Notes |
- According to newspaper artical, they came to Dallas County from Illino
is in 1852.
Interment was in the Masonic Cemetery(Garland Rd & Miller Rd, Garland, TX
). Survived by four children, Jesse Jones of Garland, Watt Jones of Richa
rdson, Mrs. Annie Jones and Mrs. R. H. Griffin of Dallas. Four neices, Mr
s. Katie Bond, Mrs. Ed C. Smith and Mrs. Maud Crossman of Dallas and Mr
s. Ed Pendleten of Garland.
Tx Marriage Index, Aug 1846 - Oct 1963, Vol 00C, page 0382. Marri
ed by T. E. Sherwood on September 22, 1867, in Dallas County.
1870 Census, Dallas County, TX, page 479, lines 30, 31.
1880 Census, Hill County, TX, Vol 17 ED 16 or 76, Sheet 1, Line 42: Jam
es T, Margaret, Annie, Wattie, Jesse, Nellie & Elizabeth.
1900 TX Soundex, Dallas County, Garland, Vol 27, ED 131, Sh 8, Line 67: li
sts Margaret as head of household. Sallie Jones, daughter in law living w
ith her.
This must have been Jesse's wife.
1910 TX Soundex, Dallas County, Garland, Vol 37, ED 85, Sh 9: lists Marga
ret in home of Jesse and Sarah.
1920 TX Soundex, Dallas County, Garland, ED 87, Sh 13, line 29: lists Mar
garet in home of Jesse and Sarah.