he George. "Hant Wyatt, Minister" was living in James City on Feb. 16, 162 3/4, but does not appear in the muster of January 1624/5. He had return ed to England by that date. Haute Wyatt married February 6, 1618, to Barba ra Elizbeth Mitford by whom he had two sons, George and Edward. It appea rs that the wife did not go to Virginia with him as she does not appe ar in any Virginia records. After returning to England, another son Thom as was born in 1626 and died in April 1627 at Boxley. Barbara Elizabeth di ed Oct 31, 1626, a few weeks after the birth of her son. Haute then marri ed Ann, whose surname was said to be Cox [or Cocke], daughter of John a nd Ann (Lee) Cox. A son John born in 1630 and a daughter Anne was born bef ore the second wife's death in February 1631. Rev. Haute Wyatt became mini ster of Marston Chapel in 1629 and became Vicar of Boxley in 1632 whe re he served until his death on July 31, 1638. He was buried in the Chanc el of Boxley Church on August 1. His mother Lady Jane Finch Wyatt was livi ng with him and caring for his children. He left no will and she appear ed in the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Oct. 26, 1638, and petition ed for administration of the estate of her son, "Mr. Haute Wyatt, late Vic ar of Boxley in Kent." In the reports of administration, filed April 29, 1 639, by Lady Jane, rent due to Sir Francis Wyatt of Boxley was listed a nd also money paid out in behalf of Haute Wyatt's children namely, "Georg e, aged 19; Edward, aged 17; John, aged 10; and Anne aged 7." In the chur ch at Boxley there is a memorial erected in 1702 by Edwin Wyatt in memo ry of several members of his family. The epitaph includes the following: " George Wiat left also Hawt Wiat who died vicar of this parish, and hath is sue liveing in Virginia." Much of the material in the above Notes is fr om Annie Lash Jester, comp. and ed., Adventurers of Purse and Person Virgi nia 1607-1625 (1964), 718-720.