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- STAFFORD, Frederick Dial. 101 Park Av.; res. 854 West 181st St, New York, N. Y. Civil Engr; b. Keokuk, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1885; s. Frederick McKee and Alice (Montgomery) Stafford; grad. Va. Mil. Tnst. Concrete inspr, 1000-07; instrumentman on constrn work, 1008; asst to res. engr, 1000-10, res. engr, 1011-14, Hales Bar Lock ,v Dam; constrn engr, Chattanooga & Tenn. River Power Co., 1014-17: res. engr, Lockwood, Greene & Co., New York, N. Y., since 1019. Capt. 105th Engrs, ten months' service in France, five of which was at the front with 30th Div., in three maj. engagements. Asso. mem. Am. Soc. C.E. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Mountain City, Chattanooga Golf & Country, Chattanooga Cotillon. Democrat. Presbyterian.
Who's who in engineering, Volume 1 edited by John William Leonard, Winfield Scott Downs, M. M. Lewis
Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers – Roll of Honor Military Service
Stafford, Frederick Dial entered service Sept 3, 1917; Capt Engineers, NA to Sept 27, 1917; Overseas service May 26, 1918-March 1, 1919; Discharged Sept 4 1919; Company Commander, 105th Engineers; Engr. Purchasing office, Paris; Office Chf of Engineers, Wash DC; Four Stars.