Notes |
- 2. JOHN2 WYATT I (HAUTE1)15,16,17 was born 1630 in Boxley, Kent, Englan d, and died Aft. 1666 in Virginia. He married (1) MARY COCKE Abt. 165 0. He married (2) JANE OSBORNE18 Abt. 1653, daughter of THOMAS OSBORNE.
Notes for JOHN WYATT I:
John Wyatt I, the son of Rev. Haute Wyatt and his 2nd wife Anne Cox, was c ared for by his grandmother Lady Jane Finch Wyatt, as his mother had di ed in 1631. He came to America as a young man and was claimed as a headrig ht by Colonel Thomas Pettus in 1652. Pettus received 1, 000 acres in Westmo reland County,Virginia, in a patent dated Feb. 10, 1652, for transporti ng 20 persons, including John Wyatt. See Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers a nd Pioneers, Vol. 1, p. 389. John Wyatt I was twice married. Around 16 50 he married Mary Cocke and had sons Edmund and William. After Mary's dea th John married Jane Osborne and had by her a son John and daughter Ann e. John Wyatt I was mentioned in the will of his cousin Eleanor Wyatt, (16 24-1649), the only child of Haute Wyatt's brother Henry. She died in 16 49 in England and left a bequest of 40 pounds to John and 50 pounds to h is sister Anne. See "Virginia Gleanings in England," Virginia Historical M agazine 31 (1923), 239. Anne later came to Virginia and was among the head rights claimed by John Ashley in 1653. There is a family tradition that Jo hn Wyatt I, known as Capt. John Wyatt, was a sea captain and ran a li ne of merchant ships between England and Barbados. "Possibly Rev. Haute 's son John was the Capt. John Wyatt, of York, 1646-65, at whose hou se in 1655 Maj. William Wyatt and others witnessed 'an acknowledgment by t he protector of the young king of the Chicksoyacks to Edward Wyatt.'" S ee P. Stacy, "Major William Wyatt of St. Stephen's," Tyler's Quarterly Mag azine 26 (October 1944), 119.
Jane Osborne was the daughter of Captain Thomas Osborne who had come to Vi rginia about 1611.
Children of JOHN WYATT and MARY COCKE are:
i. EDMUND3 WYATT, b. 1651.
ii. WILLIAM WYATT, b. 1652; d. Abt. 1686; m. REBEKAH KENT.
Children of JOHN WYATT and JANE OSBORNE are:
3. iii. JOHN3 WYATT II, b. 1655, Virginia; d. Abt. 1714, Virginia.
iv. ANNE WYATT, b. 1657.